module Ast_builder = Ast_builder
module Ast_pattern = Ast_pattern
module Ast_traverse = Ast_traverse
module Attribute = Attribute
module Caller_id = Caller_id
module Context_free = Context_free
module Extension = Extension
module File_path = File_path
module Loc = Loc
module Reserved_namespaces = Ppx_core__.Name.Reserved_namespaces
module Spellcheck = Spellcheck
include Ppx_core__.Common
val lident : Ppx_core__.Import.string ‑> Longident.t
val core_type_of_type_declaration : Ppx_core__.Import.type_declaration ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.core_type
val name_type_params_in_td : Ppx_core__.Import.type_declaration ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.type_declaration
val combinator_type_of_type_declaration : Ppx_core__.Import.type_declaration ‑> f:(loc:Location.t ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.core_type ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.core_type) ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.core_type
val gen_symbol : ?prefix:Ppx_core__.Import.string ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.unit ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.string
gen_symbol ?prefix ()
generates a fresh variable name with prefix
val string_of_core_type : Ppx_core__.Import.core_type ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.string
val assert_no_attributes : Ppx_core__.Import.attributes ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.unit
val assert_no_attributes_in : Ast_traverse.iter
val get_type_param_name : (Ppx_core__.Import.core_type * Ppx_core__.Import.variance) ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.string Loc.t
get_tparam_id tp
if it is a type
parameter.val types_are_recursive : ?stop_on_functions:Ppx_core__.Import.bool ‑> ?short_circuit:(Ppx_core__.Import.core_type ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.bool Ppx_core__.Import.option) ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.type_declaration Ppx_core__.Import.list ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.bool
Returns whether the given type declarations refer to themselves.
allows you to override the search for certain type expressions.
allows to disregard the recursive occurences appearing in arrow
types. The default is to disregard them.
val really_recursive : Ppx_core__.Import.rec_flag ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.type_declaration Ppx_core__.Import.list ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.rec_flag
val loc_of_payload : Ppx_core__.Import.attribute ‑> Location.t
val loc_of_attribute : Ppx_core__.Import.attribute ‑> Location.t
val curry_applications : Ppx_core__.Import.expression ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.expression
convert multi-arg function applications into a cascade of 1-arg applications
val attribute_of_warning : Location.t ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.string ‑> Ppx_core__.Import.attribute
Encode a warning message into an 'ocaml.ppwarning' attribute which can be inserted in a generated Parsetree. The compiler will be responsible for reporting the warning.