($) [Pp.Infix] |
($) [Pp] |
The infix operator x $ y concatenates two documents x and y into a
larger one.
($/) [Pp.Infix] |
($/) [Pp] |
Instead of writing x $ break $ y to insert a break it is convenient to
define an operator for this: x ^/ y joins x and y with a break .
($//) [Pp.Infix] |
($//) [Pp] |
Joins two documents with a break_null .
(%:) [Deprecated_fcommand] |
(++) [Deprecated_fcommand] |
spec1 ++ spec2 composes command-line specifications spec1 and
spec2 .
(==>) [Lazy_sequence] |
(==>>) [Lazy_sequence] |
(>:) [Generic] |
(>>|) [Generic] |
(~%) [Printc] |
alias for sprintf
(~:) [Printc] |
alias for String.concat
__ [Generic] |
__color_of_sexp__ [Color_print] |
__pa_ounit_275876e34cf609db118f3d84b799a790 [Std] |
__pa_ounit_275876e34cf609db118f3d84b799a790 [Invariant] |
__pa_ounit_275876e34cf609db118f3d84b799a790 [Extended_option] |
__pa_ounit_275876e34cf609db118f3d84b799a790 [Extended_monad] |
__t_of_sexp__ [Prod_or_test] |
__value_of_sexp__ [Procfs.Process.Limits.Rlimit] |
A |
active [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
active [Procfs.Meminfo] |
add [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
add [Trie.S] |
add [Multi_map] |
add [Fold_map.S2] |
add [Fold_map.S] |
add m ~key ~data adds the key to the value already bound to key in m .
add [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
add [Environment] |
add [Crit_bit] |
add [Cbuffer] |
add [Cache.S] |
add [Cache.Keep_all] |
add [Cache.Lru] |
add_char [Shell__line_buffer] |
add_datum [Stats_reporting] |
add_datum_float [Stats_reporting] |
add_exn [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
add_multi [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
add_string [Shell__line_buffer] |
add_substring [Shell__line_buffer] |
add_substring b s ofs len takes len characters from offset ofs in
string s and appends them at the end of the buffer b .
address_space [Procfs.Process.Limits.Fields] |
address_space [Procfs.Process.Limits] |
adjust_if_required [Stats_reporting] |
age [Sys_utils.Cpu_use] |
agrp [Pp] |
The automatic group agrp is the most versatile.
alert [Loggers.LOGGER] |
alist [Pp] |
all [Posix_clock] |
all_levs [Syslog] |
all_levs array of all logging levels sorted in ascending order.
all_same [Patience_diff.Hunk] |
all_same hunk returns true if hunk contains only Same ranges.
all_same [Patience_diff.Range] |
all_same [Patience_diff] |
get_status hunks returns `Same if each hunk in hunks has only Same ranges.
all_str_levs [Syslog] |
all_str_levs array of all logging levels as strings sorted in
ascending order.
anon [Deprecated_fcommand] |
anon_pages [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
anon_pages [Procfs.Meminfo] |
any_of_sexp [Extended_array.Access_control] |
append [Lazy_sequence] |
append [Lazy_list] |
append [Extended_array.Access_control] |
append_to_path [Environment] |
arg [Deprecated_command.Flag.Action] |
an action for a flag that takes an additional string argument
arg_mut [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
atom [Extended_sexp] |
atomic_edit [Atomic_edit] |
atomic_edit ~f filepath edit filepath by making a unique copy (peer)
that can be openly changed without holding any locks on the original.
B |
bash [Deprecated_command.Autocomplete] |
create actions command_line gets the completion suggestions that
bash's compgen would generate for the selected actions and the
last word of the command_line .
bench [Deprecated_bench] |
bench_raw [Deprecated_bench] |
bench_raw returns a list documenting the runtimes rather than printing to
bigint_of_sexp [Procfs] |
bin_any [Extended_array.Access_control] |
bin_color [Color_print] |
bin_elt [Packed_array.Basic] |
bin_field [Stats_reporting] |
bin_flag [Extended_linux.Splice] |
bin_key [Packed_map.S] |
bin_mallinfo [Malloc] |
bin_name [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
bin_opt [Malloc] |
Malloc options
bin_read_any [Extended_array.Access_control] |
bin_read_any_ [Extended_array.Access_control] |
bin_read_any__ [Extended_array.Access_control] |
bin_read_color [Color_print] |
bin_read_color_ [Color_print] |
bin_read_color__ [Color_print] |
bin_read_elt [Packed_array.Basic] |
bin_read_elt_ [Packed_array.Basic] |
bin_read_elt__ [Packed_array.Basic] |
bin_read_field [Stats_reporting] |
bin_read_field_ [Stats_reporting] |
bin_read_field__ [Stats_reporting] |
bin_read_flag [Extended_linux.Splice] |
bin_read_flag_ [Extended_linux.Splice] |
bin_read_flag__ [Extended_linux.Splice] |
bin_read_key [Packed_map.S] |
bin_read_key_ [Packed_map.S] |
bin_read_key__ [Packed_map.S] |
bin_read_mallinfo [Malloc] |
bin_read_mallinfo_ [Malloc] |
bin_read_mallinfo__ [Malloc] |
bin_read_name [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
bin_read_name_ [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
bin_read_name__ [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
bin_read_opt [Malloc] |
bin_read_opt_ [Malloc] |
bin_read_opt__ [Malloc] |
bin_read_snapshot [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
bin_read_snapshot_ [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
bin_read_snapshot__ [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
bin_read_statvfs [Extended_unix] |
bin_read_statvfs_ [Extended_unix] |
bin_read_statvfs__ [Extended_unix] |
bin_read_t [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
bin_read_t [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
bin_read_t [Selector.String_list_selector] |
bin_read_t [Selector.String_selector.Regexp] |
bin_read_t [Selector.String_selector] |
bin_read_t [Selector.Date_selector] |
bin_read_t [Prod_or_test] |
bin_read_t [Packed_map.Value] |
bin_read_t [Packed_map.Key] |
bin_read_t [Packed_map.S] |
bin_read_t [Extended_unix.Mac_address] |
bin_read_t [Extended_int64.Filesize] |
bin_read_t_ [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
bin_read_t_ [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
bin_read_t_ [Selector.String_list_selector] |
bin_read_t_ [Selector.String_selector.Regexp] |
bin_read_t_ [Selector.String_selector] |
bin_read_t_ [Selector.Date_selector] |
bin_read_t_ [Prod_or_test] |
bin_read_t_ [Packed_map.Value] |
bin_read_t_ [Packed_map.Key] |
bin_read_t_ [Packed_map.S] |
bin_read_t_ [Extended_unix.Mac_address] |
bin_read_t_ [Extended_int64.Filesize] |
bin_read_t__ [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
bin_read_t__ [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
bin_read_t__ [Selector.String_list_selector] |
bin_read_t__ [Selector.String_selector.Regexp] |
bin_read_t__ [Selector.String_selector] |
bin_read_t__ [Selector.Date_selector] |
bin_read_t__ [Prod_or_test] |
bin_read_t__ [Packed_map.Value] |
bin_read_t__ [Packed_map.Key] |
bin_read_t__ [Packed_map.S] |
bin_read_t__ [Extended_unix.Mac_address] |
bin_read_t__ [Extended_int64.Filesize] |
bin_read_type_desc [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
bin_read_type_desc_ [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
bin_read_type_desc__ [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
bin_read_uids [Extended_linux] |
bin_read_uids_ [Extended_linux] |
bin_read_uids__ [Extended_linux] |
bin_read_value [Packed_map.S] |
bin_read_value_ [Packed_map.S] |
bin_read_value__ [Packed_map.S] |
bin_reader_any [Extended_array.Access_control] |
bin_reader_color [Color_print] |
bin_reader_elt [Packed_array.Basic] |
bin_reader_field [Stats_reporting] |
bin_reader_flag [Extended_linux.Splice] |
bin_reader_key [Packed_map.S] |
bin_reader_mallinfo [Malloc] |
bin_reader_name [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
bin_reader_opt [Malloc] |
bin_reader_snapshot [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
bin_reader_statvfs [Extended_unix] |
bin_reader_t [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
bin_reader_t [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
bin_reader_t [Selector.String_list_selector] |
bin_reader_t [Selector.String_selector.Regexp] |
bin_reader_t [Selector.String_selector] |
bin_reader_t [Selector.Date_selector] |
bin_reader_t [Prod_or_test] |
bin_reader_t [Packed_map.Value] |
bin_reader_t [Packed_map.Key] |
bin_reader_t [Packed_map.S] |
bin_reader_t [Extended_unix.Mac_address] |
bin_reader_t [Extended_int64.Filesize] |
bin_reader_type_desc [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
bin_reader_uids [Extended_linux] |
bin_reader_value [Packed_map.S] |
bin_size_any [Extended_array.Access_control] |
bin_size_color [Color_print] |
bin_size_elt [Packed_array.Basic] |
bin_size_field [Stats_reporting] |
bin_size_flag [Extended_linux.Splice] |
bin_size_key [Packed_map.S] |
bin_size_mallinfo [Malloc] |
bin_size_name [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
bin_size_opt [Malloc] |
bin_size_snapshot [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
bin_size_statvfs [Extended_unix] |
bin_size_t [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
bin_size_t [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
bin_size_t [Selector.String_list_selector] |
bin_size_t [Selector.String_selector.Regexp] |
bin_size_t [Selector.String_selector] |
bin_size_t [Selector.Date_selector] |
bin_size_t [Prod_or_test] |
bin_size_t [Packed_map.Value] |
bin_size_t [Packed_map.Key] |
bin_size_t [Packed_map.S] |
bin_size_t [Extended_unix.Mac_address] |
bin_size_t [Extended_int64.Filesize] |
bin_size_type_desc [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
bin_size_uids [Extended_linux] |
bin_size_value [Packed_map.S] |
bin_snapshot [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
bin_statvfs [Extended_unix] |
bin_t [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
bin_t [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
bin_t [Selector.String_list_selector] |
bin_t [Selector.String_selector.Regexp] |
bin_t [Selector.String_selector] |
bin_t [Selector.Date_selector] |
bin_t [Prod_or_test] |
bin_t [Packed_map.Value] |
bin_t [Packed_map.Key] |
bin_t [Packed_map.S] |
bin_t [Extended_unix.Mac_address] |
bin_t [Extended_int64.Filesize] |
bin_type_desc [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
bin_uids [Extended_linux] |
bin_value [Packed_map.S] |
bin_write_any [Extended_array.Access_control] |
bin_write_any_ [Extended_array.Access_control] |
bin_write_color [Color_print] |
bin_write_color_ [Color_print] |
bin_write_elt [Packed_array.Basic] |
bin_write_elt_ [Packed_array.Basic] |
bin_write_field [Stats_reporting] |
bin_write_field_ [Stats_reporting] |
bin_write_flag [Extended_linux.Splice] |
bin_write_flag_ [Extended_linux.Splice] |
bin_write_key [Packed_map.S] |
bin_write_key_ [Packed_map.S] |
bin_write_mallinfo [Malloc] |
bin_write_mallinfo_ [Malloc] |
bin_write_name [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
bin_write_name_ [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
bin_write_opt [Malloc] |
bin_write_opt_ [Malloc] |
bin_write_snapshot [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
bin_write_snapshot_ [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
bin_write_statvfs [Extended_unix] |
bin_write_statvfs_ [Extended_unix] |
bin_write_t [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
bin_write_t [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
bin_write_t [Selector.String_list_selector] |
bin_write_t [Selector.String_selector.Regexp] |
bin_write_t [Selector.String_selector] |
bin_write_t [Selector.Date_selector] |
bin_write_t [Prod_or_test] |
bin_write_t [Packed_map.Value] |
bin_write_t [Packed_map.Key] |
bin_write_t [Packed_map.S] |
bin_write_t [Extended_unix.Mac_address] |
bin_write_t [Extended_int64.Filesize] |
bin_write_t_ [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
bin_write_t_ [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
bin_write_t_ [Selector.String_list_selector] |
bin_write_t_ [Selector.String_selector.Regexp] |
bin_write_t_ [Selector.String_selector] |
bin_write_t_ [Selector.Date_selector] |
bin_write_t_ [Prod_or_test] |
bin_write_t_ [Packed_map.Value] |
bin_write_t_ [Packed_map.Key] |
bin_write_t_ [Packed_map.S] |
bin_write_t_ [Extended_unix.Mac_address] |
bin_write_t_ [Extended_int64.Filesize] |
bin_write_type_desc [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
bin_write_type_desc_ [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
bin_write_uids [Extended_linux] |
bin_write_uids_ [Extended_linux] |
bin_write_value [Packed_map.S] |
bin_write_value_ [Packed_map.S] |
bin_writer_any [Extended_array.Access_control] |
bin_writer_color [Color_print] |
bin_writer_elt [Packed_array.Basic] |
bin_writer_field [Stats_reporting] |
bin_writer_flag [Extended_linux.Splice] |
bin_writer_key [Packed_map.S] |
bin_writer_mallinfo [Malloc] |
bin_writer_name [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
bin_writer_opt [Malloc] |
bin_writer_snapshot [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
bin_writer_statvfs [Extended_unix] |
bin_writer_t [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
bin_writer_t [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
bin_writer_t [Selector.String_list_selector] |
bin_writer_t [Selector.String_selector.Regexp] |
bin_writer_t [Selector.String_selector] |
bin_writer_t [Selector.Date_selector] |
bin_writer_t [Prod_or_test] |
bin_writer_t [Packed_map.Value] |
bin_writer_t [Packed_map.Key] |
bin_writer_t [Packed_map.S] |
bin_writer_t [Extended_unix.Mac_address] |
bin_writer_t [Extended_int64.Filesize] |
bin_writer_type_desc [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
bin_writer_uids [Extended_linux] |
bin_writer_value [Packed_map.S] |
blit [Extended_array.Access_control] |
block [Pp] |
A block contains objects xs formatted by f and enclosed by curly
blocked [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
blocked [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
blue [Color_print] |
blueprintf [Color_print] |
bold [Color_print] |
boldprintf [Color_print] |
bool [Deprecated_command.Flag.Action] |
an action for a flag that takes an additional bool argument
bool [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
bool_acc [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
bool_mut [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
bounce [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
bounce [Procfs.Meminfo] |
break [Pp] |
The important points in a document are so-called break s.
break_null [Pp] |
break_null behaves like break except it does not insert anything when no
newline is inserted.
break_with [Pp] |
The space character used by break my be not always appropriate.
bsearch [Search_foo] |
bsearch2 [Search_foo] |
bsearch2_exn [Search_foo] |
bsearch2_opt [Search_foo] |
bsearch_exn [Search_foo] |
bsearch_opt [Search_foo] |
bsearch_val [Search_foo] |
bsearch_val_exn [Search_foo] |
bsearch_val_opt [Search_foo] |
btry_wrap_r_lock [Rw_mutex] |
btry_wrap_r_lock mtx f tries to lock mtx for a reader without
blocking, executes f and unlocks the mutex again.
btry_wrap_w_lock [Rw_mutex] |
btry_wrap_w_lock mtx f tries to lock mtx for a writer without
blocking, executes f and unlocks the mutex again.
buffers [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
buffers [Procfs.Meminfo] |
build [Lazy_list] |
bytes [Extended_unix.Quota] |
bytes_of_sexp [Extended_unix.Quota] |
C |
cached [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
cached [Procfs.Meminfo] |
calibrate_snapshot [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
call_with_cache [Cache.S] |
call_with_cache [Cache.Keep_all] |
call_with_cache [Cache.Lru] |
callback [Shell.Process] |
capture_remaining_command_line [Deprecated_fcommand] |
cartesian_product [Lazy_list] |
cb_compare [Cbuffer] |
compare two buffer fragments
change [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
channel [Iter] |
call f on channel until End_of_file
channel_progress [Iter] |
create a progress function for an input channel
check [Sys_utils.Sexp_checked_edit] |
check [Number.Verified_spec] |
check_index [Cbuffer] |
check_sexps [Sys_utils.Sexp_checked_edit] |
checked_edit [Sys_utils] |
checked_edit ~check file
choice [Readline] |
choice ["a",a;"b",b]
Prompts the user to choose a between several value (associated to strings)
and returns the value chosen by the user.
classify [Extended_list] |
classify l ~equal ~f elements x and y of list l are assigned to the
same class iff equal (f x) (f y) returns true.
clear [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
clear [Deprecated_command.Annotated_field] |
clear [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
clear [Cache.S] |
clear [Cache.Store] |
Remove all the values from the store.
clear [Cache.Strategy] |
Inform the strategy that all the elements where dropped from the store.
clear [Cache.Keep_all] |
clear [Cache.Lru] |
clear [Bitarray] |
clear t set the contents of every element to false O(n / (word_size - 2))
clear_filter [Logger] |
removes the filter from a log
clock_mono_getres [Time_stamp_counter] |
clock_mono_gettime [Time_stamp_counter] |
clock_rt_getres [Time_stamp_counter] |
Some experimentation with different clocks
clock_rt_gettime [Time_stamp_counter] |
close [Linebuf] |
Closes the line buffer (and the underlying file).
close [Lazy_sequence.Iterator] |
close [Find] |
close t drops all the resources associated with t.
closelog [Syslog] |
closelog () closes the connection to the syslog daemon.
cmajflt [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
cmajflt [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
cmd [Shell.Process] |
cmd [Deprecated_fcommand] |
cmdline [Procfs.Process.Fields] |
cmdline [Procfs.Process] |
cminflt [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
cminflt [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
cmp_fasc [Search_foo] |
cmp_fdesc [Search_foo] |
cnswap [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
cnswap [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
codename [Sys_utils.Lsb_release.Fields] |
codename [Sys_utils.Lsb_release] |
collate [Extended_string] |
collate s1 s2 sorts string in an order that's is usaully more suited
for human consumption by treating ints specificaly:
color [Color_print] |
color_of_sexp [Color_print] |
colorprintf [Color_print] |
comm [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
comm [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
commalist [Pp] |
command [Deprecated_service_command] |
command [Deprecated_command.Version] |
Provides a "version" subcommand.
commands_only [Invocation] |
comment [Extended_sexp] |
Takes a string and returns the same string but commented according to
sexp's syntax
commit_limit [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
commit_limit [Procfs.Meminfo] |
committed_as [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
committed_as [Procfs.Meminfo] |
compactions_occurred [Deprecated_bench.Result] |
compare [Trie.Key.Part] |
compare [Prod_or_test] |
compare [Extended_list] |
compare [Extended_filename] |
Filename.compare is a comparaison that normalizes filenames ("./a" = "a") use
a more human ready algorithm based on String.collate
("rfc02.txt > rfc1.txt") and extenstions ("a.c" > "a.h").
compare_lev [Syslog] |
compare_lev lev1 lev2 compares logging levels lev1 and lev2 .
compress_table_header [Text_block] |
concat [Splay_tree.S] |
concat [Packed_array.Of_packed_array] |
concat [Lazy_sequence] |
concat [Lazy_list] |
concat [Iter] |
concatenate a list of iterators
concat_list [Lazy_list] |
concat_list_seq [Lazy_sequence] |
concat_map [Lazy_sequence] |
concat_seq_list [Lazy_sequence] |
confirm [Readline] |
Prompts for an answer.
connect_tmout [Net_utils] |
Connect a socket with a connect timeout
cons [Lazy_list] |
const [Deprecated_fcommand] |
contains [Trie.S] |
content [Shell.Process] |
content_and_stderr [Shell.Process] |
contents [String_zipper] |
contents [Readline__input_loop] |
copy [Lazy_sequence.Iterator] |
copy [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
copy [Extended_array.Access_control] |
copy_data [Cbuffer] |
copies data from one array to another.
core_file_size [Procfs.Process.Limits.Fields] |
core_file_size [Procfs.Process.Limits] |
cp [Shell] |
cps_create [Cache.Store] |
cps_create is given in CPS form to enable chaining.
cps_create [Cache.Strategy] |
cps_create ~f is given in CPS form to enable chaining.
cpu_mhz [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
cpu_t_of_sexp [Procfs.Kstat] |
cpu_time [Procfs.Process.Limits.Fields] |
cpu_time [Procfs.Process.Limits] |
cpu_use [Sys_utils.Cpu_use] |
cpu_use gives an estimated CPU usage (between 0 and 1) in the time period between
the last 2 calls to update_exn .
create [Update_queue] |
create [Trie.S] |
create [Sys_utils.Lsb_release.Fields] |
create [String_zipper] |
create [Shell__line_buffer] |
create ~eol f
Create a new line buffer where f will be called once on every line.
create [Sampler] |
create dist compiles a discrete probability distribution into a form
supporting constant-time sampling.
create [Rw_mutex] |
create pref
create [Readline__input_loop] |
create [Readline.History] |
create [Random_selection] |
create ~random_state desired_sample_size creates an empty sample of 'a values.
create [Procfs.Mount.Fields] |
create [Procfs.Net.Tcp.Fields] |
create [Procfs.Net.Route.Fields] |
create [Procfs.Net.Dev.Fields] |
create [Procfs.Loadavg.Fields] |
create [Procfs.Kstat.Fields_of_cpu_t] |
create [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
create [Procfs.Process.Fields] |
create [Procfs.Process.Fd.Fields] |
create [Procfs.Process.Status.Fields] |
create [Procfs.Process.Statm.Fields] |
create [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
create [Procfs.Process.Limits.Fields] |
create [Procfs.Process.Limits.Rlimit.Fields] |
create [Logger] |
- max_size - the maximum size of each log file (default 50Mb) mode - mode to open the files in, max_archives - maximum number of archives to keep (default 4), full_callback - called when the logger queue backs up so far that log items
may have been lost. Defaults to doing nothing., filter - if set, then every message is passed to filter before actually being
logged. If filter returns false the message is dropped., message_to_string - called to convert your message type to a string for logging
create [List_zipper] |
create [Linebuf] |
Open a line buffer from the passed filename.
create [Lazy_sequence.Iterator] |
create [Lazy_list.Iterator] |
create [Find] |
create ?options dir create a Find.t based in dir
create [Extended_array.Access_control] |
create [Exception_check] |
create should not be called more than once
create [Deprecated_command.Flags_ext] |
create [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
create [Deprecated_command] |
create [Deprecated_bench.Test] |
create [Cbuffer] |
create [Cache.S] |
create [Cache.Keep_all] |
create [Cache.Lru] |
create [Bitarray] |
create size size must be less than ((word size - 2) * max array length)
create0 [Deprecated_command] |
create_choice [Deprecated_command.Flags_ext] |
create_choice_optional [Deprecated_command.Flags_ext] |
create_default [Logger] |
creates a log using the default message type and a filter that drops
`Debug messages
create_field [Stats_reporting] |
create_many [Deprecated_command.Flags_ext] |
create_no_accum [Deprecated_command] |
create_no_accum0 [Deprecated_command] |
create_optional [Deprecated_command.Flags_ext] |
create_rest [Deprecated_command.Flags_ext] |
create_set [Deprecated_command.Flags_ext] |
crit [Loggers.LOGGER] |
critical [Fd_leak_check] |
Fraction of maximum number of descriptors considered critical.
cstime [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
cstime [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
cutime [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
cutime [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
cwd [Procfs.Process.Fields] |
cwd [Procfs.Process] |
cyan [Color_print] |
cyanprintf [Color_print] |
D |
data [Procfs.Process.Statm.Fields] |
data [Procfs.Process.Statm] |
data [Fold_map.S2] |
data [Fold_map.S] |
data [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
data [Cache.Store] |
data store returns all values in store .
data_size [Procfs.Process.Limits.Fields] |
data_size [Procfs.Process.Limits] |
date [Deprecated_fcommand] |
date_acc [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
rest f : a flag that signals the end of flag processing.
date_mut [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
rest f : a flag that signals the end of flag processing.
debug [Loggers.LOGGER] |
decons [Lazy_list] |
default [Readline.History] |
default [Procfs.Net.Route] |
default [Find.Options] |
default [Deprecated_command.Annotated_field] |
delete [Splay_tree.S] |
delete_max [Splay_tree.S] |
delete_min [Splay_tree.S] |
desired_sample_size [Random_selection] |
the desired sample size
destination [Procfs.Net.Route.Fields] |
destination [Procfs.Net.Route] |
diff [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
diff [Sys_utils] |
diff s1 s2 returns diff (1) output of the two strings.
diff [Posix_clock.Time_stamp_counter] |
directory [Extended_unix.Mount_entry] |
dirty [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
dirty [Procfs.Meminfo] |
discard [Shell.Process] |
distributor_id [Sys_utils.Lsb_release.Fields] |
distributor_id [Sys_utils.Lsb_release] |
documentation [Documented_match_statement] |
drop [Lazy_sequence] |
drop_after [String_zipper] |
drop_after [List_zipper] |
drop_all_after [String_zipper] |
drop_all_after [List_zipper] |
drop_all_before [String_zipper] |
drop_all_before [List_zipper] |
drop_before [String_zipper] |
drop_before [List_zipper] |
drop_from [Cbuffer] |
drop_last [Cbuffer] |
drop_old [Cbuffer] |
drop stuff from the end.
dt [Procfs.Process.Statm.Fields] |
dt [Procfs.Process.Statm] |
dump_freq [Extended_unix.Mount_entry] |
E |
edit [Sys_utils.Sexp_checked_edit] |
edit_distance [Extended_string] |
Gives the Levenshtein distance between 2 strings, which is the number of insertions,
deletions, and substitutions necessary to turn either string into the other.
edit_sexps [Sys_utils.Sexp_checked_edit] |
egid [Procfs.Process.Status.Fields] |
egid [Procfs.Process.Status] |
either [Deprecated_fcommand] |
elt_of_sexp [Packed_array.Basic] |
emerg [Loggers.LOGGER] |
empty [Splay_tree.S] |
empty [Pp] |
The empty document is pretty printed to the empty string.
empty [Packed_map.S] |
empty [Packed_array.S] |
empty [Multi_map] |
empty [Lazy_sequence] |
empty [Lazy_list] |
empty [Iter] |
an iterator that halts immediately
empty [Fold_map.S2] |
empty [Fold_map.S] |
A map containing no bindings
empty [Deprecated_fcommand] |
empty [Deprecated_bench.Result.Stat] |
empty [Crit_bit] |
endcode [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
endcode [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
enqueue [Update_queue] |
ensure_at_exit [Unix_utils] |
ensure_at_exit () : catch all signals, run at_exit functions,
then re-deliver the signal to self to ensure the default behavior.
enumerate_from [Extended_list] |
enumerate_from n xs returns a list of pairs constructed by pairing an
incrementing counter, starting at n , with the elements of xs .
environ [Procfs.Process.Fields] |
environ [Procfs.Process] |
eprint [Printc] |
eprintl [Printc] |
equal [Extended_unix.Mac_address] |
equal [Extended_list] |
equal [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
err [Loggers.LOGGER] |
error [Generic] |
escape_field [Csv_writer] |
Escape a CSV (even if doesn't have any characters that require escaping).
esyslog [Syslog] |
esyslog ?fac ?lev str same as Syslog.syslog , but also prints to
stderr .
esyslogf [Syslog] |
esyslog_printf ?fac ?lev fmt same as Syslog.syslog_printf ,
but also prints to stderr .
euid [Procfs.Process.Status.Fields] |
euid [Procfs.Process.Status] |
eval [Selector.Selector] |
exe [Procfs.Process.Fields] |
exe [Procfs.Process] |
exists [Sys_utils.Lsb_release.Fields] |
exists [Procfs.Mount.Fields] |
exists [Procfs.Net.Tcp.Fields] |
exists [Procfs.Net.Route.Fields] |
exists [Procfs.Net.Dev.Fields] |
exists [Procfs.Loadavg.Fields] |
exists [Procfs.Kstat.Fields_of_cpu_t] |
exists [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
exists [Procfs.Process.Fields] |
exists [Procfs.Process.Fd.Fields] |
exists [Procfs.Process.Status.Fields] |
exists [Procfs.Process.Statm.Fields] |
exists [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
exists [Procfs.Process.Limits.Fields] |
exists [Procfs.Process.Limits.Rlimit.Fields] |
exists [Iter] |
exists [Fold_map.S2] |
exists [Fold_map.S] |
exists [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
existsi [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
exit_signal [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
exit_signal [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
expand [Extended_filename] |
Makes a path absolute and expands ~ ~username to home directories.
expand [Cbuffer] |
double the size of the buffer
explode [Extended_filename] |
Splits a given path in a list of strings.
extra_path [Shell__core] |
extra_path [Shell] |
variable used by dispatch command to find binaries not in the path.
extract_command [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
F |
f [Fold_map.Foldable2] |
f [Fold_map.Foldable] |
The folding function.
f2s [Printc] |
fd [Procfs.Process.Fd.Fields] |
fd [Procfs.Process.Fd] |
fd_stat [Procfs.Process.Fd.Fields] |
fd_stat [Procfs.Process.Fd] |
fd_stat_of_sexp [Procfs.Process.Fd] |
fds [Sys_utils.Cpu_use] |
fds [Procfs.Process.Fields] |
fds [Procfs.Process] |
fgrp [Pp] |
The break policy inside an agrp is fixed for all breaks of the group.
field_of_sexp [Stats_reporting] |
fifteen [Procfs.Loadavg.Fields] |
fifteen [Procfs.Loadavg] |
file [Procfs.Mount.Fields] |
file [Procfs.Mount] |
file_kind [Extended_sys] |
file_locks [Procfs.Process.Limits.Fields] |
file_locks [Procfs.Process.Limits] |
file_size [Procfs.Process.Limits.Fields] |
file_size [Procfs.Process.Limits] |
file_size [Extended_sys] |
file_size_exn [Extended_sys] |
fill [Text_block] |
fill [Extended_array.Access_control] |
filter [Multi_map] |
filter [Logger] |
Sets the filter for a log
filter [Lazy_sequence] |
filter [Lazy_list] |
filter [Iter] |
iterate over elements that satisfy the predicate
filter [Fold_map.S2] |
filter [Fold_map.S] |
filter [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
filter_fold_map [Lazy_sequence] |
filter_inplace [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
filter_map [Lazy_sequence] |
filter_map [Lazy_list] |
filter_map [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
filter_map [Extended_array.Access_control] |
filter_map_partial [Lazy_sequence] |
filter_mapi [Lazy_sequence] |
filter_mapi [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
filter_mapi [Extended_array.Access_control] |
filter_opt [Lazy_list] |
filter_opt [Extended_array.Access_control] |
filter_record [Extended_sexp] |
filteri [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
filteri_inplace [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
find [Splay_tree.S] |
find [Packed_map.S] |
find [Multi_map] |
find m key returns all the elements that where added to key in m in
the reverse order in which they where added.
find [Lazy_list] |
find [Iter] |
find an element that satisfies the predicate
find [Fold_map.S2] |
find [Fold_map.S] |
find [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
find [Environment] |
find [Crit_bit] |
find [Cache.S] |
find [Cache.Store] |
find store key returns the value associated to key in store .
find [Cache.Keep_all] |
find [Cache.Lru] |
find_all [Find] |
find_all ?options dir short for to_list (create ?options dir)
find_exn [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
find_exn [Environment] |
find_or_add [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
findi [Extended_array.Access_control] |
first [String_zipper] |
flag [Deprecated_fcommand] |
flag [Deprecated_command.Flags_ext] |
flag_of_sexp [Extended_linux.Splice] |
flags [Procfs.Net.Route.Fields] |
flags [Procfs.Net.Route] |
flags [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
flags [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
float [Deprecated_fcommand] |
float [Deprecated_command.Flag.Action] |
an action for a flag that takes an additional float argument
float [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
float_acc [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
float_mut [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
flush [Shell__line_buffer] |
flush b Flushes any pending output to the callback function.
flush [Readline.History] |
fold [Sys_utils.Lsb_release.Fields.Direct] |
fold [Sys_utils.Lsb_release.Fields] |
fold [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
fold [Procfs.Mount.Fields.Direct] |
fold [Procfs.Mount.Fields] |
fold [Procfs.Net.Tcp.Fields.Direct] |
fold [Procfs.Net.Tcp.Fields] |
fold [Procfs.Net.Route.Fields.Direct] |
fold [Procfs.Net.Route.Fields] |
fold [Procfs.Net.Dev.Fields.Direct] |
fold [Procfs.Net.Dev.Fields] |
fold [Procfs.Loadavg.Fields.Direct] |
fold [Procfs.Loadavg.Fields] |
fold [Procfs.Kstat.Fields_of_cpu_t.Direct] |
fold [Procfs.Kstat.Fields_of_cpu_t] |
fold [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields.Direct] |
fold [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
fold [Procfs.Process.Fields.Direct] |
fold [Procfs.Process.Fields] |
fold [Procfs.Process.Fd.Fields.Direct] |
fold [Procfs.Process.Fd.Fields] |
fold [Procfs.Process.Status.Fields.Direct] |
fold [Procfs.Process.Status.Fields] |
fold [Procfs.Process.Statm.Fields.Direct] |
fold [Procfs.Process.Statm.Fields] |
fold [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields.Direct] |
fold [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
fold [Procfs.Process.Limits.Fields.Direct] |
fold [Procfs.Process.Limits.Fields] |
fold [Procfs.Process.Limits.Rlimit.Fields.Direct] |
fold [Procfs.Process.Limits.Rlimit.Fields] |
fold [Packed_array.S] |
fold [Multi_map] |
fold [Lazy_sequence.Iterator] |
fold [Iter] |
fold is the same as reduce
fold [Generic] |
fold [Fold_map.S2] |
fold [Fold_map.S] |
fold [Find] |
fold t ~init ~f folds f over the files in t
fold [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
fold [Crit_bit] |
fold [Bitarray] |
fold t ~init ~f Fold over the array as in Array.fold
fold_left [Lazy_list] |
fold_left_term [Extended_list] |
fold_left_term is like fold_left, except that you can halt early.
fold_map [Lazy_sequence] |
fold_right [Lazy_list] |
foldi [Lazy_sequence] |
foldi [Extended_array] |
foldr [Lazy_list] |
for_all [Sys_utils.Lsb_release.Fields] |
for_all [Procfs.Mount.Fields] |
for_all [Procfs.Net.Tcp.Fields] |
for_all [Procfs.Net.Route.Fields] |
for_all [Procfs.Net.Dev.Fields] |
for_all [Procfs.Loadavg.Fields] |
for_all [Procfs.Kstat.Fields_of_cpu_t] |
for_all [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
for_all [Procfs.Process.Fields] |
for_all [Procfs.Process.Fd.Fields] |
for_all [Procfs.Process.Status.Fields] |
for_all [Procfs.Process.Statm.Fields] |
for_all [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
for_all [Procfs.Process.Limits.Fields] |
for_all [Procfs.Process.Limits.Rlimit.Fields] |
for_all [Iter] |
evaluate a predicate over the entire iterator
for_all [Fold_map.S2] |
for_all [Fold_map.S] |
force [Lazy_sequence] |
force [Lazy_m] |
Force the lazy value.
fork_exec [Extended_unix] |
fork_exec prog args ~stdin ~stdout ~stderr ~setuid ~setgid
forks a new process that executes the program
in file prog , with arguments args .
format [Extended_time.Extended_date] |
Shortcut for calling Core_extended.Unix.strftime without having to
create a Time.t and convert it to a Unix.tm.
format [Extended_sexp] |
format_failed [Shell.Process] |
fprint [Printc] |
fprintl [Printc] |
freq [Procfs.Mount.Fields] |
freq [Procfs.Mount] |
fsck_pass [Extended_unix.Mount_entry] |
fsgid [Procfs.Process.Status.Fields] |
fsgid [Procfs.Process.Status] |
fsname [Extended_unix.Mount_entry] |
fstype [Extended_unix.Mount_entry] |
fsuid [Procfs.Process.Status.Fields] |
fsuid [Procfs.Process.Status] |
full [Invocation] |
G |
gateway [Procfs.Net.Route.Fields] |
gateway [Procfs.Net.Route] |
gen [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
gen_acc [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
gen_mut [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
general_rec [Extended_memo] |
A version of Memo.general more suitable for memoizing
recursively-defined functions
generic [Loggers.LOGGER] |
get [Sys_utils.Cpu_use] |
get returns a Cpu_use.t for the given pid or the current processes's pid, if none
get [Semaphore] |
get sem
get [Readline__input_char] |
get [Packed_array.S] |
get [Lazy_sequence.Iterator] |
get [Extended_array.Access_control] |
get [Deprecated_command.Flags_ext] |
get [Deprecated_command.Annotated_field] |
get [Cbuffer] |
get [Bitarray] |
get t pos get the value in position pos , raises Invalid_argument if the position
is out of bounds.
get_all_procs [Procfs] |
get_all_procs returns a list of all processes on the system
get_editor [Sys_utils] |
Get the default editor (program) for this user.
get_editor_exn [Sys_utils] |
get_exn [Lazy_sequence.Iterator] |
get_expanded_argv [Deprecated_command] |
get_expanded_cmdline [Deprecated_command] |
get_groups [Sys_utils] |
get_hunks [Patience_diff] |
get_hunks a b ~context ~compare will compare the arrays a and b using
compare and produce a list of hunks.
get_lev [Loggers.LOGGER] |
Get minimum log level
get_list [Deprecated_command.Annotated_field] |
get_matching_blocks [Patience_diff] |
get_num_open_fds [Fd_leak_check] |
get_opt [Deprecated_command.Annotated_field] |
get_pager [Sys_utils] |
Analogous to get_editor , defaulting to a list including less and more.
get_ppids [Unix_utils] |
get_ppids pid returns the list of parent pids, up to init (1) for pid.
get_snapshot [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
getbyname_ip [Sys_utils] |
getbyname_ip () returns the IP of the current host by resolving the hostname.
getloadavg [Extended_unix] |
get load averages
getres [Posix_clock] |
getresuid [Extended_linux] |
gettid [Extended_unix] |
gettime [Posix_clock] |
gid [Procfs.Process.Status.Fields] |
gid [Procfs.Process.Status] |
gray [Color_print] |
grayprintf [Color_print] |
green [Color_print] |
greenprintf [Color_print] |
group [Service_command] |
group [Deprecated_command] |
group ~summary [...; (name_i, t_i); ...] is an aggregate command
that dispatches to one of the named sub-commands.
groups [Extended_sys] |
Get the names of the groups the user belongs to
guest [Procfs.Kstat.Fields_of_cpu_t] |
guest [Procfs.Kstat] |
H |
h_name_of_sockaddr [Net_utils] |
Get hostname from sockaddr
h_name_or_string_of_sockaddr [Net_utils] |
Get hostname or (on Not_found) inet string from sockaddr
halign [Text_block] |
hard [Procfs.Process.Limits.Rlimit.Fields] |
hard [Procfs.Process.Limits.Rlimit] |
has_next [Lazy_sequence.Iterator] |
hash [Trie.Key.Part] |
hcat [Text_block] |
hd [Lazy_sequence] |
head [Shell.Process] |
head_exn [Shell.Process] |
height [Text_block] |
hgrp [Pp] |
A group operator takes a document and let it become a group.
hlist [Pp] |
hlist [x1,..,xn] = hgrp [x1; break; x2; ...; break; xn)
home [Extended_sys] |
Get the home of the effective user
hostname [Extended_sys] |
hstrut [Text_block] |
htonl [Extended_unix] |
Host to network order long, like C.
I |
i [Iter] |
iterate over the iterator: call f on each element
i2s [Printc] |
idle [Procfs.Kstat.Fields_of_cpu_t] |
idle [Procfs.Kstat] |
iface [Procfs.Net.Route.Fields] |
iface [Procfs.Net.Route] |
iface [Procfs.Net.Dev.Fields] |
iface [Procfs.Net.Dev] |
ifconfig_ips [Sys_utils] |
ifconfig_ips () returns IPs of all active interfaces on the host by parsing ifconfig
ignore_errors [Find.Options] |
implode [Extended_filename] |
dual to explode
import_from_sys [Environment] |
in_order [Search_foo] |
inactive [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
inactive [Procfs.Meminfo] |
incr [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
index_t_of_sexp [Procfs.Kstat] |
inet_addr_of_sockaddr [Net_utils] |
Get inet_addr from sockaddr
info [Loggers.LOGGER] |
init [Update_queue] |
init [Stats_reporting] |
init [Semaphore] |
init v initializes a semaphore with an optional value v .
init [Lazy_sequence] |
init [Fold_map.Foldable2] |
init [Fold_map.Foldable] |
The initial value of the accumulator.
init [Extended_array.Access_control] |
init [Deprecated_command.Annotated_field] |
initialize [Lazy_sequence] |
inode [Procfs.Net.Tcp.Fields] |
inode [Procfs.Net.Tcp] |
inodes [Extended_unix.Quota] |
inodes_of_sexp [Extended_unix.Quota] |
input_all_with_reused_buffer [Procfs] |
input_line [Readline] |
input_line_eof [Readline] |
insert_after [String_zipper] |
insert_after [List_zipper] |
insert_before [String_zipper] |
insert_before [List_zipper] |
int [Deprecated_fcommand] |
int [Deprecated_command.Flag.Action] |
an action for a flag that takes an additional int argument
int [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
int_acc [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
int_mut [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
interfaces [Procfs.Net.Dev] |
invariant [Invariant.S3] |
invariant [Invariant.S2] |
invariant [Invariant.S1] |
inverse [Color_print] |
inverseprintf [Color_print] |
iowait [Procfs.Kstat.Fields_of_cpu_t] |
iowait [Procfs.Kstat] |
ip_of_name [Sys_utils] |
ip_of_name hostname looks up the hostname and prints the IP in dotted-quad
irq [Procfs.Kstat.Fields_of_cpu_t] |
irq [Procfs.Kstat] |
irtt [Procfs.Net.Route.Fields] |
irtt [Procfs.Net.Route] |
is_atom [Extended_sexp] |
is_closed [Linebuf] |
Returns whether or not the line buffer is closed
is_empty [Splay_tree.S] |
is_empty [Multi_map] |
is_empty [Lazy_list] |
is_empty [Fold_map.S2] |
is_empty [Fold_map.S] |
is_empty [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
is_executable [Shell__core] |
is_full [Cbuffer] |
is_list [Extended_sexp] |
is_parent [Extended_filename] |
is_parent dir1 dir2
returns true if dir1 is a parent of dir2
is_prod [Prod_or_test] |
is_set [Deprecated_command.Flags_ext] |
is_substring [Extended_string] |
is_substring ~substring t returns true if substring is a substring
* of t.
is_test [Prod_or_test] |
is_val [Lazy_m] |
Returns true if the lazy value has been forced and did not throw an
iter [Trie.Key] |
iter [Sys_utils.Lsb_release.Fields.Direct] |
iter [Sys_utils.Lsb_release.Fields] |
iter [Procfs.Mount.Fields.Direct] |
iter [Procfs.Mount.Fields] |
iter [Procfs.Net.Tcp.Fields.Direct] |
iter [Procfs.Net.Tcp.Fields] |
iter [Procfs.Net.Route.Fields.Direct] |
iter [Procfs.Net.Route.Fields] |
iter [Procfs.Net.Dev.Fields.Direct] |
iter [Procfs.Net.Dev.Fields] |
iter [Procfs.Loadavg.Fields.Direct] |
iter [Procfs.Loadavg.Fields] |
iter [Procfs.Kstat.Fields_of_cpu_t.Direct] |
iter [Procfs.Kstat.Fields_of_cpu_t] |
iter [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields.Direct] |
iter [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
iter [Procfs.Process.Fields.Direct] |
iter [Procfs.Process.Fields] |
iter [Procfs.Process.Fd.Fields.Direct] |
iter [Procfs.Process.Fd.Fields] |
iter [Procfs.Process.Status.Fields.Direct] |
iter [Procfs.Process.Status.Fields] |
iter [Procfs.Process.Statm.Fields.Direct] |
iter [Procfs.Process.Statm.Fields] |
iter [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields.Direct] |
iter [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
iter [Procfs.Process.Limits.Fields.Direct] |
iter [Procfs.Process.Limits.Fields] |
iter [Procfs.Process.Limits.Rlimit.Fields.Direct] |
iter [Procfs.Process.Limits.Rlimit.Fields] |
iter [Packed_map.S] |
iter [Packed_array.S] |
iter [Multi_map] |
iter [Lazy_sequence.Iterator] |
iter [Lazy_list.Iterator] |
iter [Lazy_list] |
iter [Generic] |
iter [Fold_map.S2] |
iter [Fold_map.S] |
iter [Find] |
iter t ~f calls f on every file in t
iter [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
iter [Crit_bit] |
iter [Cbuffer] |
iter buf ~f calls func on each buffer element starting with 0
like this: (func pos element)
iter [Bitarray] |
iter t ~f Iterate over the array as in Array.iter
iter_vals [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
iteri [Lazy_sequence] |
iteri [Extended_array.Access_control] |
iterr [Cbuffer] |
iterr buf ~f calls func on each buffer element starting with end
like this: (func pos element)
itrealvalue [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
itrealvalue [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
J |
jiffies_per_second [Procfs] |
jiffies_per_second_exn [Procfs] |
jiffies_per_second_exn .
K |
key_of_sexp [Packed_map.S] |
keys [Multi_map] |
Returns all the non-empty keys in m .
keys [Fold_map.S2] |
keys [Fold_map.S] |
keys [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
kill [Process] |
kills a process by sending signal ; waiting for wait_for and then
sending a sigkill .
kstkeip [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
kstkeip [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
kstkesp [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
kstkesp [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
L |
last [String_zipper] |
last [Lazy_sequence] |
last_accessed [Extended_sys] |
last_accessed path returns the time path was last accessed.
last_accessed_exn [Extended_sys] |
last_changed [Extended_sys] |
last_changed path returns the time path last had its status changed.
last_changed_exn [Extended_sys] |
last_modified [Extended_sys] |
last_modify path returns the time the file at path was last modified.
last_modified_exn [Extended_sys] |
lazy_fold [Lazy_list.Of_container.T] |
lazy_list_of_t [Lazy_list.Of_container.Make] |
lazy_sort [Lazy_list] |
lcs [Extended_list__LCS] |
lcs [Extended_list] |
Find the longest common subsequence between two list.
left_contents [String_zipper] |
length [Packed_array.Basic] |
length [Lazy_list] |
length [Generic] |
length [Fold_map.S2] |
length [Fold_map.S] |
length [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
length [Cbuffer] |
length_bounded_by [Lazy_sequence] |
length_if_at_most [Lazy_sequence] |
lev_of_string [Syslog] |
lev_of_string str converts string str to a level.
lib [Procfs.Process.Statm.Fields] |
lib [Procfs.Process.Statm] |
lift [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
lift t ~project transforms a flag with accumulator type 'a
into a flag with a more informative accumulator type 'b
provided that project x returns a pair consisting of
lift_unit [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
limit_of_sexp [Extended_unix.Quota] |
limits [Procfs.Process.Fields] |
limits [Procfs.Process] |
line_break [Extended_string] |
deprecated in favour of word_wrap
line_to_string [Csv_writer] |
Convert one CSV line to a string.
lines [Shell.Process] |
list [Pp] |
A list of objects which are seperated by some seperator is very common.
list [Generic] |
list [Extended_sexp] |
list [Deprecated_command.Annotated_field] |
listed [Deprecated_fcommand] |
ln [Shell] |
load [Bin_io_utils] |
load_exn [Procfs.Net.Tcp] |
This does IO and is not async-ok.
load_exn [Procfs.Kstat] |
load_sexp_conv_exn_sample [Extended_sexp] |
load_sexp_with_includes [Extended_sexp] |
loadavg [Procfs] |
loadavg_exn [Procfs] |
loadavg_exn parses /proc/loadavg.
local_address [Procfs.Net.Tcp.Fields] |
local_address [Procfs.Net.Tcp] |
local_port [Procfs.Net.Tcp.Fields] |
local_port [Procfs.Net.Tcp] |
locked_memory [Procfs.Process.Limits.Fields] |
locked_memory [Procfs.Process.Limits] |
log [Logger] |
logs a message to log
logger [Loggers.SPEC] |
look [Semaphore] |
look sem
lower [Number.Verified_std.Bounded_spec] |
lpad [Printc] |
ls [Extended_sys] |
M |
magenta [Color_print] |
magentaprintf [Color_print] |
main [Service_command.T] |
main_spec [Service_command.T] |
majflt [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
majflt [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
make_absolute [Extended_filename] |
make_absolute src
Turn src in an absolute path expanded from the current working directory.
make_creator [Sys_utils.Lsb_release.Fields] |
make_creator [Procfs.Mount.Fields] |
make_creator [Procfs.Net.Tcp.Fields] |
make_creator [Procfs.Net.Route.Fields] |
make_creator [Procfs.Net.Dev.Fields] |
make_creator [Procfs.Loadavg.Fields] |
make_creator [Procfs.Kstat.Fields_of_cpu_t] |
make_creator [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
make_creator [Procfs.Process.Fields] |
make_creator [Procfs.Process.Fd.Fields] |
make_creator [Procfs.Process.Status.Fields] |
make_creator [Procfs.Process.Statm.Fields] |
make_creator [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
make_creator [Procfs.Process.Limits.Fields] |
make_creator [Procfs.Process.Limits.Rlimit.Fields] |
make_flags [Extended_linux.Splice] |
make_flags ar
make_relative [Extended_filename] |
make_relative ~to_:src f
returns f relative to src .
make_ssh_command [Shell.Process] |
mallinfo [Malloc] |
mallinfo_of_sexp [Malloc] |
malloc_stats [Malloc] |
malloc_stats () prints brief summary statistics on stderr.
malloc_trim [Malloc] |
malloc_trim n release all but n bytes of freed top-most memory
back to the system.
mallopt [Malloc] |
mallopt opt n sets malloc configuration option opt to n .
many [Deprecated_fcommand] |
map [Update_queue] |
map [Sys_utils.Lsb_release.Fields] |
map [Procfs.Mount.Fields] |
map [Procfs.Net.Tcp.Fields] |
map [Procfs.Net.Route.Fields] |
map [Procfs.Net.Dev.Fields] |
map [Procfs.Loadavg.Fields] |
map [Procfs.Kstat.Fields_of_cpu_t] |
map [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
map [Procfs.Process.Fields] |
map [Procfs.Process.Fd.Fields] |
map [Procfs.Process.Status.Fields] |
map [Procfs.Process.Statm.Fields] |
map [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
map [Procfs.Process.Limits.Fields] |
map [Procfs.Process.Limits.Rlimit.Fields] |
map [Multi_map] |
map [Lazy_sequence] |
map [Lazy_list] |
map [Iter] |
transform the iterator
map [Generic] |
map [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
map [Extended_array.Access_control] |
map [Documented_match_statement] |
map [Deprecated_fcommand.Anons] |
map [Deprecated_fcommand.Flag] |
map [Crit_bit] |
map2_exn [Extended_array.Access_control] |
map_accum [Extended_list] |
A combination of map and fold .
map_case [Documented_match_statement] |
map_cases [Documented_match_statement] |
map_monad [Extended_monad.S2] |
map_monad [Extended_monad.S] |
map_monad [Extended_monad.Make2] |
map_monad [Extended_monad.Make] |
map_monad_ignore [Extended_monad.S2] |
map_monad_ignore [Extended_monad.S] |
map_monad_ignore [Extended_monad.Make2] |
map_monad_ignore [Extended_monad.Make] |
map_pattern [Documented_match_statement] |
map_poly [Sys_utils.Lsb_release.Fields] |
map_poly [Procfs.Mount.Fields] |
map_poly [Procfs.Net.Tcp.Fields] |
map_poly [Procfs.Net.Route.Fields] |
map_poly [Procfs.Net.Dev.Fields] |
map_poly [Procfs.Loadavg.Fields] |
map_poly [Procfs.Kstat.Fields_of_cpu_t] |
map_poly [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
map_poly [Procfs.Process.Fields] |
map_poly [Procfs.Process.Fd.Fields] |
map_poly [Procfs.Process.Status.Fields] |
map_poly [Procfs.Process.Statm.Fields] |
map_poly [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
map_poly [Procfs.Process.Limits.Fields] |
map_poly [Procfs.Process.Limits.Rlimit.Fields] |
mapi [Multi_map] |
mapi [Lazy_sequence] |
mapi [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
mapi [Extended_array.Access_control] |
mapped [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
mapped [Procfs.Meminfo] |
mask [Procfs.Net.Route.Fields] |
mask [Procfs.Net.Route] |
match_ [Documented_match_statement] |
match_ t pulls out the underlying function of t
matches [Selector.String_selector.Regexp] |
max [Extended_list] |
max [Deprecated_bench.Result] |
max_exn [Extended_list] |
max_len [Search_foo] |
maxf [Search_foo] |
may_log [Loggers.LOGGER] |
Test whether a log level may be logged.
maybe [Deprecated_fcommand] |
maybe_add [Random_selection] |
maybe_add t x will randomly either add x to t or ignore it.
maybe_escape_field [Csv_writer] |
Escape the a CSV field if need be.
maybe_log [Logger] |
logs a message to Some log, returns silently if log is None
maybe_raise [Exception_check] |
maybe_raise name if the exception associated with any name in name
has been triggered, then raise it, otherwise do nothing.
maybe_with_default [Deprecated_fcommand] |
mean [Deprecated_bench.Result] |
mean_gettime_cost [Posix_clock] |
mem [Splay_tree.S] |
mem [Packed_map.S] |
mem [Multi_map] |
mem m key returns true if key has at last one value associated to it
in m
mem [Fold_map.S2] |
mem [Fold_map.S] |
mem [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
mem [Environment] |
mem_free [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
mem_free [Procfs.Meminfo] |
mem_total [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
mem_total [Procfs.Meminfo] |
meminfo [Procfs] |
meminfo_exn [Procfs] |
meminfo_exn queries /proc/meminfo and fills out Meminfo.t.
memoize [Cache.S] |
memoize [Cache.Keep_all] |
memoize [Cache.Lru] |
memoize [Cache] |
memoize ~destruct ~expire f
memoizes the results of f .
merge [Patience_diff] |
merge [Lazy_list] |
merge [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
merge_into [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
metric [Procfs.Net.Route.Fields] |
metric [Procfs.Net.Route] |
min [Extended_list] |
min [Deprecated_bench.Result] |
min_exn [Extended_list] |
min_interval [Posix_clock] |
minf [Search_foo] |
minflt [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
minflt [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
mkdir [Shell] |
mntops [Procfs.Mount.Fields] |
mntops [Procfs.Mount] |
module_name [Number.Verified_std_spec] |
mounts [Procfs] |
mounts_of_fstab [Procfs] |
msgqueue_size [Procfs.Process.Limits.Fields] |
msgqueue_size [Procfs.Process.Limits] |
mtu [Procfs.Net.Route.Fields] |
mtu [Procfs.Net.Route] |
multimerge [Extended_list__multimerge] |
multimerge [Extended_list] |
Merges several list trying to keep the order in which the elements appear.
multimerge_unique [Extended_list__multimerge] |
multimerge_unique [Extended_list] |
mv [Shell] |
Raises "Failed_command"
N |
name [Number.Verified_std.Bounded_spec] |
name [Linebuf] |
name [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
name [Deprecated_bench.Test] |
name_of_sexp [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
names [Sys_utils.Lsb_release.Fields] |
names [Procfs.Mount.Fields] |
names [Procfs.Net.Tcp.Fields] |
names [Procfs.Net.Route.Fields] |
names [Procfs.Net.Dev.Fields] |
names [Procfs.Loadavg.Fields] |
names [Procfs.Kstat.Fields_of_cpu_t] |
names [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
names [Procfs.Process.Fields] |
names [Procfs.Process.Fd.Fields] |
names [Procfs.Process.Status.Fields] |
names [Procfs.Process.Statm.Fields] |
names [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
names [Procfs.Process.Limits.Fields] |
names [Procfs.Process.Limits.Rlimit.Fields] |
nest [Pp] |
When the pretty printer decides to represent a break as a newline it also
prints some spaces after it to indent the following line.
new_only [Patience_diff.Range] |
new_only hunks drops all Old ranges and converts all Replace
ranges to New ranges.
new_only [Patience_diff] |
new_only hunks drops all Old ranges from hunks and converts all Replace
ranges to New ranges.
next [String_zipper] |
next [List_zipper] |
next [Lazy_list.Iterator] |
next [Iter] |
get the next element of the iterator
next [Find] |
next t return the next file from the collection of valid files in t or None
if no more files remain
next_exn [Iter] |
nfs_unstable [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
nfs_unstable [Procfs.Meminfo] |
nice [Procfs.Kstat.Fields_of_cpu_t] |
nice [Procfs.Kstat] |
nice [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
nice [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
nice_priority [Procfs.Process.Limits.Fields] |
nice_priority [Procfs.Process.Limits] |
nil [Text_block] |
no_anons [Deprecated_command.Helpers] |
no_arg [Deprecated_fcommand] |
no_arg_bool [Deprecated_fcommand] |
noarg [Deprecated_command.Flag.Action] |
an action for a flag that takes no additional argument
noarg [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
noarg_acc [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
noarg_mut [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
noninteractive_no_hostkey_checking_options [Shell] |
noninteractive_ssh_options [Shell] |
normal [Color_print] |
normalize [Extended_filename] |
normalize path
Removes as much "." and ".." from the path as possible.
notice [Loggers.LOGGER] |
now [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
np_pref [Rw_mutex] |
np_pref no preference for readers or writers.
nswap [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
nswap [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
nth [Lazy_sequence] |
nth [Lazy_list] |
ntohl [Extended_unix] |
Network to host order long, like C.
null [Readline.History] |
A value which is always empty
number [Extended_list__multimerge] |
number [Extended_list] |
O |
of_aarray [Packed_map.S] |
of_alist [Packed_map.S] |
of_arg [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
of_array [Packed_array.Basic] |
of_array [Packed_array.S] |
of_array [Lazy_list] |
of_array [Iter] |
create an iterator that will go over array elements
of_array [Extended_array.Access_control] |
of_array [Cbuffer] |
initialize Cbuffer from array
of_array_copy [Extended_array.Access_control] |
of_channel [Iter] |
create an iterator that will read from file using f
of_core_command [Deprecated_command] |
of_exec_env [Environment] |
of_exn [Extended_exn.Exn_string] |
of_fun [Lazy_m] |
Create a lazy value of a function.
of_hashtbl [Packed_map.S] |
of_hashtbl [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
of_int [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
of_int [Procfs.Net.Tcp_state] |
of_int [Extended_unix.Inet_port] |
of_int_exn [Extended_unix.Inet_port] |
of_iterator [Lazy_list] |
of_line [Procfs.Net.Tcp] |
These don't do any IO and should be async-ok
of_line [Bin_io_utils] |
of_line_exn [Procfs.Net.Tcp] |
of_list [Readline.History] |
of_list [Packed_array.S] |
of_list [Lazy_sequence] |
of_list [Lazy_list] |
of_list [Iter] |
create an iterator that will go over list elements
of_list [Fold_map.S2] |
of_list [Fold_map.S] |
of_list [Extended_option] |
of_list [Extended_array.Access_control] |
of_map [Fold_map.S2] |
of_map [Fold_map.S] |
of_opt [Iter] |
create an iterator that may iterate over one value
of_option [Extended_list] |
of_option o returns a list that is empty if o is None, otherwise it is a singleton
of_passwd_file [Extended_unix.Extended_passwd] |
of_passwd_file parse a passwd-like file
of_passwd_file_exn [Extended_unix.Extended_passwd] |
of_passwd_file_exn parse a passwd-like file
of_passwd_line [Extended_unix.Extended_passwd] |
of_passwd_line parse a passwd-like line
of_passwd_line_exn [Extended_unix.Extended_passwd] |
of_passwd_line_exn parse a passwd-like line
of_prod_bool [Prod_or_test] |
of_regexp [Selector.String_selector.Regexp] |
of_sexp_allow_extra_fields [Extended_sexp] |
of_sexp_allow_extra_fields of_sexp sexp uses of_sexp to convert sexp to a
value, but will not fail if there any extra fields in a record.
of_sexps [Extended_sexp.Diff] |
of_sorted_aarray [Packed_map.S] |
of_string [Procfs.Net.Dev] |
of_string [Procfs.Process.Status] |
of_string [Procfs.Process.Statm] |
of_string [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
of_string [Procfs.Process.Limits] |
of_string [Procfs.Process.Inode] |
of_string [Extended_unix.Mac_address] |
of_string [Extended_unix.Inet_port] |
of_string [Extended_int64.Filesize] |
of_string_exn [Extended_unix.Inet_port] |
of_test_bool [Prod_or_test] |
of_val [Lazy_m] |
Create a lazy value of a non-lazy value.
ok [Generic] |
ok [Extended_result.Exn] |
ok t returns x if t = Ok x , or raises e if t = Error e .
old_only [Patience_diff.Range] |
old_only hunks drops all New ranges and converts all Replace
ranges to Old ranges.
old_only [Patience_diff] |
old_only hunks drops all New ranges from hunks and converts all Replace
ranges to Old ranges.
one [Procfs.Loadavg.Fields] |
one [Procfs.Loadavg] |
one [Extended_float.Fraction] |
oom_adj [Procfs.Process.Fields] |
oom_adj [Procfs.Process] |
oom_score [Procfs.Process.Fields] |
oom_score [Procfs.Process] |
open_connection_tmout [Net_utils] |
Open a connection with timeouts
open_fd_connection_tmout [Net_utils] |
Create a socket with timeouts
open_files [Procfs.Process.Limits.Fields] |
open_files [Procfs.Process.Limits] |
openlog [Syslog] |
openlog ?id ?opt ?fac () opens a connection to the system logger
(possibly delayed) using prefixed identifier id , options opt ,
and faculty fac .
opt_of_sexp [Malloc] |
option [Generic] |
optional [Deprecated_fcommand] |
optional [Deprecated_command.Annotated_field] |
optional_with_default [Deprecated_fcommand] |
options [Extended_unix.Mount_entry] |
order_of_magnitude_difference [Extended_float] |
order_of_magnitude_difference a b
by how many orders of magnitude do a and b differ?
The return value is non-negative.
output_lines [Csv_writer] |
Prints a valid csv file to a given channel (note that line are ended
P |
pad_left [Extended_string] |
pad_left ~char s len
Returns s padded to the length len by adding characters char to the
left of the string.
pad_right [Extended_string] |
page_contents [Sys_utils] |
page_contents ?pager ?tmp_name str will show str in a pager.
page_tables [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
page_tables [Procfs.Meminfo] |
parent [Extended_filename] |
parent path
The parent of the root directory is the root directory
parse_date [English] |
parse_int [English] |
parse_int s : Like standard int_of_string, but try to convert the first
twenty english numbers (eg.
parse_line [Extended_unix.Mount_entry] |
parse_time [English] |
passno [Procfs.Mount.Fields] |
passno [Procfs.Mount] |
password [Readline] |
Prompts for a password.
path_expand [Shell__core] |
peek [Lazy_sequence.Iterator] |
pending_signals [Procfs.Process.Limits.Fields] |
pending_signals [Procfs.Process.Limits] |
percent_fds_in_use [Fd_leak_check] |
percent_fds_in_use () reports the percentage of fds that are in use.
permute [Extended_array.Access_control] |
pgrep [Procfs] |
pgrep f returns all processes for which f is true
pgrp [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
pgrp [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
phys_length [Cbuffer] |
physical_ram [Unix_utils] |
physical_ram ()
pid [Procfs.Process.Fields] |
pid [Procfs.Process] |
pid_alive [Sys_utils] |
pkill [Procfs] |
pkill ~signal f sends the signal to all processes for which f returns true.
policy [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
policy [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
port_of_in_channel [Net_utils] |
Get port from a socket associated with an in_channel
port_of_sockaddr [Net_utils] |
Get port from sockaddr
pp_hum' [Extended_sexp] |
A more readable but less compact pretty printer than the one bundled by
ppid [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
ppid [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
prepend [Documented_match_statement] |
prepend ~specific_cases t matches on specific_cases before moving on to t .
pretty [Extended_float] |
pretty-print a float using no more than five characters, using abberviations
k, m, g, t.
previous [String_zipper] |
previous [List_zipper] |
print [Readline__input_loop] |
print [Printc] |
print [Extended_sexp.Diff] |
print [Deprecated_bench] |
print_diff [Extended_sexp] |
print_ranges [Patience_diff] |
print_version [Deprecated_command.Version] |
printl [Printc] |
priority [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
priority [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
process_age [Procfs] |
process_age' [Procfs] |
processes [Procfs.Process.Limits.Fields] |
processes [Procfs.Process.Limits] |
processor [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
processor [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
progress [Iter] |
get the position in the iterator either None or Some x in 0;1
progress_string [Iter] |
convert the progress return value to a string: None->"", Some->" 33%"
protect [Lazy_sequence] |
Q |
query [Sys_utils.Lsb_release] |
query [Sntp] |
query hostname returns the difference between the clock on the
local host and the clock on the host specified by hostname .
query [Extended_unix.Quota] |
quote_blit [Csv_writer] |
Copy and escapes the content of a field over from one string to
quote_len [Csv_writer] |
Get the escaped length of one quoted field (without the quotes).
R |
r_lock [Rw_mutex] |
r_lock mtx locks mtx for a reader.
r_pref [Rw_mutex] |
r_pref preference kind for readers.
r_unlock [Rw_mutex] |
r_unlock mtx unlocks mtx for a reader.
ram_limit_spec [Unix_utils] |
ram_limit_spec command line arguments to set ram limits.
random [Extended_float.Fraction] |
random_split [Extended_array] |
makes a random split & subset of an array; p (the fraction that you want to split) is
constrained to be 0, 1 .
random_sub [Extended_array] |
ranges [Patience_diff] |
ranges hunks concatenates all the ranges of all hunks together *
ratio [Patience_diff] |
rdtsc [Posix_clock.Time_stamp_counter] |
rdtscp [Posix_clock.Time_stamp_counter] |
read [Linebuf] |
Calls try_read every 0.01 seconds and returns when a line is available.
read_lines [Lazy_sequence] |
read_msg_and_snapshot [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
read_only [Update_queue] |
realtime_priority [Procfs.Process.Limits.Fields] |
realtime_priority [Procfs.Process.Limits] |
recalibrate [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
red [Color_print] |
redprintf [Color_print] |
reduce [Multi_map] |
reduce [Iter] |
fold over the iterator: call f on each element and return the accumulator
reentrant_unit [Extended_memo] |
refcnt [Procfs.Net.Route.Fields] |
refcnt [Procfs.Net.Route] |
release [Sys_utils.Lsb_release.Fields] |
release [Sys_utils.Lsb_release] |
remote [Shell.Process] |
remote_address [Procfs.Net.Tcp.Fields] |
remote_address [Procfs.Net.Tcp] |
remote_port [Procfs.Net.Tcp.Fields] |
remote_port [Procfs.Net.Tcp] |
remove [Trie.S] |
remove [Multi_map] |
remove m key Remove all the values associated the key key in m
remove [Fold_map.S2] |
remove [Fold_map.S] |
remove [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
remove [Environment] |
remove [Crit_bit] |
remove [Cache.S] |
remove [Cache.Store] |
remove store key removes the binding for key in store .
remove [Cache.Strategy] |
Informs the strategy that an element was removed from the store.
remove [Cache.Keep_all] |
remove [Cache.Lru] |
remove_one [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
render [Text_block] |
render_as_regexp [Trie.S] |
replace [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
replace [Cache.Store] |
replace store ~key ~data associated the data to key ; remove any
previously existing binding.
replace_left [String_zipper] |
replace_left [List_zipper] |
replace_right [String_zipper] |
replace_right [List_zipper] |
report_on_exn [Fd_leak_check] |
report_open_files [Fd_leak_check] |
report_open_files () prints a dump of open file descriptors to stderr
in two formats, one using the proc file system, the other by executing
/usr/sbin/lsof in a child process.
required [Deprecated_fcommand] |
required [Deprecated_command.Annotated_field] |
reset [Linebuf] |
reopens the file and seeks to the beginning.
resident [Procfs.Process.Statm.Fields] |
resident [Procfs.Process.Statm] |
resident_mem_use_in_kb [Sys_utils.Cpu_use] |
resident_set [Procfs.Process.Limits.Fields] |
resident_set [Procfs.Process.Limits] |
rest [Procfs.Net.Tcp.Fields] |
rest [Procfs.Net.Tcp] |
rest [Deprecated_command.Flag.Action] |
rest f : an action for a flag that signals the end of flag
rest_acc [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
rest_mut [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
restart [Service_command] |
retrnsmt [Procfs.Net.Tcp.Fields] |
retrnsmt [Procfs.Net.Tcp] |
rgb [Color_print] |
rgbprintf [Color_print] |
right_contents [String_zipper] |
rlim [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
rlim [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
rm [Shell] |
root [Procfs.Process.Fields] |
root [Procfs.Process] |
rpad [Printc] |
rss [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
rss [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
rt_priority [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
rt_priority [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
run [Timed_function] |
Runs a function in a fork process to ensure a timeout.
run [Shell.Process] |
run [Shell] |
Runs a command and discards its output.
run [Process] |
run [Deprecated_command] |
run_check_at_exit [Fd_leak_check] |
Toggle to turn on/off checking for descriptor leaks at exit (default: off)
run_fold [Shell] |
Fold over the lines in the stdout of a process;
The `Continue/`Stop argument is there to allow early returning.
run_full [Shell] |
Return the full command's output in one string.
run_k [Shell.Process] |
run_lines [Shell] |
Runs a command and returns its output line separated.
run_main [Extended_common] |
run_one [Shell] |
Returns the first line of the command's output.
run_one_exn [Shell] |
rx_bytes [Procfs.Net.Dev.Fields] |
rx_bytes [Procfs.Net.Dev] |
rx_compressed [Procfs.Net.Dev.Fields] |
rx_compressed [Procfs.Net.Dev] |
rx_drop [Procfs.Net.Dev.Fields] |
rx_drop [Procfs.Net.Dev] |
rx_errs [Procfs.Net.Dev.Fields] |
rx_errs [Procfs.Net.Dev] |
rx_fifo [Procfs.Net.Dev.Fields] |
rx_fifo [Procfs.Net.Dev] |
rx_frame [Procfs.Net.Dev.Fields] |
rx_frame [Procfs.Net.Dev] |
rx_multicast [Procfs.Net.Dev.Fields] |
rx_multicast [Procfs.Net.Dev] |
rx_packets [Procfs.Net.Dev.Fields] |
rx_packets [Procfs.Net.Dev] |
rx_queue [Procfs.Net.Tcp.Fields] |
rx_queue [Procfs.Net.Tcp] |
S |
safe_create [Extended_thread] |
Behaves like Thread.create but exits the program if an exception trickles
to the toplevel.
sample [Sampler] |
randomly sample the distribution in constant time
sandwich [Splay_tree.S] |
save [Bin_io_utils] |
scp [Shell] |
scp user host from to copy local file from to to
scroll_lock [Extended_sys] |
scroll_lock false disables scroll locking.
segfault_me_now [Low_level_debug] |
select [Random_selection] |
randomly select a subset of size sample_size from a stream of unknown length.
select [Alternating_primary_backup_assignment] |
send [Sendmail] |
session [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
session [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
set [Splay_tree.S] |
set [Multi_map] |
set [Fold_map.S2] |
set [Fold_map.S] |
set [Extended_unix.Quota] |
set [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
set [Extended_array.Access_control] |
set [Deprecated_command.Annotated_field] |
set [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
set [Cbuffer] |
set [Bitarray] |
set t pos set the value in position pos , raises Invalid_argument if the position
is out of bounds.
set_date [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
set_date_opt [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
set_defaults [Shell.Process] |
set_diff [Extended_list] |
set_diff l1 l2 returns a list of all elements of l1 that are not in l2
set_float [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
set_float_opt [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
set_gen [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
set_gen_opt [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
set_in_channel_timeout [Net_utils] |
Set a timeout for a socket associated with an in_channel
set_int [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
set_int_opt [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
set_inter [Extended_list] |
set_inter l1 l2 returns a list without duplicates of all elements of l1 that are in l2
set_lev [Loggers.LOGGER] |
Set minimum log level
set_out_channel_timeout [Net_utils] |
Set a timeout for a socket associated with an out_channel
set_string [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
set_string_opt [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
seteuid [Extended_unix] |
setlogmask [Syslog] |
setlogmask ?levs ?from_lev ?to_lev () sets the log mask.
setresuid [Extended_linux] |
setreuid [Extended_unix] |
sexp [Deprecated_fcommand] |
sexp_of_any [Extended_array.Access_control] |
sexp_of_bigint [Procfs] |
sexp_of_bytes [Extended_unix.Quota] |
sexp_of_color [Color_print] |
sexp_of_cpu_t [Procfs.Kstat] |
sexp_of_elt [Packed_array.Basic] |
sexp_of_fd_stat [Procfs.Process.Fd] |
sexp_of_field [Stats_reporting] |
sexp_of_flag [Extended_linux.Splice] |
sexp_of_index_t [Procfs.Kstat] |
sexp_of_inodes [Extended_unix.Quota] |
sexp_of_key [Packed_map.S] |
sexp_of_limit [Extended_unix.Quota] |
sexp_of_mallinfo [Malloc] |
sexp_of_name [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
sexp_of_opt [Malloc] |
sexp_of_snapshot [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
sexp_of_statvfs [Extended_unix] |
sexp_of_t [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
sexp_of_t [Trie.Key.Part] |
sexp_of_t [Sys_utils.Lsb_release] |
sexp_of_t [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
sexp_of_t [Selector.String_list_selector] |
sexp_of_t [Selector.String_selector.Regexp] |
sexp_of_t [Selector.String_selector] |
sexp_of_t [Selector.Date_selector] |
sexp_of_t [Prod_or_test] |
sexp_of_t [Procfs.Meminfo] |
sexp_of_t [Procfs.Process.Fd] |
sexp_of_t [Procfs.Process.Status] |
sexp_of_t [Procfs.Process.Statm] |
sexp_of_t [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
sexp_of_t [Procfs.Process.Limits.Rlimit] |
sexp_of_t [Procfs.Process.Limits] |
sexp_of_t [Procfs.Process.Inode] |
sexp_of_t [Procfs.Process] |
sexp_of_t [Process.Status] |
sexp_of_t [Patience_diff.Range] |
ranges_all_same ranges returns true if all ranges are Same
sexp_of_t [Packed_map.Value] |
sexp_of_t [Packed_map.Key] |
sexp_of_t [Packed_map.S] |
sexp_of_t [Extended_unix.Mount_entry] |
sexp_of_t [Extended_unix.Mac_address] |
sexp_of_t [Extended_unix.Inet_port] |
sexp_of_t [Extended_sexp.Make_explicit_sexp_option] |
sexp_of_t [Extended_result.Exn] |
sexp_of_t [Extended_int64.Filesize] |
sexp_of_t [Cbuffer] |
sexp_of_type_desc [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
sexp_of_uids [Extended_linux] |
sexp_of_value [Procfs.Process.Limits.Rlimit] |
sexp_of_value [Packed_map.S] |
sgid [Procfs.Process.Status.Fields] |
sgid [Procfs.Process.Status] |
sh [Shell] |
sh_full [Shell] |
sh_lines [Shell] |
sh_one [Shell] |
sh_one_exn [Shell] |
sh_test [Shell] |
share [Procfs.Process.Statm.Fields] |
share [Procfs.Process.Statm] |
shell [Shell.Process] |
shrink [Cbuffer] |
half the size of the buffer
sigcatch [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
sigcatch [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
sigignore [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
sigignore [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
signal [Semaphore] |
signal sem v allows one thread blocked in Semaphore.wait on
semaphore sem to continue.
signal [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
signal [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
singleton [Multi_map] |
singleton [Fold_map.S2] |
singleton [Fold_map.S] |
size [Procfs.Process.Statm.Fields] |
size [Procfs.Process.Statm] |
size [Deprecated_bench.Test] |
sl [Procfs.Net.Tcp.Fields] |
sl [Procfs.Net.Tcp] |
slab [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
slab [Procfs.Meminfo] |
slice [Packed_array.S] |
slot_spec [Service_command.T] |
snapshot_of_sexp [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
snoc [Lazy_list] |
soft [Procfs.Process.Limits.Rlimit.Fields] |
soft [Procfs.Process.Limits.Rlimit] |
softirq [Procfs.Kstat.Fields_of_cpu_t] |
softirq [Procfs.Kstat] |
sort [Lazy_list] |
space [Text_block] |
spec [Procfs.Mount.Fields] |
spec [Procfs.Mount] |
splay [Splay_tree.S] |
splay' [Splay_tree.S] |
splice [Extended_linux.Splice] |
splice ?assume_fd_is_nonblocking ~fd_in ?off_in ~fd_out ?off_out
~len flags see man-page for details.
square [Extended_list] |
Takes a list of `key*`value lists and returns a
header * table_body body that is obtained by splitting the lists and
re-oddering the terms (so that they all have the same header).
square_unique [Extended_list] |
squeeze [Extended_string] |
squeeze str reduces all sequences of spaces, newlines, tables, and
* carriage returns to single spaces.
ssh [Shell] |
ssh_full [Shell] |
ssh_lines [Shell] |
ssh_one [Shell] |
ssh_one_exn [Shell] |
ssh_test [Shell] |
stack_size [Procfs.Process.Limits.Fields] |
stack_size [Procfs.Process.Limits] |
start [Service_command] |
start [Runtime_blockout_detector] |
start starts a thread that watches for blockouts where the OCaml
lock isn't released.
start_canary_thread [Low_level_debug] |
A canary thread starts two threads, one in caml and one in C.
startcode [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
startcode [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
startstack [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
startstack [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
starttime [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
starttime [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
stat [Procfs.Process.Fields] |
stat [Procfs.Process] |
state [Procfs.Net.Tcp.Fields] |
state [Procfs.Net.Tcp] |
state [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
state [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
statfs [Extended_linux] |
statm [Procfs.Process.Fields] |
statm [Procfs.Process] |
status [Service_command] |
status [Procfs.Process.Fields] |
status [Procfs.Process] |
status_to_string [Shell.Process] |
statvfs [Extended_unix] |
get file system statistics
statvfs_of_sexp [Extended_unix] |
steal [Procfs.Kstat.Fields_of_cpu_t] |
steal [Procfs.Kstat] |
step [Readline__input_loop] |
step [Deprecated_fcommand] |
step allows you to transform the way parameters are applied.
stime [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
stime [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
stop [Service_command] |
stop_me_now [Low_level_debug] |
stop_upon_exit [Low_level_debug] |
stop_upon_sigbus [Low_level_debug] |
stop_upon_sigpipe [Low_level_debug] |
stop_upon_sigsegv [Low_level_debug] |
string [Generic] |
string [Deprecated_fcommand] |
string [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
string_acc [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
string_mut [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
string_of_lev [Syslog] |
string_of_lev lev converts a level lev to a string.
string_of_sockaddr [Net_utils] |
Get string from sockaddr
strptime [Extended_unix] |
sub [Lazy_sequence] |
suid [Procfs.Process.Status.Fields] |
suid [Procfs.Process.Status] |
summarize [Extended_sexp] |
Returns a smaller sexp by replacing sections with "...".
supported_filesystems [Procfs] |
swap_array [Cbuffer] |
swap_array buf len copies the contents of buf to a new array of length
len and places that new data into the buffer
swap_cached [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
swap_cached [Procfs.Meminfo] |
swap_free [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
swap_free [Procfs.Meminfo] |
swap_total [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
swap_total [Procfs.Meminfo] |
sys [Procfs.Kstat.Fields_of_cpu_t] |
sys [Procfs.Kstat] |
syslog [Syslog] |
syslog ?fac ?lev str logs message str using syslog with faculty
fac at level lev .
syslogf [Syslog] |
syslog_printf ?fac ?lev fmt same as Syslog.syslog , but allows
printf -style specification of the message using fmt .
T |
t [Iter] |
create an iterator from an iterating function
t2 [Deprecated_fcommand] |
t3 [Deprecated_fcommand] |
t4 [Deprecated_fcommand] |
t_of_sexp [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
t_of_sexp [Trie.Key.Part] |
t_of_sexp [Sys_utils.Lsb_release] |
t_of_sexp [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
t_of_sexp [Selector.String_list_selector] |
t_of_sexp [Selector.String_selector.Regexp] |
t_of_sexp [Selector.String_selector] |
t_of_sexp [Selector.Date_selector] |
t_of_sexp [Prod_or_test] |
t_of_sexp [Procfs.Meminfo] |
t_of_sexp [Procfs.Process.Fd] |
t_of_sexp [Procfs.Process.Status] |
t_of_sexp [Procfs.Process.Statm] |
t_of_sexp [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
t_of_sexp [Procfs.Process.Limits.Rlimit] |
t_of_sexp [Procfs.Process.Limits] |
t_of_sexp [Procfs.Process.Inode] |
t_of_sexp [Procfs.Process] |
t_of_sexp [Patience_diff.Range] |
t_of_sexp [Packed_map.Value] |
t_of_sexp [Packed_map.Key] |
t_of_sexp [Packed_map.S] |
t_of_sexp [Extended_unix.Mount_entry] |
t_of_sexp [Extended_unix.Mac_address] |
t_of_sexp [Extended_unix.Inet_port] |
t_of_sexp [Extended_sexp.Make_explicit_sexp_option] |
t_of_sexp [Extended_int64.Filesize] |
t_of_sexp [Cbuffer] |
tail [Linebuf] |
Seeks to the end of the file and blocks until another line is available -- this new
line is not returned.
take [Lazy_sequence] |
task_stats [Procfs.Process.Fields] |
task_stats [Procfs.Process] |
tcp_socket [Net_utils] |
Create a standard TCP/IP-socket
tee [Extended_linux.Splice] |
tee ?assume_fd_is_nonblocking ~fd_in ~fd_out len flags see man-page
for details.
ten [Procfs.Loadavg.Fields] |
ten [Procfs.Loadavg] |
test [Shell.Process] |
test [Shell] |
test_k [Shell.Process] |
text [Text_block] |
text [Procfs.Process.Statm.Fields] |
text [Procfs.Process.Statm] |
text [Pp] |
The text function turns a string into a document.
timeout [Procfs.Net.Tcp.Fields] |
timeout [Procfs.Net.Tcp] |
timestamp [Logger] |
Returns a timestamp as a string suitable for log files
tl [Lazy_sequence] |
tm_when [Procfs.Net.Tcp.Fields] |
tm_when [Procfs.Net.Tcp] |
to_alist [Packed_map.S] |
to_alist [Fold_map.S2] |
to_alist [Fold_map.S] |
to_alist [Extended_hashtbl.Access_control] |
to_array [Packed_array.S] |
to_array [Lazy_list] |
to_array [Iter] |
iterate a function and collect results to a array
to_array [Cbuffer] |
to_array_copy [Extended_array.Access_control] |
to_array_opt [Iter] |
to_buffer [Extended_sexp.Diff] |
to_cycle_count [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
to_exec_env [Environment] |
to_file [Pp] |
to_flag [Deprecated_command.Annotated_field] |
to_int [Procfs.Net.Tcp_state] |
to_int [Extended_unix.Inet_port] |
to_line [Bin_io_utils] |
to_list [Sys_utils.Lsb_release.Fields] |
to_list [Readline.History] |
to_list [Random_selection] |
the current selection from values previously seen by t .
to_list [Procfs.Mount.Fields] |
to_list [Procfs.Net.Tcp.Fields] |
to_list [Procfs.Net.Route.Fields] |
to_list [Procfs.Net.Dev.Fields] |
to_list [Procfs.Loadavg.Fields] |
to_list [Procfs.Kstat.Fields_of_cpu_t] |
to_list [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
to_list [Procfs.Process.Fields] |
to_list [Procfs.Process.Fd.Fields] |
to_list [Procfs.Process.Status.Fields] |
to_list [Procfs.Process.Statm.Fields] |
to_list [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
to_list [Procfs.Process.Limits.Fields] |
to_list [Procfs.Process.Limits.Rlimit.Fields] |
to_list [Packed_array.S] |
to_list [Lazy_list] |
to_list [Iter] |
iterate a function and collect results to a list
to_list [Generic] |
to_list [Find] |
to_list t returns all of the remaining files in t as a list in the order they
would have been returned by subsequent calls to next
to_list_opt [Iter] |
to_map [Fold_map.S2] |
to_map [Fold_map.S] |
to_ns [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
to_regexp [Selector.String_selector.Regexp] |
to_rev_list [Lazy_list] |
to_spec [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
to_spec_unit [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
to_spec_units [Deprecated_command.Flag] |
to_string [Shell.Process] |
to_string [Selector.String_selector.Regexp] |
to_string [Procfs.Process.Inode] |
to_string [Process.Status] |
to_string [Pp] |
to_string [Posix_clock] |
to_string [Extended_unix.Mac_address] |
to_string [Extended_unix.Inet_port] |
to_string [Extended_sexp.Diff] |
to_string [Extended_int64.Filesize] |
to_string [Extended_exn] |
The to_string function is slightly tweaked to avoid escaping the string
content of Failure .
to_string_cisco [Extended_unix.Mac_address] |
to_string_hum [Extended_time.Extended_span] |
Convert a time span to a human-readable string, e.g.
to_string_hum [Extended_float] |
to_string_hum [Extended_exn] |
This is also an ever so slight variation of to_string target more at user
than developers (Failure s is just printed as s )
to_string_hum' [Extended_sexp] |
The ocaml pretty printer (used by sexplib) is a speed daemon but is,
sadly enough, produces wrong output (e.g it overflows in places where this
could have avoided).
to_time [Time_stamp_counter.Cycles] |
top_command [Procfs.Process.Fields] |
top_command [Procfs.Process] |
touch [Cache.Strategy] |
Marks an element as "fresh".
tpgid [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
tpgid [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
tr [Procfs.Net.Tcp.Fields] |
tr [Procfs.Net.Tcp] |
try_r_lock [Rw_mutex] |
try_r_lock mtx tries to lock mtx for a reader without blocking.
try_read [Linebuf] |
Tries to read a line from the file.
try_read_lnum [Linebuf] |
try_read_lnum is like try_read except also provides the line number of the
read line.
try_read_lnum_verbose [Linebuf] |
Like try_read, except that it returns more verbose errors
try_w_lock [Rw_mutex] |
try_w_lock mtx tries to lock mtx for a writer without blocking.
try_wrap_r_lock [Rw_mutex] |
try_wrap_r_lock mtx f tries to lock mtx for a reader without
blocking, executes f and unlocks the mutex again.
try_wrap_w_lock [Rw_mutex] |
try_wrap_w_lock mtx f tries to lock mtx for a writer without
blocking, executes f and unlocks the mutex again.
tty_nr [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
tty_nr [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
tx_bytes [Procfs.Net.Dev.Fields] |
tx_bytes [Procfs.Net.Dev] |
tx_carrier [Procfs.Net.Dev.Fields] |
tx_carrier [Procfs.Net.Dev] |
tx_colls [Procfs.Net.Dev.Fields] |
tx_colls [Procfs.Net.Dev] |
tx_compressed [Procfs.Net.Dev.Fields] |
tx_compressed [Procfs.Net.Dev] |
tx_drop [Procfs.Net.Dev.Fields] |
tx_drop [Procfs.Net.Dev] |
tx_errs [Procfs.Net.Dev.Fields] |
tx_errs [Procfs.Net.Dev] |
tx_fifo [Procfs.Net.Dev.Fields] |
tx_fifo [Procfs.Net.Dev] |
tx_packets [Procfs.Net.Dev.Fields] |
tx_packets [Procfs.Net.Dev] |
tx_queue [Procfs.Net.Tcp.Fields] |
tx_queue [Procfs.Net.Tcp] |
type_desc_of_sexp [Stats_reporting.Stored_data] |
U |
uid [Procfs.Net.Tcp.Fields] |
uid [Procfs.Net.Tcp] |
uid [Procfs.Process.Status.Fields] |
uid [Procfs.Process.Status] |
uids_of_sexp [Extended_linux] |
underline [Color_print] |
underlineprintf [Color_print] |
unescaped [Extended_string] |
unescaped s is the inverse operation of escaped : it takes a string where
all the special characters are escaped following the lexical convention of
OCaml and returns an unescaped copy.
unescaped_res [Extended_string] |
Same as unescaped but instead of raising Failure _ returns an error
message with the position in the string in case of failure.
unfold [Lazy_list] |
unfold [Iter] |
unified [Patience_diff] |
unified hunks converts all Replace ranges in hunks to an Old range
followed by a New range.
unify [Lazy_list] |
unit [Cache] |
Returns memoized version of any function with argument unit.
uniter [Lazy_list] |
unsafe_get [Packed_array.Basic] |
unsafe_slice [Packed_array.Basic] |
unsafe_tail [Linebuf] |
Same as tail except it may return before a new line is available on the file
unused [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
unused [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
unwrap [Extended_exn] |
unwrap e
unzip [Packed_array.Tuple2] |
update_exn [Sys_utils.Cpu_use] |
update_exn updates a Cpu_use.t.
upper [Number.Verified_std.Bounded_spec] |
uptime [Procfs] |
use [Procfs.Net.Route.Fields] |
use [Procfs.Net.Route] |
user [Procfs.Kstat.Fields_of_cpu_t] |
user [Procfs.Kstat] |
utime [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
utime [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
V |
valign [Text_block] |
value_of_sexp [Procfs.Process.Limits.Rlimit] |
value_of_sexp [Packed_map.S] |
value_raise [Extended_option] |
vcat [Text_block] |
verify [Number.S] |
vfstype [Procfs.Mount.Fields] |
vfstype [Procfs.Mount] |
vgrp [Pp] |
The vgrp operator creates a vertical group.
visible_filesystem [Extended_unix.Mount_entry] |
vlist [Pp] |
vlist [x1,..,xn] = vgrp [x1; break; x2; ...; break; xn)
vmalloc_chunk [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
vmalloc_chunk [Procfs.Meminfo] |
vmalloc_total [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
vmalloc_total [Procfs.Meminfo] |
vmalloc_used [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
vmalloc_used [Procfs.Meminfo] |
vmsplice [Extended_linux.Splice] |
vsize [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
vsize [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
vstrut [Text_block] |
W |
w_lock [Rw_mutex] |
w_lock mtx locks mtx for a writer.
w_pref [Rw_mutex] |
w_pref preference kind for writers.
w_unlock [Rw_mutex] |
w_unlock mtx unlocks mtx for a writer.
wait [Semaphore] |
wait sem blocks the calling thread on semaphore sem if it was not
initialized with Some x or not signalled before.
warning [Loggers.LOGGER] |
watch [Update_queue] |
watch t f will call f every time that that t 's state is updated.
wchan [Procfs.Process.Stat.Fields] |
wchan [Procfs.Process.Stat] |
which [Shell__core] |
which [Shell] |
whoami [Shell__core] |
whoami [Shell] |
Get the username.
width [Text_block] |
window [Procfs.Net.Route.Fields] |
window [Procfs.Net.Route] |
with_connection [Tcp] |
with_open_temp_file [Extended_filename] |
with_open_temp_file ~write ~f prefix suffix
create a temporary file; runs write on its out_channel and then f on
the resulting file.
with_pid [Procfs] |
with_pid pid returns a single process that matches pid
with_pid_exn [Procfs] |
with_pid_exn pid returns a single process that matches pid, or raises Not_found
with_sequence [Lazy_sequence.Iterator] |
with_temp_dir [Extended_filename] |
Runs f with a temporary dir as option and removes the directory afterwards.
with_tmp [Sys_utils] |
with_tmp pre suf f creates a temp file, calls f with the file name, and removes the
file afterwards.
with_uid [Procfs] |
with_uid uid returns all processes owned by uid
with_username [Procfs] |
with_username user calls with_uid after looking up the user's uid
with_username_exn [Procfs] |
with_username_exn user calls with_uid after looking up the user's uid
without_compactions [Extended_gc] |
without_compactions f a will call f a so that Gc.compact is never called
during its execution, then restore compactions to the previous setting.
word_wrap [Extended_string] |
word_wrap ~soft_limit s
wrap_block_signals [Unix_utils] |
wrap_block_signals f blocks all signals before execution of f , and
restores them afterwards.
wrap_r_lock [Rw_mutex] |
wrap_r_lock mtx f locks mtx for a reader, executes f and
unlocks the mutex again.
wrap_w_lock [Rw_mutex] |
wrap_w_lock mtx f locks mtx for a writer, executes f and
unlocks the mutex again.
write_wrap [Extended_common] |
write_wrap ~atomic ~f fname Runs f on an out_channel .
writeback [Procfs.Meminfo.Fields] |
writeback [Procfs.Meminfo] |
Y |
yellow [Color_print] |
yellowprintf [Color_print] |
Z |
zero [Number.Verified_std_spec] |
zero [Number.S0] |
zero [Deprecated_fcommand] |
zip_exn [Packed_array.Tuple2] |
zip_full [Lazy_sequence] |