Module Ecaml.Function_id.Set

module Elt : sig ... end with type t = t and type comparator_witness = comparator_witness
include Core_kernel.Core_set_intf.S with module Elt := Elt
module Elt : sig ... end
module Tree : sig ... end
include Core_kernel.Core_set_intf.S_plain with module Elt := Elt and module Tree := Tree
module Elt : sig ... end
include sig ... end
val sexp_of_t : t ‑> Sexplib.Sexp.t
val compare : t ‑> t ‑>
include Core_kernel.Core_set_intf.Creators_and_accessors0 with type (a, b) set := (a, b) Base.Set.t with type t := t with type tree := Tree.t with type elt := Elt.t with type comparator_witness := Elt.comparator_witness
include Core_kernel.Core_set_intf.Accessors0
include Core_kernel.Core_set_intf.Set_intf.Accessors0
include Base.Container.S0
type t
type elt
val mem : t ‑> elt ‑> bool

Checks whether the provided element is there, using equality on elts.

val length : t ‑> int
val is_empty : t ‑> bool
val iter : t ‑> f:(elt ‑> unit) ‑> unit

iter must allow exceptions raised in f to escape, terminating the iteration cleanly. The same holds for all functions below taking an f.

val fold : t ‑> init:'accum ‑> f:('accum ‑> elt ‑> 'accum) ‑> 'accum

fold t ~init ~f returns f (... f (f (f init e1) e2) e3 ...) en, where e1..en are the elements of t

val fold_result : t ‑> init:'accum ‑> f:('accum ‑> elt ‑> ('accum'eBase.Result.t) ‑> ('accum'eBase.Result.t

fold_result t ~init ~f is a short-circuiting version of fold that runs in the Result monad. If f returns an Error _, that value is returned without any additional invocations of f.

val fold_until : t ‑> init:'accum ‑> f:('accum ‑> elt ‑> ('accum'stopBase.Container_intf.Continue_or_stop.t) ‑> ('accum'stopBase.Container_intf.Finished_or_stopped_early.t

fold_until t ~init ~f is a short-circuiting version of fold. If f returns Stop _ the computation ceases and results in that value. If f returns Continue _, the fold will proceed.

val exists : t ‑> f:(elt ‑> bool) ‑> bool

Returns true if and only if there exists an element for which the provided function evaluates to true. This is a short-circuiting operation.

val for_all : t ‑> f:(elt ‑> bool) ‑> bool

Returns true if and only if the provided function evaluates to true for all elements. This is a short-circuiting operation.

val count : t ‑> f:(elt ‑> bool) ‑> int

Returns the number of elements for which the provided function evaluates to true.

val sum : (module Base.Commutative_group.S with type t = 'sum) ‑> t ‑> f:(elt ‑> 'sum) ‑> 'sum

Returns the sum of f i for i in the container

val find : t ‑> f:(elt ‑> bool) ‑> elt option

Returns as an option the first element for which f evaluates to true.

val find_map : t ‑> f:(elt ‑> 'a option) ‑> 'a option

Returns the first evaluation of f that returns Some, and returns None if there is no such element.

val to_list : t ‑> elt list
val to_array : t ‑> elt array
val min_elt : t ‑> cmp:(elt ‑> elt ‑> int) ‑> elt option

Returns a min (resp max) element from the collection using the provided cmp function. In case of a tie, the first element encountered while traversing the collection is returned. The implementation uses fold so it has the same complexity as fold. Returns None iff the collection is empty.

val max_elt : t ‑> cmp:(elt ‑> elt ‑> int) ‑> elt option
type tree
type comparator_witness
val invariants : t ‑> bool
val mem : t ‑> elt ‑> bool
val add : t ‑> elt ‑> t
val remove : t ‑> elt ‑> t
val union : t ‑> t ‑> t
val inter : t ‑> t ‑> t
val diff : t ‑> t ‑> t
val symmetric_diff : t ‑> t ‑> (elteltBase.Either.t Base.Sequence.t
val compare_direct : t ‑> t ‑> int
val equal : t ‑> t ‑> bool
val is_subset : t ‑> of_:t ‑> bool
val subset : t ‑> t ‑> bool
val fold_until : t ‑> init:'b ‑> f:('b ‑> elt ‑> ('b'stopCore_kernel.Core_set_intf.Set_intf.Continue_or_stop.t) ‑> ('b'stopCore_kernel.Core_set_intf.Set_intf.Finished_or_stopped_early.t
val fold_right : t ‑> init:'b ‑> f:(elt ‑> 'b ‑> 'b) ‑> 'b
val iter2 : t ‑> t ‑> f:([ `Left of elt | `Right of elt | `Both of elt * elt ] ‑> unit) ‑> unit
val filter : t ‑> f:(elt ‑> bool) ‑> t
val partition_tf : t ‑> f:(elt ‑> bool) ‑> t * t
val elements : t ‑> elt list
val min_elt : t ‑> elt option
val min_elt_exn : t ‑> elt
val max_elt : t ‑> elt option
val max_elt_exn : t ‑> elt
val choose : t ‑> elt option
val choose_exn : t ‑> elt
val split : t ‑> elt ‑> t * elt option * t
val group_by : t ‑> equiv:(elt ‑> elt ‑> bool) ‑> t list
val find_exn : t ‑> f:(elt ‑> bool) ‑> elt
val find_index : t ‑> int ‑> elt option
val nth : t ‑> int ‑> elt option
val remove_index : t ‑> int ‑> t
val to_tree : t ‑> tree
val to_sequence : ?order:[ `Increasing | `Decreasing ] ‑> ?greater_or_equal_to:elt ‑> ?less_or_equal_to:elt ‑> t ‑> elt Base.Sequence.t
val merge_to_sequence : ?order:[ `Increasing | `Decreasing ] ‑> ?greater_or_equal_to:elt ‑> ?less_or_equal_to:elt ‑> t ‑> t ‑> (elteltCore_kernel.Core_set_intf.Set_intf.Merge_to_sequence_element.t Base.Sequence.t
val to_map : t ‑> f:(elt ‑> 'data) ‑> (elt'datacomparator_witnessCore_kernel.Core_set_intf.Map.t
include Core_kernel.Core_set_intf.Creators0 with type t := t with type tree := tree with type elt := elt with type comparator_witness := comparator_witness
include Core_kernel.Core_set_intf.Set_intf.Creators0
type ('a, 'cmp) set
type t
type tree
type elt
type comparator_witness
val empty : t
val singleton : elt ‑> t
val union_list : t list ‑> t
val of_list : elt list ‑> t
val of_array : elt array ‑> t
val of_sorted_array : elt array ‑> t Base.Or_error.t
val of_sorted_array_unchecked : elt array ‑> t
val of_increasing_iterator_unchecked : len:int ‑> f:(int ‑> elt) ‑> t
val stable_dedup_list : elt list ‑> elt list
val map : ('a_set ‑> f:('a ‑> elt) ‑> t
val filter_map : ('a_set ‑> f:('a ‑> elt option) ‑> t
val of_tree : tree ‑> t
val of_hash_set : elt Core_kernel.Hash_set.t ‑> t
val of_hashtbl_keys : (elt_Core_kernel__.Core_hashtbl.t ‑> t
module Provide_of_sexp : functor (Elt : sig ... end with type t := Elt.t) -> sig ... end with type t := t
module Provide_bin_io : functor (Elt : sig ... end with type t := Elt.t) -> Core_kernel.Core_set_intf.Binable.S with type t := t
module Provide_hash : functor (Elt : Core_kernel__.Import.Hasher.S with type t := Elt.t) -> sig ... end with type t := t
include Core_kernel.Sexpable.S with type t := t
type t
val t_of_sexp : Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t ‑> t
val sexp_of_t : t ‑> Base__.Sexplib.Sexp.t
include Core_kernel.Core_set_intf.Binable.S with type t := t
type t
include Core_kernel.Core_set_intf.Binable.S_only_functions with type t := t
type t
val bin_size_t : t Bin_prot.Size.sizer
val bin_write_t : t Bin_prot.Write.writer
val bin_read_t : t Bin_prot.Read.reader
val __bin_read_t__ : (int ‑> t) Bin_prot.Read.reader

This function only needs implementation if t exposed to be a polymorphic variant. Despite what the type reads, this does *not* produce a function after reading; instead it takes the constructor tag (int) before reading and reads the rest of the variant t afterwards.

val bin_shape_t : Bin_prot.Shape.t
val bin_writer_t : t Bin_prot.Type_class.writer
val bin_reader_t : t Bin_prot.Type_class.reader