include Ppx_ast
module Ast = Ppx_ast.Ast
module Ast_helper = Ppx_ast.Ast_helper
module Ast_magic = Ppx_ast.Ast_magic
module Asttypes = Ppx_ast__.Import.Asttypes
module Docstrings = Ppx_ast.Docstrings
module Extra_warnings = Ppx_ast__.Warn
module Lexer = Ppx_ast.Lexer
module Parse = Ppx_ast.Parse
module Parser = Ppx_ast.Parser
module Parsetree = Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree
module Pprintast = Ppx_ast.Pprintast
module Selected_ast = Ppx_ast__.Import.Selected_ast
module Syntaxerr = Ppx_ast.Syntaxerr
include Ast
Definition of the OCaml AST
type location
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Location.t
loc_start : position; |
loc_end : position; |
loc_ghost : bool; |
type longident
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Longident.t
| Lident of string |
| Ldot of longident * string |
| Lapply of longident * longident |
type arg_label
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Asttypes.arg_label
| Nolabel |
| Labelled of string |
| Optional of string |
Abstract syntax tree produced by parsing
type constant
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.constant
| Pconst_integer of string * char option |
| Pconst_char of char |
| Pconst_string of string * string option |
| Pconst_float of string * char option |
type payload
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.payload
| PStr of structure |
| PSig of signature |
| PTyp of core_type |
| PPat of pattern * expression option |
type core_type
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.core_type
ptyp_desc : core_type_desc; |
ptyp_loc : location; |
ptyp_attributes : attributes; |
type core_type_desc
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.core_type_desc
| Ptyp_any |
| Ptyp_var of string |
| Ptyp_arrow of arg_label * core_type * core_type |
| Ptyp_tuple of core_type list |
| Ptyp_constr of longident_loc * core_type list |
| Ptyp_object of (string * attributes * core_type) list * closed_flag |
| Ptyp_class of longident_loc * core_type list |
| Ptyp_alias of core_type * string |
| Ptyp_variant of row_field list * closed_flag * label list option |
| Ptyp_poly of string list * core_type |
| Ptyp_package of package_type |
| Ptyp_extension of extension |
type row_field
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.row_field
| Rtag of label * attributes * bool * core_type list |
| Rinherit of core_type |
type pattern
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.pattern
ppat_desc : pattern_desc; |
ppat_loc : location; |
ppat_attributes : attributes; |
type pattern_desc
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.pattern_desc
| Ppat_any |
| Ppat_var of string loc |
| Ppat_alias of pattern * string loc |
| Ppat_constant of constant |
| Ppat_interval of constant * constant |
| Ppat_tuple of pattern list |
| Ppat_construct of longident_loc * pattern option |
| Ppat_variant of label * pattern option |
| Ppat_record of (longident_loc * pattern) list * closed_flag |
| Ppat_array of pattern list |
| Ppat_or of pattern * pattern |
| Ppat_constraint of pattern * core_type |
| Ppat_type of longident_loc |
| Ppat_lazy of pattern |
| Ppat_unpack of string loc |
| Ppat_exception of pattern |
| Ppat_extension of extension |
type expression
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.expression
pexp_desc : expression_desc; |
pexp_loc : location; |
pexp_attributes : attributes; |
type expression_desc
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.expression_desc
| Pexp_ident of longident_loc |
| Pexp_constant of constant |
| Pexp_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * expression |
| Pexp_function of case list |
| Pexp_fun of arg_label * expression option * pattern * expression |
| Pexp_apply of expression * (arg_label * expression) list |
| Pexp_match of expression * case list |
| Pexp_try of expression * case list |
| Pexp_tuple of expression list |
| Pexp_construct of longident_loc * expression option |
| Pexp_variant of label * expression option |
| Pexp_record of (longident_loc * expression) list * expression option |
| Pexp_field of expression * longident_loc |
| Pexp_setfield of expression * longident_loc * expression |
| Pexp_array of expression list |
| Pexp_ifthenelse of expression * expression * expression option |
| Pexp_sequence of expression * expression |
| Pexp_while of expression * expression |
| Pexp_for of pattern * expression * expression * direction_flag * expression |
| Pexp_constraint of expression * core_type |
| Pexp_coerce of expression * core_type option * core_type |
| Pexp_send of expression * string |
| Pexp_new of longident_loc |
| Pexp_setinstvar of string loc * expression |
| Pexp_override of (string loc * expression) list |
| Pexp_letmodule of string loc * module_expr * expression |
| Pexp_assert of expression |
| Pexp_lazy of expression |
| Pexp_poly of expression * core_type option |
| Pexp_object of class_structure |
| Pexp_newtype of string * expression |
| Pexp_pack of module_expr |
| Pexp_open of override_flag * longident_loc * expression |
| Pexp_extension of extension |
| Pexp_unreachable |
type case
pc_lhs : pattern; |
pc_guard : expression option; |
pc_rhs : expression; |
type value_description
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.value_description
pval_name : string loc; |
pval_type : core_type; |
pval_prim : string list; |
pval_attributes : attributes; |
pval_loc : location; |
type type_declaration
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.type_declaration
ptype_name : string loc; |
ptype_params : (core_type * variance) list; |
ptype_cstrs : (core_type * core_type * location) list; |
ptype_kind : type_kind; |
ptype_private : private_flag; |
ptype_manifest : core_type option; |
ptype_attributes : attributes; |
ptype_loc : location; |
type type_kind
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.type_kind
| Ptype_abstract |
| Ptype_variant of constructor_declaration list |
| Ptype_record of label_declaration list |
| Ptype_open |
type label_declaration
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.label_declaration
pld_name : string loc; |
pld_mutable : mutable_flag; |
pld_type : core_type; |
pld_loc : location; |
pld_attributes : attributes; |
type constructor_declaration
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.constructor_declaration
pcd_name : string loc; |
pcd_args : constructor_arguments; |
pcd_res : core_type option; |
pcd_loc : location; |
pcd_attributes : attributes; |
type constructor_arguments
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.constructor_arguments
| Pcstr_tuple of core_type list |
| Pcstr_record of label_declaration list |
type type_extension
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.type_extension
ptyext_path : longident_loc; |
ptyext_params : (core_type * variance) list; |
ptyext_constructors : extension_constructor list; |
ptyext_private : private_flag; |
ptyext_attributes : attributes; |
type extension_constructor
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.extension_constructor
pext_name : string loc; |
pext_kind : extension_constructor_kind; |
pext_loc : location; |
pext_attributes : attributes; |
type extension_constructor_kind
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind
| Pext_decl of constructor_arguments * core_type option |
| Pext_rebind of longident_loc |
type class_type
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.class_type
pcty_desc : class_type_desc; |
pcty_loc : location; |
pcty_attributes : attributes; |
type class_type_desc
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.class_type_desc
| Pcty_constr of longident_loc * core_type list |
| Pcty_signature of class_signature |
| Pcty_arrow of arg_label * core_type * class_type |
| Pcty_extension of extension |
type class_signature
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.class_signature
pcsig_self : core_type; |
pcsig_fields : class_type_field list; |
type class_type_field
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.class_type_field
pctf_desc : class_type_field_desc; |
pctf_loc : location; |
pctf_attributes : attributes; |
type class_type_field_desc
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc
| Pctf_inherit of class_type |
| Pctf_val of string * mutable_flag * virtual_flag * core_type |
| Pctf_method of string * private_flag * virtual_flag * core_type |
| Pctf_constraint of core_type * core_type |
| Pctf_attribute of attribute |
| Pctf_extension of extension |
type 'a class_infos
= 'a Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.class_infos
pci_virt : virtual_flag; |
pci_params : (core_type * variance) list; |
pci_name : string loc; |
pci_expr : 'a; |
pci_loc : location; |
pci_attributes : attributes; |
type class_expr
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.class_expr
pcl_desc : class_expr_desc; |
pcl_loc : location; |
pcl_attributes : attributes; |
type class_expr_desc
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.class_expr_desc
| Pcl_constr of longident_loc * core_type list |
| Pcl_structure of class_structure |
| Pcl_fun of arg_label * expression option * pattern * class_expr |
| Pcl_apply of class_expr * (arg_label * expression) list |
| Pcl_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * class_expr |
| Pcl_constraint of class_expr * class_type |
| Pcl_extension of extension |
type class_structure
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.class_structure
pcstr_self : pattern; |
pcstr_fields : class_field list; |
type class_field
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.class_field
pcf_desc : class_field_desc; |
pcf_loc : location; |
pcf_attributes : attributes; |
type class_field_desc
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.class_field_desc
| Pcf_inherit of override_flag * class_expr * string option |
| Pcf_val of string loc * mutable_flag * class_field_kind |
| Pcf_method of string loc * private_flag * class_field_kind |
| Pcf_constraint of core_type * core_type |
| Pcf_initializer of expression |
| Pcf_attribute of attribute |
| Pcf_extension of extension |
type class_field_kind
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.class_field_kind
| Cfk_virtual of core_type |
| Cfk_concrete of override_flag * expression |
type module_type
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.module_type
pmty_desc : module_type_desc; |
pmty_loc : location; |
pmty_attributes : attributes; |
type module_type_desc
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.module_type_desc
| Pmty_ident of longident_loc |
| Pmty_signature of signature |
| Pmty_functor of string loc * module_type option * module_type |
| Pmty_with of module_type * with_constraint list |
| Pmty_typeof of module_expr |
| Pmty_extension of extension |
| Pmty_alias of longident_loc |
type signature_item
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.signature_item
psig_desc : signature_item_desc; |
psig_loc : location; |
type signature_item_desc
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.signature_item_desc
| Psig_value of value_description |
| Psig_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list |
| Psig_typext of type_extension |
| Psig_exception of extension_constructor |
| Psig_module of module_declaration |
| Psig_recmodule of module_declaration list |
| Psig_modtype of module_type_declaration |
| Psig_open of open_description |
| Psig_include of include_description |
| Psig_class of class_description list |
| Psig_class_type of class_type_declaration list |
| Psig_attribute of attribute |
| Psig_extension of extension * attributes |
type module_declaration
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.module_declaration
pmd_name : string loc; |
pmd_type : module_type; |
pmd_attributes : attributes; |
pmd_loc : location; |
type module_type_declaration
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.module_type_declaration
pmtd_name : string loc; |
pmtd_type : module_type option; |
pmtd_attributes : attributes; |
pmtd_loc : location; |
type open_description
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.open_description
popen_lid : longident_loc; |
popen_override : override_flag; |
popen_loc : location; |
popen_attributes : attributes; |
type 'a include_infos
= 'a Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.include_infos
pincl_mod : 'a; |
pincl_loc : location; |
pincl_attributes : attributes; |
type with_constraint
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.with_constraint
| Pwith_type of longident_loc * type_declaration |
| Pwith_module of longident_loc * longident_loc |
| Pwith_typesubst of type_declaration |
| Pwith_modsubst of string loc * longident_loc |
type module_expr
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.module_expr
pmod_desc : module_expr_desc; |
pmod_loc : location; |
pmod_attributes : attributes; |
type module_expr_desc
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.module_expr_desc
| Pmod_ident of longident_loc |
| Pmod_structure of structure |
| Pmod_functor of string loc * module_type option * module_expr |
| Pmod_apply of module_expr * module_expr |
| Pmod_constraint of module_expr * module_type |
| Pmod_unpack of expression |
| Pmod_extension of extension |
type structure_item
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.structure_item
pstr_desc : structure_item_desc; |
pstr_loc : location; |
type structure_item_desc
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.structure_item_desc
| Pstr_eval of expression * attributes |
| Pstr_value of rec_flag * value_binding list |
| Pstr_primitive of value_description |
| Pstr_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list |
| Pstr_typext of type_extension |
| Pstr_exception of extension_constructor |
| Pstr_module of module_binding |
| Pstr_recmodule of module_binding list |
| Pstr_modtype of module_type_declaration |
| Pstr_open of open_description |
| Pstr_class of class_declaration list |
| Pstr_class_type of class_type_declaration list |
| Pstr_include of include_declaration |
| Pstr_attribute of attribute |
| Pstr_extension of extension * attributes |
type value_binding
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.value_binding
pvb_pat : pattern; |
pvb_expr : expression; |
pvb_attributes : attributes; |
pvb_loc : location; |
type module_binding
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.module_binding
pmb_name : string loc; |
pmb_expr : module_expr; |
pmb_attributes : attributes; |
pmb_loc : location; |
type toplevel_phrase
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase
| Ptop_def of structure |
| Ptop_dir of string * directive_argument |
type directive_argument
= Ppx_ast__.Import.Parsetree.directive_argument
| Pdir_none |
| Pdir_string of string |
| Pdir_int of string * char option |
| Pdir_ident of longident |
| Pdir_bool of bool |
class virtual map : object ... end
class virtual iter : object ... end
class virtual +'b fold : object ... end
class virtual +'b fold_map : object ... end
class virtual +'b map_with_context : object ... end
class virtual +'b lift : object ... end
include Std
module Ast_builder = Ast_builder
module Ast_pattern = Ast_pattern
module Ast_traverse = Ast_traverse
module Attribute = Attribute
module Caller_id = Caller_id
module Context_free = Context_free
module Extension = Extension
module File_path = File_path
module Loc = Loc
module Reserved_namespaces = Ppx_core__.Name.Reserved_namespaces
module Spellcheck = Spellcheck
include Ppx_core__.Common
val lident : Ppx_core__.Import.string ‑> Longident.t
val core_type_of_type_declaration : Ppx_core__.Import.type_declaration ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.core_type
val name_type_params_in_td : Ppx_core__.Import.type_declaration ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.type_declaration
val combinator_type_of_type_declaration : Ppx_core__.Import.type_declaration ‑> f:(loc:Location.t ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.core_type ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.core_type) ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.core_type
val gen_symbol : ?prefix:Ppx_core__.Import.string ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.unit ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.string
gen_symbol ?prefix ()
generates a fresh variable name with prefix
val string_of_core_type : Ppx_core__.Import.core_type ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.string
val assert_no_attributes : Ppx_core__.Import.attributes ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.unit
val assert_no_attributes_in : Ast_traverse.iter
val get_type_param_name : (Ppx_core__.Import.core_type * Ppx_core__.Import.variance) ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.string Loc.t
get_tparam_id tp
if it is a type
parameter.val types_are_recursive : ?stop_on_functions:Ppx_core__.Import.bool ‑> ?short_circuit:(Ppx_core__.Import.core_type ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.bool Ppx_core__.Import.option) ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.type_declaration Ppx_core__.Import.list ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.bool
Returns whether the given type declarations refer to themselves.
allows you to override the search for certain type expressions.
allows to disregard the recursive occurences appearing in arrow
types. The default is to disregard them.
val really_recursive : Ppx_core__.Import.rec_flag ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.type_declaration Ppx_core__.Import.list ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.rec_flag
val loc_of_payload : Ppx_core__.Import.attribute ‑> Location.t
val loc_of_attribute : Ppx_core__.Import.attribute ‑> Location.t
val curry_applications : Ppx_core__.Import.expression ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.expression
convert multi-arg function applications into a cascade of 1-arg applications
val attribute_of_warning : Location.t ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.string ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.attribute
Encode a warning message into an 'ocaml.ppwarning' attribute which can be inserted in a generated Parsetree. The compiler will be responsible for reporting the warning.
module Location = Location
module Longident = Longident
module Ast_builder_403 = Ast_builder
module Ast_pattern_403 = Ast_pattern