Module Ppx_core

include Ppx_core__.Glue
include Base
include module type of sig ... end with module Array := Caml.Array with module Buffer := Caml.Buffer with module Char := Caml.Char with module Hashtbl := Caml.Hashtbl with module Int32 := Caml.Int32 with module Int64 := Caml.Int64 with module Lazy := Caml.Lazy with module List := Caml.List with module Map := Caml.Map with module Nativeint := Caml.Nativeint with module Printf := Caml.Printf with module Random := Caml.Random with module Set := Caml.Set with module String := Caml.String with module Sys := Caml.Sys with module Uchar := Caml.Uchar with module Lexing := Caml.Lexing with type (a, b, c) format := (a, b, c) Pervasives.format with type (a, b, c, d) format4 := (a, b, c, d) Pervasives.format4 with type (a, b, c, d, e, f) format6 := (a, b, c, d, e, f) Pervasives.format6 with type ref := a Pervasives.ref
module Arg = Arg
module Array = Array
module ArrayLabels = ArrayLabels
module Buffer = Buffer
module Bytes = Bytes
module BytesLabels = BytesLabels
module Callback = Callback
module Char = Char
module Complex = Complex
module Digest = Digest
module Ephemeron = Ephemeron
module Filename = Filename
module Format = Format
module Gc = Gc
module Genlex = Genlex
module Hashtbl = Hashtbl
module Int32 = Int32
module Int64 = Int64
module Lazy = Lazy
module Lexing = Lexing
module List = List
module ListLabels = ListLabels
module Map = Map
module Marshal = Marshal
module MoreLabels = MoreLabels
module Nativeint = Nativeint
module Obj = Obj
module Oo = Oo
module Parsing = Parsing
module Pervasives = Pervasives
module Printexc = Printexc
module Printf = Printf
module Queue = Queue
module Random = Random
module Scanf = Scanf
module Set = Set
module Sort = Sort
module Spacetime = Spacetime
module Stack = Stack
module StdLabels = StdLabels
module Stream = Stream
module String = String
module StringLabels = StringLabels
module Sys = Sys
module Uchar = Uchar
module Weak = Weak
external raise : exn ‑> 'a =
external raise_notrace : exn ‑> 'a =
val invalid_arg : string ‑> 'a
val failwith : string ‑> 'a
exception Exit
external (=) : 'a ‑> 'a ‑> bool =
external (<>) : 'a ‑> 'a ‑> bool =
external (<) : 'a ‑> 'a ‑> bool =
external (>) : 'a ‑> 'a ‑> bool =
external (<=) : 'a ‑> 'a ‑> bool =
external (>=) : 'a ‑> 'a ‑> bool =
external compare : 'a ‑> 'a ‑> int =
val min : 'a ‑> 'a ‑> 'a
val max : 'a ‑> 'a ‑> 'a
external (==) : 'a ‑> 'a ‑> bool =
external (!=) : 'a ‑> 'a ‑> bool =
external not : bool ‑> bool =
external (&&) : bool ‑> bool ‑> bool =
external (&) : bool ‑> bool ‑> bool =
external (||) : bool ‑> bool ‑> bool =
external or : bool ‑> bool ‑> bool =
external __LOC__ : string =
external __FILE__ : string =
external __LINE__ : int =
external __MODULE__ : string =
external __POS__ : string * int * int * int =
external __LOC_OF__ : 'a ‑> string * 'a =
external __LINE_OF__ : 'a ‑> int * 'a =
external __POS_OF__ : 'a ‑> (string * int * int * int) * 'a =
external (|>) : 'a ‑> ('a ‑> 'b) ‑> 'b =
external (@@) : ('a ‑> 'b) ‑> 'a ‑> 'b =
external (~-) : int ‑> int =
external (~+) : int ‑> int =
external succ : int ‑> int =
external pred : int ‑> int =
external (+) : int ‑> int ‑> int =
external (-) : int ‑> int ‑> int =
external (*) : int ‑> int ‑> int =
external (/) : int ‑> int ‑> int =
external (mod) : int ‑> int ‑> int =
val abs : int ‑> int
val max_int : int
val min_int : int
external (land) : int ‑> int ‑> int =
external (lor) : int ‑> int ‑> int =
external (lxor) : int ‑> int ‑> int =
val (lnot) : int ‑> int
external (lsl) : int ‑> int ‑> int =
external (lsr) : int ‑> int ‑> int =
external (asr) : int ‑> int ‑> int =
external (~-.) : float ‑> float =
external (~+.) : float ‑> float =
external (+.) : float ‑> float ‑> float =
external (-.) : float ‑> float ‑> float =
external (*.) : float ‑> float ‑> float =
external (/.) : float ‑> float ‑> float =
external (**) : float ‑> float ‑> float =
external sqrt : float ‑> float =
external exp : float ‑> float =
external log : float ‑> float =
external log10 : float ‑> float =
external expm1 : float ‑> float =
external log1p : float ‑> float =
external cos : float ‑> float =
external sin : float ‑> float =
external tan : float ‑> float =
external acos : float ‑> float =
external asin : float ‑> float =
external atan : float ‑> float =
external atan2 : float ‑> float ‑> float =
external hypot : float ‑> float ‑> float =
external cosh : float ‑> float =
external sinh : float ‑> float =
external tanh : float ‑> float =
external ceil : float ‑> float =
external floor : float ‑> float =
external abs_float : float ‑> float =
external copysign : float ‑> float ‑> float =
external mod_float : float ‑> float ‑> float =
external frexp : float ‑> float * int =
external ldexp : float ‑> int ‑> float =
external modf : float ‑> float * float =
external float : int ‑> float =
external float_of_int : int ‑> float =
external truncate : float ‑> int =
external int_of_float : float ‑> int =
val infinity : float
val neg_infinity : float
val nan : float
val max_float : float
val min_float : float
val epsilon_float : float
type fpclass = Pervasives.fpclass =
| FP_normal
| FP_subnormal
| FP_zero
| FP_infinite
| FP_nan
external classify_float : float ‑> fpclass =
val (^) : string ‑> string ‑> string
external int_of_char : char ‑> int =
val char_of_int : int ‑> char
external ignore : 'a ‑> unit =
val string_of_bool : bool ‑> string
val bool_of_string : string ‑> bool
val string_of_int : int ‑> string
external int_of_string : string ‑> int =
val string_of_float : float ‑> string
external float_of_string : string ‑> float =
external fst : ('a * 'b) ‑> 'a =
external snd : ('a * 'b) ‑> 'b =
val (@) : 'a list ‑> 'a list ‑> 'a list
type in_channel = Pervasives.in_channel
type out_channel = Pervasives.out_channel
val stdin : in_channel
val stdout : out_channel
val stderr : out_channel
val print_char : char ‑> unit
val print_string : string ‑> unit
val print_bytes : bytes ‑> unit
val print_int : int ‑> unit
val print_float : float ‑> unit
val print_endline : string ‑> unit
val print_newline : unit ‑> unit
val prerr_char : char ‑> unit
val prerr_string : string ‑> unit
val prerr_bytes : bytes ‑> unit
val prerr_int : int ‑> unit
val prerr_float : float ‑> unit
val prerr_endline : string ‑> unit
val prerr_newline : unit ‑> unit
val read_line : unit ‑> string
val read_int : unit ‑> int
val read_float : unit ‑> float
type open_flag = Pervasives.open_flag =
| Open_rdonly
| Open_wronly
| Open_append
| Open_creat
| Open_trunc
| Open_excl
| Open_binary
| Open_text
| Open_nonblock
val open_out : string ‑> out_channel
val open_out_bin : string ‑> out_channel
val open_out_gen : open_flag list ‑> int ‑> string ‑> out_channel
val flush : out_channel ‑> unit
val flush_all : unit ‑> unit
val output_char : out_channel ‑> char ‑> unit
val output_string : out_channel ‑> string ‑> unit
val output_bytes : out_channel ‑> bytes ‑> unit
val output : out_channel ‑> bytes ‑> int ‑> int ‑> unit
val output_substring : out_channel ‑> string ‑> int ‑> int ‑> unit
val output_byte : out_channel ‑> int ‑> unit
val output_binary_int : out_channel ‑> int ‑> unit
val output_value : out_channel ‑> 'a ‑> unit
val seek_out : out_channel ‑> int ‑> unit
val pos_out : out_channel ‑> int
val out_channel_length : out_channel ‑> int
val close_out : out_channel ‑> unit
val close_out_noerr : out_channel ‑> unit
val set_binary_mode_out : out_channel ‑> bool ‑> unit
val open_in : string ‑> in_channel
val open_in_bin : string ‑> in_channel
val open_in_gen : open_flag list ‑> int ‑> string ‑> in_channel
val input_char : in_channel ‑> char
val input_line : in_channel ‑> string
val input : in_channel ‑> bytes ‑> int ‑> int ‑> int
val really_input : in_channel ‑> bytes ‑> int ‑> int ‑> unit
val really_input_string : in_channel ‑> int ‑> string
val input_byte : in_channel ‑> int
val input_binary_int : in_channel ‑> int
val input_value : in_channel ‑> 'a
val seek_in : in_channel ‑> int ‑> unit
val pos_in : in_channel ‑> int
val in_channel_length : in_channel ‑> int
val close_in : in_channel ‑> unit
val close_in_noerr : in_channel ‑> unit
val set_binary_mode_in : in_channel ‑> bool ‑> unit
module LargeFile = Pervasives.LargeFile
type 'a ref = 'a Pervasives.ref = {
mutable contents : 'a;
external ref : 'a ‑> 'a ref =
external (!) : 'a ref ‑> 'a =
external (:=) : 'a ref ‑> 'a ‑> unit =
external incr : int ref ‑> unit =
external decr : int ref ‑> unit =
type ('a, 'b) result = ('a'b) Pervasives.result =
| Ok of 'a
| Error of 'b
type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 = ('a'b'c'd'e'f) CamlinternalFormatBasics.format6
type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format4 = ('a'b'c'c'c'dformat6
type ('a, 'b, 'c) format = ('a'b'c'cformat4
val string_of_format : ('a'b'c'd'e'fformat6 ‑> string
external format_of_string : ('a'b'c'd'e'fformat6 ‑> ('a'b'c'd'e'fformat6 =
val (^^) : ('a'b'c'd'e'fformat6 ‑> ('f'b'c'e'g'hformat6 ‑> ('a'b'c'd'g'hformat6
val exit : int ‑> 'a
val at_exit : (unit ‑> unit) ‑> unit
val valid_float_lexem : string ‑> string
val unsafe_really_input : in_channel ‑> bytes ‑> int ‑> int ‑> unit
val do_at_exit : unit ‑> unit
module Applicative = Base.Applicative
module Applicative_intf = Base.Applicative_intf
module Array = Base.Array
module Avltree = Base.Avltree
module Backtrace = Base.Backtrace
module Binary_searchable = Base.Binary_searchable
module Binary_searchable_intf = Base.Binary_searchable_intf
module Blit = Base.Blit
module Blit_intf = Base.Blit_intf
module Bool = Base.Bool
module Buffer = Base.Buffer
module Char = Base.Char
module Commutative_group = Base.Commutative_group
module Comparable = Base.Comparable
module Comparable_intf = Base.Comparable_intf
module Comparator = Base.Comparator
module Container = Base.Container
module Container_intf = Base.Container_intf
module Either = Base.Either
module Either_intf = Base.Either_intf
module Equal = Base.Equal
module Error = Base.Error
module Exn = Base.Exn
module Field = Base.Field
module Float = Base.Float
module Floatable = Base.Floatable
module Fn = Base.Fn
module Hash = Base.Hash
module Hash_intf = Base.Hash_intf
module Hash_set = Base.Hash_set
module Hash_set_intf = Base.Hash_set_intf
module Hasher = Base.Hasher
module Hashtbl = Base.Hashtbl
module Hashtbl_intf = Base.Hashtbl_intf
module Heap_block = Base.Heap_block
module Identifiable = Base.Identifiable
module Indexed_container = Base.Indexed_container
module Info = Base.Info
module Info_intf = Base.Info_intf
module Int = Base.Int
module Int32 = Base.Int32
module Int63 = Base.Int63
module Int64 = Base.Int64
module Int_intf = Base.Int_intf
module Intable = Base.Intable
module Invariant = Base.Invariant
module Lazy = Base.Lazy
module List = Base.List
module Map = Base.Map
module Map_intf = Base.Map_intf
module Maybe_bound = Base.Maybe_bound
module Monad = Base.Monad
module Nativeint = Base.Nativeint
module Option = Base.Option
module Or_error = Base.Or_error
module Ordered_collection_common = Base.Ordered_collection_common
module Ordering = Base.Ordering
module Poly = Base.Poly
module Polymorphic_compare = Base.Polymorphic_compare
module Polymorphic_compare_intf = Base.Polymorphic_compare_intf
module Popcount = Base.Popcount
module Pretty_printer = Base.Pretty_printer
module Printf = Base.Printf
module Linked_queue = Base.Linked_queue
module Queue_intf = Base.Queue_intf
module Random = Base.Random
module Ref = Base.Ref
module Result = Base.Result
module Sequence = Base.Sequence
module Set = Base.Set
module Set_intf = Base.Set_intf
module Sexpable = Base.Sexpable
module Sign = Base.Sign
module Source_code_position = Base.Source_code_position
module Staged = Base.Staged
module String = Base.String
module Stringable = Base.Stringable
module String_dict = Base.String_dict
module Sys = Base.Sys
module T = Base.T
module Type_equal = Base.Type_equal
module Unit = Base.Unit
module Uchar = Base.Uchar
module Validate = Base.Validate
module Variant = Base.Variant
module With_return = Base.With_return
module Word_size = Base.Word_size
module Sexp = Base.Sexp
module Exported_for_specific_uses = Base.Exported_for_specific_uses
module Export = Base.Export
include Export
type 'a array = 'a Array.t
val array_of_sexp : a. (Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t ‑> 'a) ‑> Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t ‑> 'a array
val sexp_of_array : a. ('a ‑> Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t) ‑> 'a array ‑> Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t
val compare_array : a. ('a ‑> 'a ‑> int) ‑> 'a array ‑> 'a array ‑> int
type bool = Bool.t
val bool_of_sexp : Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t ‑> bool
val sexp_of_bool : bool ‑> Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t
val compare_bool : bool ‑> bool ‑> int
type char = Char.t
val char_of_sexp : Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t ‑> char
val sexp_of_char : char ‑> Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t
val compare_char : char ‑> char ‑> int
type exn = Exn.t
val sexp_of_exn : exn ‑> Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t
type float = Float.t
val float_of_sexp : Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t ‑> float
val sexp_of_float : float ‑> Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t
val compare_float : float ‑> float ‑> int
type int = Int.t
val int_of_sexp : Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t ‑> int
val sexp_of_int : int ‑> Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t
val compare_int : int ‑> int ‑> int
type int32 = Int32.t
val int32_of_sexp : Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t ‑> int32
val sexp_of_int32 : int32 ‑> Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t
val compare_int32 : int32 ‑> int32 ‑> int
type int64 = Int64.t
val int64_of_sexp : Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t ‑> int64
val sexp_of_int64 : int64 ‑> Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t
val compare_int64 : int64 ‑> int64 ‑> int
type 'a list = 'a List.t
val list_of_sexp : a. (Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t ‑> 'a) ‑> Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t ‑> 'a list
val sexp_of_list : a. ('a ‑> Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t) ‑> 'a list ‑> Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t
val compare_list : a. ('a ‑> 'a ‑> int) ‑> 'a list ‑> 'a list ‑> int
type nativeint = Nativeint.t
val nativeint_of_sexp : Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t ‑> nativeint
val sexp_of_nativeint : nativeint ‑> Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t
val compare_nativeint : nativeint ‑> nativeint ‑> int
type 'a option = 'a Option.t
val option_of_sexp : a. (Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t ‑> 'a) ‑> Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t ‑> 'a option
val sexp_of_option : a. ('a ‑> Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t) ‑> 'a option ‑> Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t
val compare_option : a. ('a ‑> 'a ‑> int) ‑> 'a option ‑> 'a option ‑> int
type 'a ref = 'a Ref.t
val ref_of_sexp : a. (Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t ‑> 'a) ‑> Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t ‑> 'a ref
val sexp_of_ref : a. ('a ‑> Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t) ‑> 'a ref ‑> Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t
val compare_ref : a. ('a ‑> 'a ‑> int) ‑> 'a ref ‑> 'a ref ‑> int
type string = String.t
val string_of_sexp : Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t ‑> string
val sexp_of_string : string ‑> Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t
val compare_string : string ‑> string ‑> int
type unit = Unit.t
val unit_of_sexp : Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t ‑> unit
val sexp_of_unit : unit ‑> Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t
val compare_unit : unit ‑> unit ‑> int
type ('a, 'b, 'c) format = ('a'b'c) Pervasives.format

Format stuff

type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format4 = ('a'b'c'd) Pervasives.format4
type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 = ('a'b'c'd'e'f) Pervasives.format6

List operators

include List.Infix
val (@) : 'a Base__List.t ‑> 'a Base__List.t ‑> 'a Base__List.t

Int operators and comparisons

include Int.O

A sub-module designed to be opened to make working with ints more convenient.

include Base.Int_intf.Operators_unbounded
type t
val (+) : t ‑> t ‑> t
val (-) : t ‑> t ‑> t
val (*) : t ‑> t ‑> t
val (/) : t ‑> t ‑> t
val (~-) : t ‑> t
include Base.Polymorphic_compare_intf.Infix with type t := t
type t
val (>=) : t ‑> t ‑> bool
val (<=) : t ‑> t ‑> bool
val (=) : t ‑> t ‑> bool
val (>) : t ‑> t ‑> bool
val (<) : t ‑> t ‑> bool
val (<>) : t ‑> t ‑> bool
val abs : t ‑> t
val neg : t ‑> t
val zero : t
val of_int_exn : int ‑> t
val (%) : t ‑> t ‑> t
val (/%) : t ‑> t ‑> t
val (//) : t ‑> t ‑> float
val (land) : t ‑> t ‑> t
val (lor) : t ‑> t ‑> t
val (lxor) : t ‑> t ‑> t
val (lnot) : t ‑> t
val (lsl) : t ‑> int ‑> t
val (asr) : t ‑> int ‑> t
val (lsr) : t ‑> int ‑> t
include Base__.Import.Int_replace_polymorphic_compare
val (<) : int ‑> int ‑> bool
val (<=) : int ‑> int ‑> bool
val (<>) : int ‑> int ‑> bool
val (=) : int ‑> int ‑> bool
val (>) : int ‑> int ‑> bool
val (>=) : int ‑> int ‑> bool
val ascending : int ‑> int ‑> int
val descending : int ‑> int ‑> int
val compare : int ‑> int ‑> int
val equal : int ‑> int ‑> bool
val max : int ‑> int ‑> int
val min : int ‑> int ‑> int
external (|>) : 'a ‑> ('a ‑> 'b) ‑> 'b = "%revapply"

Composition operator

external (&&) : bool ‑> bool ‑> bool = "%sequand"

Boolean operations

external (||) : bool ‑> bool ‑> bool = "%sequor"
external not : bool ‑> bool = "%boolnot"
external ignore : _ ‑> unit = "%ignore"
val (^) : String.t ‑> String.t ‑> String.t

Common string operations

external (!) : 'a ref ‑> 'a = "%field0"

Reference operations

external ref : 'a ‑> 'a ref = "%makemutable"
external (:=) : 'a ref ‑> 'a ‑> unit = "%setfield0"
val fst : ('a * 'b) ‑> 'a

Pair operations

val snd : ('a * 'b) ‑> 'b
val failwith : string ‑> 'a

Exceptions stuff

val invalid_arg : string ‑> 'a
val raise : exn ‑> 'a
val raise_s : Sexp.t ‑> 'a
val phys_equal : 'a ‑> 'a ‑> bool


module Not_exposed_properly = Base.Not_exposed_properly
include Stdio
module In_channel = Stdio.In_channel
module Out_channel = Stdio.Out_channel
val stdin : In_channel.t

Same as In_channel.stdin

val stdout : Out_channel.t

Same as Out_channel.stdout

val stderr : Out_channel.t

Same as Out_channel.stderr

Same as Out_channel.printf

Same as Out_channel.eprintf

Same as Out_channel.print_endline

Same as Out_channel.prerr_endline

include sig ... end
include module type of sig ... end with module Ast_helper := Ocaml_shadow.Ast_helper with module Asttypes := Ocaml_shadow.Asttypes with module Docstrings := Ocaml_shadow.Docstrings with module Identifiable := Ocaml_shadow.Identifiable with module Lexer := Ocaml_shadow.Lexer with module Location := Ocaml_shadow.Location with module Longident := Ocaml_shadow.Longident with module Parse := Ocaml_shadow.Parse with module Parser := Ocaml_shadow.Parser with module Parsetree := Ocaml_shadow.Parsetree with module Pprintast := Ocaml_shadow.Pprintast with module Syntaxerr := Ocaml_shadow.Syntaxerr
module Do_not_use_directly = Ocaml_shadow.Do_not_use_directly
module Alias_analysis = Do_not_use_directly
module Allocated_const = Do_not_use_directly
module Annot = Do_not_use_directly
module Arch = Do_not_use_directly
module Arg_helper = Do_not_use_directly
module Asmgen = Do_not_use_directly
module Asmlibrarian = Do_not_use_directly
module Asmpackager = Do_not_use_directly
module Ast_helper = Do_not_use_directly
module Ast_invariants = Do_not_use_directly
module Ast_iterator = Do_not_use_directly
module Ast_mapper = Do_not_use_directly
module Asttypes = Do_not_use_directly
module Attr_helper = Do_not_use_directly
module Augment_specialised_args = Do_not_use_directly
module Backend_intf = Do_not_use_directly
module Branch_relaxation = Do_not_use_directly
module Branch_relaxation_intf = Do_not_use_directly
module Btype = Do_not_use_directly
module Build_export_info = Do_not_use_directly
module Builtin_attributes = Do_not_use_directly
module Bytegen = Do_not_use_directly
module Bytelibrarian = Do_not_use_directly
module Bytepackager = Do_not_use_directly
module Bytesections = Do_not_use_directly
module CSE = Do_not_use_directly
module CSEgen = Do_not_use_directly
module Ccomp = Do_not_use_directly
module Clambda = Do_not_use_directly
module Clflags = Do_not_use_directly
module Closure = Do_not_use_directly
module Closure_conversion = Do_not_use_directly
module Closure_conversion_aux = Do_not_use_directly
module Closure_element = Do_not_use_directly
module Closure_id = Do_not_use_directly
module Closure_offsets = Do_not_use_directly
module Cmi_format = Do_not_use_directly
module Cmm = Do_not_use_directly
module Cmmgen = Do_not_use_directly
module Cmo_format = Do_not_use_directly
module Cmt_format = Do_not_use_directly
module Cmx_format = Do_not_use_directly
module Coloring = Do_not_use_directly
module Comballoc = Do_not_use_directly
module Compenv = Do_not_use_directly
module Compilation_unit = Do_not_use_directly
module Compile = Do_not_use_directly
module Compilenv = Do_not_use_directly
module Compmisc = Do_not_use_directly
module Compplugin = Do_not_use_directly
module Config = Do_not_use_directly
module Consistbl = Do_not_use_directly
module Ctype = Do_not_use_directly
module Datarepr = Do_not_use_directly
module Deadcode = Do_not_use_directly
module Debuginfo = Do_not_use_directly
module Depend = Do_not_use_directly
module Dll = Do_not_use_directly
module Docstrings = Do_not_use_directly
module Effect_analysis = Do_not_use_directly
module Emit = Do_not_use_directly
module Emitaux = Do_not_use_directly
module Emitcode = Do_not_use_directly
module Env = Do_not_use_directly
module Envaux = Do_not_use_directly
module Errors = Do_not_use_directly
module Export_id = Do_not_use_directly
module Export_info = Do_not_use_directly
module Export_info_for_pack = Do_not_use_directly
module Expunge = Do_not_use_directly
module Extract_projections = Do_not_use_directly
module Find_recursive_functions = Do_not_use_directly
module Flambda = Do_not_use_directly
module Flambda_invariants = Do_not_use_directly
module Flambda_iterators = Do_not_use_directly
module Flambda_to_clambda = Do_not_use_directly
module Flambda_utils = Do_not_use_directly
module Freshening = Do_not_use_directly
module Genprintval = Do_not_use_directly
module Id_types = Do_not_use_directly
module Ident = Do_not_use_directly
module Identifiable = Do_not_use_directly
module Import_approx = Do_not_use_directly
module Includeclass = Do_not_use_directly
module Includecore = Do_not_use_directly
module Includemod = Do_not_use_directly
module Inconstant_idents = Do_not_use_directly
module Initialize_symbol_to_let_symbol = Do_not_use_directly
module Inline_and_simplify = Do_not_use_directly
module Inline_and_simplify_aux = Do_not_use_directly
module Inlining_cost = Do_not_use_directly
module Inlining_decision = Do_not_use_directly
module Inlining_decision_intf = Do_not_use_directly
module Inlining_stats = Do_not_use_directly
module Inlining_stats_types = Do_not_use_directly
module Inlining_transforms = Do_not_use_directly
module Instruct = Do_not_use_directly
module Interf = Do_not_use_directly
module Invariant_params = Do_not_use_directly
module Lambda = Do_not_use_directly
module Lexer = Do_not_use_directly
module Lift_code = Do_not_use_directly
module Lift_constants = Do_not_use_directly
module Lift_let_to_initialize_symbol = Do_not_use_directly
module Linearize = Do_not_use_directly
module Linkage_name = Do_not_use_directly
module Liveness = Do_not_use_directly
module Location = Do_not_use_directly
module Longident = Do_not_use_directly
module Mach = Do_not_use_directly
module Main = Do_not_use_directly
module Main_args = Do_not_use_directly
module Matching = Do_not_use_directly
module Meta = Do_not_use_directly
module Middle_end = Do_not_use_directly
module Misc = Do_not_use_directly
module Mtype = Do_not_use_directly
module Mutable_variable = Do_not_use_directly
module Numbers = Do_not_use_directly
module Opcodes = Do_not_use_directly
module Oprint = Do_not_use_directly
module Optcompile = Do_not_use_directly
module Opterrors = Do_not_use_directly
module Optmain = Do_not_use_directly
module Outcometree = Do_not_use_directly
module Parmatch = Do_not_use_directly
module Parse = Do_not_use_directly
module Parser = Do_not_use_directly
module Parsetree = Do_not_use_directly
module Pass_wrapper = Do_not_use_directly
module Path = Do_not_use_directly
module Pparse = Do_not_use_directly
module Pprintast = Do_not_use_directly
module Predef = Do_not_use_directly
module Primitive = Do_not_use_directly
module Printast = Do_not_use_directly
module Printclambda = Do_not_use_directly
module Printcmm = Do_not_use_directly
module Printinstr = Do_not_use_directly
module Printlambda = Do_not_use_directly
module Printlinear = Do_not_use_directly
module Printmach = Do_not_use_directly
module Printtyp = Do_not_use_directly
module Printtyped = Do_not_use_directly
module Proc = Do_not_use_directly
module Projection = Do_not_use_directly
module Ref_to_variables = Do_not_use_directly
module Reg = Do_not_use_directly
module Reload = Do_not_use_directly
module Reloadgen = Do_not_use_directly
module Remove_free_vars_equal_to_args = Do_not_use_directly
module Remove_unused_arguments = Do_not_use_directly
module Remove_unused_closure_vars = Do_not_use_directly
module Remove_unused_program_constructs = Do_not_use_directly
module Runtimedef = Do_not_use_directly
module Schedgen = Do_not_use_directly
module Scheduling = Do_not_use_directly
module Selectgen = Do_not_use_directly
module Selection = Do_not_use_directly
module Semantics_of_primitives = Do_not_use_directly
module Set_of_closures_id = Do_not_use_directly
module Set_of_closures_origin = Do_not_use_directly
module Share_constants = Do_not_use_directly
module Simple_value_approx = Do_not_use_directly
module Simplif = Do_not_use_directly
module Simplify_boxed_integer_ops = Do_not_use_directly
module Simplify_boxed_integer_ops_intf = Do_not_use_directly
module Simplify_common = Do_not_use_directly
module Simplify_primitives = Do_not_use_directly
module Spacetime_profiling = Do_not_use_directly
module Spill = Do_not_use_directly
module Split = Do_not_use_directly
module Static_exception = Do_not_use_directly
module Strmatch = Do_not_use_directly
module Strongly_connected_components = Do_not_use_directly
module Stypes = Do_not_use_directly
module Subst = Do_not_use_directly
module Switch = Do_not_use_directly
module Symbol = Do_not_use_directly
module Symtable = Do_not_use_directly
module Syntaxerr = Do_not_use_directly
module Tag = Do_not_use_directly
module Tast_mapper = Do_not_use_directly
module Tbl = Do_not_use_directly
module Terminfo = Do_not_use_directly
module Timings = Do_not_use_directly
module Topdirs = Do_not_use_directly
module Toploop = Do_not_use_directly
module Topmain = Do_not_use_directly
module Topstart = Do_not_use_directly
module Trace = Do_not_use_directly
module Translattribute = Do_not_use_directly
module Translclass = Do_not_use_directly
module Translcore = Do_not_use_directly
module Translmod = Do_not_use_directly
module Translobj = Do_not_use_directly
module Typeclass = Do_not_use_directly
module Typecore = Do_not_use_directly
module Typedecl = Do_not_use_directly
module Typedtree = Do_not_use_directly
module TypedtreeIter = Do_not_use_directly
module TypedtreeMap = Do_not_use_directly
module Typemod = Do_not_use_directly
module Typeopt = Do_not_use_directly
module Types = Do_not_use_directly
module Typetexp = Do_not_use_directly
module Un_anf = Do_not_use_directly
module Unbox_closures = Do_not_use_directly
module Unbox_free_vars_of_closures = Do_not_use_directly
module Unbox_specialised_args = Do_not_use_directly
module Untypeast = Do_not_use_directly
module Var_within_closure = Do_not_use_directly
module Variable = Do_not_use_directly
module Warnings = Do_not_use_directly
module X86_ast = Do_not_use_directly
module X86_dsl = Do_not_use_directly
module X86_gas = Do_not_use_directly
module X86_masm = Do_not_use_directly
module X86_proc = Do_not_use_directly
module Std : sig ... end
module Light : sig ... end
include Light
include Ppx_ast
module Ast = Ppx_ast.Ast
module Ast_helper = Ppx_ast.Ast_helper
module Ast_magic = Ppx_ast.Ast_magic
module Asttypes = Ppx_ast__.Import.Asttypes
module Docstrings = Ppx_ast.Docstrings
module Extra_warnings = Ppx_ast__.Warn
module Lexer = Ppx_ast.Lexer
module Parse = Ppx_ast.Parse
module Parser = Ppx_ast.Parser
module Parsetree = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree
module Pprintast = Ppx_ast.Pprintast
module Selected_ast = Ppx_ast__.Import.Selected_ast
module Syntaxerr = Ppx_ast.Syntaxerr
include Ast

Definition of the OCaml AST

type position = Lexing.position = {
pos_fname : string;
pos_lnum : int;
pos_bol : int;
pos_cnum : int;
type location = Ppx_ast__.Import.Location.t = {
loc_start : position;
loc_end : position;
loc_ghost : bool;
type 'a loc = 'a Ppx_ast__.Import.Location.loc = {
txt : 'a;
loc : location;
type longident = Ppx_ast__.Import.Longident.t =
| Lident of string
| Ldot of longident * string
| Lapply of longident * longident
type longident_loc = longident loc
type rec_flag = Ppx_ast__.Import.Asttypes.rec_flag =
| Nonrecursive
| Recursive
type direction_flag = Ppx_ast__.Import.Asttypes.direction_flag =
| Upto
| Downto
type private_flag = Ppx_ast__.Import.Asttypes.private_flag =
| Private
| Public
type mutable_flag = Ppx_ast__.Import.Asttypes.mutable_flag =
| Immutable
| Mutable
type virtual_flag = Ppx_ast__.Import.Asttypes.virtual_flag =
| Virtual
| Concrete
type override_flag = Ppx_ast__.Import.Asttypes.override_flag =
| Override
| Fresh
type closed_flag = Ppx_ast__.Import.Asttypes.closed_flag =
| Closed
| Open
type label = string
type arg_label = Ppx_ast__.Import.Asttypes.arg_label =
| Nolabel
| Labelled of string
| Optional of string
type variance = Ppx_ast__.Import.Asttypes.variance =
| Covariant
| Contravariant
| Invariant

Abstract syntax tree produced by parsing

type constant = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.constant =
| Pconst_integer of string * char option
| Pconst_char of char
| Pconst_string of string * string option
| Pconst_float of string * char option

Extension points

type attribute = string loc * payload
type extension = string loc * payload
type attributes = attribute list
type payload = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.payload =
| PStr of structure
| PSig of signature
| PTyp of core_type
| PPat of pattern * expression option

Core language

type core_type = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.core_type = {
ptyp_desc : core_type_desc;
ptyp_loc : location;
ptyp_attributes : attributes;
type core_type_desc = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.core_type_desc =
| Ptyp_any
| Ptyp_var of string
| Ptyp_arrow of arg_label * core_type * core_type
| Ptyp_tuple of core_type list
| Ptyp_constr of longident_loc * core_type list
| Ptyp_object of (string * attributes * core_type) list * closed_flag
| Ptyp_class of longident_loc * core_type list
| Ptyp_alias of core_type * string
| Ptyp_variant of row_field list * closed_flag * label list option
| Ptyp_poly of string list * core_type
| Ptyp_package of package_type
| Ptyp_extension of extension
type package_type = longident_loc * (longident_loc * core_type) list
type row_field = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.row_field =
| Rtag of label * attributes * bool * core_type list
| Rinherit of core_type
type pattern = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.pattern = {
ppat_desc : pattern_desc;
ppat_loc : location;
ppat_attributes : attributes;
type pattern_desc = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.pattern_desc =
| Ppat_any
| Ppat_var of string loc
| Ppat_alias of pattern * string loc
| Ppat_constant of constant
| Ppat_interval of constant * constant
| Ppat_tuple of pattern list
| Ppat_construct of longident_loc * pattern option
| Ppat_variant of label * pattern option
| Ppat_record of (longident_loc * pattern) list * closed_flag
| Ppat_array of pattern list
| Ppat_or of pattern * pattern
| Ppat_constraint of pattern * core_type
| Ppat_type of longident_loc
| Ppat_lazy of pattern
| Ppat_unpack of string loc
| Ppat_exception of pattern
| Ppat_extension of extension
type expression = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.expression = {
pexp_desc : expression_desc;
pexp_loc : location;
pexp_attributes : attributes;
type expression_desc = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.expression_desc =
| Pexp_ident of longident_loc
| Pexp_constant of constant
| Pexp_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * expression
| Pexp_function of case list
| Pexp_fun of arg_label * expression option * pattern * expression
| Pexp_apply of expression * (arg_label * expression) list
| Pexp_match of expression * case list
| Pexp_try of expression * case list
| Pexp_tuple of expression list
| Pexp_construct of longident_loc * expression option
| Pexp_variant of label * expression option
| Pexp_record of (longident_loc * expression) list * expression option
| Pexp_field of expression * longident_loc
| Pexp_setfield of expression * longident_loc * expression
| Pexp_array of expression list
| Pexp_ifthenelse of expression * expression * expression option
| Pexp_sequence of expression * expression
| Pexp_while of expression * expression
| Pexp_for of pattern * expression * expression * direction_flag * expression
| Pexp_constraint of expression * core_type
| Pexp_coerce of expression * core_type option * core_type
| Pexp_send of expression * string
| Pexp_new of longident_loc
| Pexp_setinstvar of string loc * expression
| Pexp_override of (string loc * expression) list
| Pexp_letmodule of string loc * module_expr * expression
| Pexp_assert of expression
| Pexp_lazy of expression
| Pexp_poly of expression * core_type option
| Pexp_object of class_structure
| Pexp_newtype of string * expression
| Pexp_pack of module_expr
| Pexp_open of override_flag * longident_loc * expression
| Pexp_extension of extension
| Pexp_unreachable
type case = = {
pc_lhs : pattern;
pc_guard : expression option;
pc_rhs : expression;
type value_description = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.value_description = {
pval_name : string loc;
pval_type : core_type;
pval_prim : string list;
pval_attributes : attributes;
pval_loc : location;
type type_declaration = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.type_declaration = {
ptype_name : string loc;
ptype_params : (core_type * variance) list;
ptype_cstrs : (core_type * core_type * location) list;
ptype_kind : type_kind;
ptype_private : private_flag;
ptype_manifest : core_type option;
ptype_attributes : attributes;
ptype_loc : location;
type type_kind = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.type_kind =
| Ptype_abstract
| Ptype_variant of constructor_declaration list
| Ptype_record of label_declaration list
| Ptype_open
type label_declaration = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.label_declaration = {
pld_name : string loc;
pld_mutable : mutable_flag;
pld_type : core_type;
pld_loc : location;
pld_attributes : attributes;
type constructor_declaration = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.constructor_declaration = {
pcd_name : string loc;
pcd_args : constructor_arguments;
pcd_res : core_type option;
pcd_loc : location;
pcd_attributes : attributes;
type constructor_arguments = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.constructor_arguments =
| Pcstr_tuple of core_type list
| Pcstr_record of label_declaration list
type type_extension = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.type_extension = {
ptyext_path : longident_loc;
ptyext_params : (core_type * variance) list;
ptyext_constructors : extension_constructor list;
ptyext_private : private_flag;
ptyext_attributes : attributes;
type extension_constructor = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.extension_constructor = {
pext_name : string loc;
pext_kind : extension_constructor_kind;
pext_loc : location;
pext_attributes : attributes;
type extension_constructor_kind = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind =
| Pext_decl of constructor_arguments * core_type option
| Pext_rebind of longident_loc

Class language

type class_type = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.class_type = {
pcty_desc : class_type_desc;
pcty_loc : location;
pcty_attributes : attributes;
type class_type_desc = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.class_type_desc =
| Pcty_constr of longident_loc * core_type list
| Pcty_signature of class_signature
| Pcty_arrow of arg_label * core_type * class_type
| Pcty_extension of extension
type class_signature = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.class_signature = {
pcsig_self : core_type;
pcsig_fields : class_type_field list;
type class_type_field = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.class_type_field = {
pctf_desc : class_type_field_desc;
pctf_loc : location;
pctf_attributes : attributes;
type class_type_field_desc = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc =
| Pctf_inherit of class_type
| Pctf_val of string * mutable_flag * virtual_flag * core_type
| Pctf_method of string * private_flag * virtual_flag * core_type
| Pctf_constraint of core_type * core_type
| Pctf_attribute of attribute
| Pctf_extension of extension
type 'a class_infos = 'a Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.class_infos = {
pci_virt : virtual_flag;
pci_params : (core_type * variance) list;
pci_name : string loc;
pci_expr : 'a;
pci_loc : location;
pci_attributes : attributes;
type class_description = class_type class_infos
type class_type_declaration = class_type class_infos
type class_expr = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.class_expr = {
pcl_desc : class_expr_desc;
pcl_loc : location;
pcl_attributes : attributes;
type class_expr_desc = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.class_expr_desc =
| Pcl_constr of longident_loc * core_type list
| Pcl_structure of class_structure
| Pcl_fun of arg_label * expression option * pattern * class_expr
| Pcl_apply of class_expr * (arg_label * expression) list
| Pcl_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * class_expr
| Pcl_constraint of class_expr * class_type
| Pcl_extension of extension
type class_structure = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.class_structure = {
pcstr_self : pattern;
pcstr_fields : class_field list;
type class_field = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.class_field = {
pcf_desc : class_field_desc;
pcf_loc : location;
pcf_attributes : attributes;
type class_field_desc = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.class_field_desc =
| Pcf_inherit of override_flag * class_expr * string option
| Pcf_val of string loc * mutable_flag * class_field_kind
| Pcf_method of string loc * private_flag * class_field_kind
| Pcf_constraint of core_type * core_type
| Pcf_initializer of expression
| Pcf_attribute of attribute
| Pcf_extension of extension
type class_field_kind = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.class_field_kind =
| Cfk_virtual of core_type
| Cfk_concrete of override_flag * expression
type class_declaration = class_expr class_infos

Module language

type module_type = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.module_type = {
pmty_desc : module_type_desc;
pmty_loc : location;
pmty_attributes : attributes;
type module_type_desc = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.module_type_desc =
| Pmty_ident of longident_loc
| Pmty_signature of signature
| Pmty_functor of string loc * module_type option * module_type
| Pmty_with of module_type * with_constraint list
| Pmty_typeof of module_expr
| Pmty_extension of extension
| Pmty_alias of longident_loc
type signature = signature_item list
type signature_item = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.signature_item = {
psig_desc : signature_item_desc;
psig_loc : location;
type signature_item_desc = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.signature_item_desc =
| Psig_value of value_description
| Psig_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list
| Psig_typext of type_extension
| Psig_exception of extension_constructor
| Psig_module of module_declaration
| Psig_recmodule of module_declaration list
| Psig_modtype of module_type_declaration
| Psig_open of open_description
| Psig_include of include_description
| Psig_class of class_description list
| Psig_class_type of class_type_declaration list
| Psig_attribute of attribute
| Psig_extension of extension * attributes
type module_declaration = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.module_declaration = {
pmd_name : string loc;
pmd_type : module_type;
pmd_attributes : attributes;
pmd_loc : location;
type module_type_declaration = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.module_type_declaration = {
pmtd_name : string loc;
pmtd_type : module_type option;
pmtd_attributes : attributes;
pmtd_loc : location;
type open_description = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.open_description = {
popen_lid : longident_loc;
popen_override : override_flag;
popen_loc : location;
popen_attributes : attributes;
type 'a include_infos = 'a Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.include_infos = {
pincl_mod : 'a;
pincl_loc : location;
pincl_attributes : attributes;
type include_description = module_type include_infos
type include_declaration = module_expr include_infos
type with_constraint = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.with_constraint =
| Pwith_type of longident_loc * type_declaration
| Pwith_module of longident_loc * longident_loc
| Pwith_typesubst of type_declaration
| Pwith_modsubst of string loc * longident_loc
type module_expr = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.module_expr = {
pmod_desc : module_expr_desc;
pmod_loc : location;
pmod_attributes : attributes;
type module_expr_desc = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.module_expr_desc =
| Pmod_ident of longident_loc
| Pmod_structure of structure
| Pmod_functor of string loc * module_type option * module_expr
| Pmod_apply of module_expr * module_expr
| Pmod_constraint of module_expr * module_type
| Pmod_unpack of expression
| Pmod_extension of extension
type structure = structure_item list
type structure_item = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.structure_item = {
pstr_desc : structure_item_desc;
pstr_loc : location;
type structure_item_desc = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.structure_item_desc =
| Pstr_eval of expression * attributes
| Pstr_value of rec_flag * value_binding list
| Pstr_primitive of value_description
| Pstr_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list
| Pstr_typext of type_extension
| Pstr_exception of extension_constructor
| Pstr_module of module_binding
| Pstr_recmodule of module_binding list
| Pstr_modtype of module_type_declaration
| Pstr_open of open_description
| Pstr_class of class_declaration list
| Pstr_class_type of class_type_declaration list
| Pstr_include of include_declaration
| Pstr_attribute of attribute
| Pstr_extension of extension * attributes
type value_binding = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.value_binding = {
pvb_pat : pattern;
pvb_expr : expression;
pvb_attributes : attributes;
pvb_loc : location;
type module_binding = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.module_binding = {
pmb_name : string loc;
pmb_expr : module_expr;
pmb_attributes : attributes;
pmb_loc : location;


type toplevel_phrase = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase =
| Ptop_def of structure
| Ptop_dir of string * directive_argument
type directive_argument = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.directive_argument =
| Pdir_none
| Pdir_string of string
| Pdir_int of string * char option
| Pdir_ident of longident
| Pdir_bool of bool
class virtual map : object ... end
class virtual iter : object ... end
class virtual +'b fold : object ... end
class virtual +'b fold_map : object ... end
class virtual +'b map_with_context : object ... end
class virtual +'b lift : object ... end
include Std
module Ast_builder : sig ... end

Helpers for build OCaml AST fragments

module Ast_pattern : sig ... end

First class AST patterns

module Ast_traverse : sig ... end

AST traversal classes

module Attribute : sig ... end

Attribute hygiene

module Caller_id : sig ... end
module Context_free : sig ... end

Context free rewriting

module Extension : sig ... end
module File_path : sig ... end

Return the path used as root in a file

module Loc : sig ... end

Located items

module Reserved_namespaces = Ppx_core__.Name.Reserved_namespaces
module Spellcheck : sig ... end
include Ppx_core__.Common
val core_type_of_type_declaration : Ppx_core__.Import.type_declaration ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.core_type

gen_symbol ?prefix () generates a fresh variable name with prefix.

  • Parameter prefix: default = "_x"
val assert_no_attributes_in : Ast_traverse.iter

get_tparam_id tp

  • Returns the string identifier associated with tp if it is a type parameter.

Returns whether the given type declarations refer to themselves.

short_circuit allows you to override the search for certain type expressions.

stop_on_functions allows to disregard the recursive occurences appearing in arrow types. The default is to disregard them.

val loc_of_payload : Ppx_core__.Import.attribute ‑> Location.t
val loc_of_attribute : Ppx_core__.Import.attribute ‑> Location.t

convert multi-arg function applications into a cascade of 1-arg applications

Encode a warning message into an 'ocaml.ppwarning' attribute which can be inserted in a generated Parsetree. The compiler will be responsible for reporting the warning.

module Location : sig ... end

Overrides the Location module of OCaml

module Longident : sig ... end

Overrides the Longident module of OCaml

module Ast_builder_403 = Ast_builder
module Ast_pattern_403 = Ast_pattern
val (^^) : ('a'b'c'd'e'fCaml.format6 ‑> ('f'b'c'e'g'hCaml.format6 ‑> ('a'b'c'd'g'hCaml.format6