Module Core_command.Spec

module Spec: sig .. end
composable command-line specifications

('main_in, 'main_out) t is a type of composable command-line specifications. Ultimately one forms a base command by combining a spec of type ('main, unit) t a main function of type 'main. Combinators in this library incrementally build up the type of main according to what command-line parameters it expects, so the resulting type of main is something like

arg1 -> ... -> argN -> unit

It may help to think of ('a, 'b) t as a function space 'a -> 'b embellished with information about

type ('main_in, 'main_out) t 

specification combinators

val (++) : ('m1, 'm2) t ->
('m2, 'm3) t -> ('m1, 'm3) t
specification composition: spec1 ++ spec2 ++ ... specN is the way composition.
val const : 'a -> ('a -> 'm, 'm) t
const v inserts v as a hard-coded argument to the command.
val step : ('m1 -> 'm2) -> ('m1, 'm2) t
step f is a very useful combinator for modifying the behavior of other command line specifications. Here are a couple examples of some of its many uses

argument types

type 'a arg_type 
the type of a command line argument
val arg_type : ?complete:(Hmap.t -> part:string -> string list) ->
?key:'a Hmap.Key.t -> (string -> 'a) -> 'a arg_type
an argument type includes information about how to parse values of that type from the command line, and (optionally) how to auto-complete partial arguments of that type via bash's programmable TAB-completion. In addition to the argument prefix, autocompletion also has access to any previously parsed arguments in the form of a heterogeneous map into which previously parsed arguments may register themselves by providing a Hmap.Key using the ~key argument to arg_type.
val string : string arg_type
val int : int arg_type
val float : float arg_type
val bool : bool arg_type
val date : Core.Date.t arg_type
val time_span : Core.Time.Span.t arg_type
val file : string arg_type

flag specifications

type 'a flag 
a flag specification
val flag : ?aliases:string list ->
string ->
'a flag -> doc:string -> ('a -> 'm, 'm) t
flag name spec ~doc specifies a command that, among other things, takes a flag named name on its command line. doc indicates the meaning of the flag.

NOTE: the doc for a flag which takes an argument should be of the form arg_name ^ " " ^ description where arg_name describes the argument and description describes the meaning of the flag.

NOTE: flag names must not contain underscores. Use dashes instead.

val required : 'a arg_type -> 'a flag
required flags must be passed exactly once
val optional : 'a arg_type -> 'a option flag
optional flags may be passed at most once
val optional_with_default : 'a -> 'a arg_type -> 'a flag
optional_with_default flags may be passed at most once, and default to a given value
val listed : 'a arg_type -> 'a list flag
listed flags may be passed zero or more times
val no_arg : bool flag
no_arg flags may be passed at most once. The boolean returned is true iff the flag is passed on the command line
val no_arg_register : key:unit Hmap.Key.t -> bool flag
no_arg_register ~key is like no_arg, but registers in the auto-completion environment
val escape : string list option flag
escape flags may be passed at most once. They cause the command line parser to abort and pass through all remaining command line arguments as the value of the flag.

anonymous argument specifications

type 'a anons 
a specification of some number of anonymous arguments
val anon : 'a anons -> ('a -> 'm, 'm) t
anon spec specifies a command that, among other things, takes the anonymous arguments specified by spec.
val (%:) : string -> 'a arg_type -> 'a anons
(name %: typ) specifies a required anonymous argument of type typ. The name is mentioned in the generated help for the command.
val sequence : string -> 'a arg_type -> 'a list anons
(sequence name typ) specifies a sequence of anonymous arguments of type typ. The name is mentioned in the generated help for the command.
val maybe : 'a anons -> 'a option anons
(maybe anons) indicates that some anonymous arguments are optional
val maybe_with_default : 'a -> 'a anons -> 'a anons
(maybe_with_default default anons) indicates an optional anonymous argument with a default value

t2, t3, and t4 each concatenate multiple anonymous argument specs into a single one. The purpose of these combinators is to allow for optional sequences of anonymous arguments. Consider a command with usage

main.exe FOO BAR BAZ

where the second and third anonymous arguments must either both be there or both not be there. This can be expressed as

t2 ("FOO" %: foo) (maybe (t2 ("BAR" %: bar) ("BAZ" %: baz)))

Sequences of 5 or more anonymous arguments can be built up using nested tuples

maybe (t3 a b (t3 c d e))

val t2 : 'a anons ->
'b anons -> ('a * 'b) anons
val t3 : 'a anons ->
'b anons ->
'c anons -> ('a * 'b * 'c) anons
val t4 : 'a anons ->
'b anons ->
'c anons ->
'd anons -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd) anons

various internal values

val help : (string Lazy.t -> 'm, 'm) t
val path : unit -> (string list -> 'm, 'm) t
val args : (string list -> 'm, 'm) t
val ad_hoc : usage_arg:string -> string list anons
specifies an exact usage message for a sequence of anonymous strings