Module Core_command

module Core_command: Core_command

module Spec: sig .. end
composable command-line specifications
type t 
commands which can be built up into a hierarchy of subcommands
val basic : summary:string ->
?readme:(unit -> string) ->
('main, unit) Spec.t -> 'main -> t
basic ~summary ?readme spec main is a basic command that executes a function main which is passed parameters parsed from the command line according to spec. summary is to contain a short one-line description of its behavior. readme is to contain any longer description of its behavior that will go on that commands' help screen.
val group : summary:string ->
?readme:(unit -> string) -> (string * t) list -> t
group ~summary subcommand_alist is a compound command with named subcommands, as found in subcommand_alist. summary is to contain a short one-line description of the command group. readme is to contain any longer description of its behavior that will go on that command's help screen.

NOTE: subcommand names must not contain underscores. Use dashes instead.

val run : ?version:string ->
?build_info:string -> ?argv:string list -> t -> unit
run a command against Sys.argv
module Deprecated: sig .. end
Should be used only by Core_extended.Command.