Module Command

module Command: Command

exception Invalid_arguments of string list
module Flag: sig .. end
module Shared_flags: sig .. end
type t 
module Autocomplete: sig .. end

create ~autocomplete ~summary ~usage_arg ~init ~flags ~final main constructs a base command from the following data:
val create : ?autocomplete:Autocomplete.t ->
?readme:(unit -> string) ->
summary:string ->
usage_arg:string ->
init:(unit -> 'accum) ->
flags:'accum Flag.t list ->
final:('accum -> string list -> 'argv) -> ('argv -> unit) -> t
val create0 : ?autocomplete:Autocomplete.t ->
?readme:(unit -> string) ->
summary:string ->
usage_arg:string ->
init:(unit -> 'accum) ->
flags:'accum Flag.t list ->
final:('accum -> 'args) -> ('args -> unit) -> t
val create_no_accum : ?autocomplete:Autocomplete.t ->
?readme:(unit -> string) ->
summary:string ->
usage_arg:string ->
flags:unit Flag.t list ->
final:(string list -> 'args) -> ('args -> unit) -> t
val create_no_accum0 : ?autocomplete:Autocomplete.t ->
?readme:(unit -> string) ->
summary:string ->
usage_arg:string ->
flags:unit Flag.t list -> (unit -> unit) -> t
val group : summary:string ->
?readme:(unit -> string) -> (string * t) list -> t
group ~summary [...; (name_i, t_i); ...] is an aggregate command that dispatches to one of the named sub-commands. A "help" sub-command will also be generated for the group.

The name cannot contain underscores, however passing allow_underscores=true into run will parse underscores as dashes on the command line.

type 'a with_run_flags = ?version:string ->
?build_info:string ->
?argv:string list ->
?allow_unknown_flags:bool ->
?allow_underscores:bool ->
?hash_bang_expand:bool ->
?post_parse:([ `Error | `Help | `Ok ] -> string list -> unit) ->
t -> 'a
val run : unit with_run_flags
val get_expanded_argv : unit -> string list
val get_expanded_cmdline : unit -> string
module Version: sig .. end
module Annotated_field: sig .. end
This module is intended to help in using pa_fields to easily generate Command.t's when you have a record type each field of which you would like specified as a command line argument.
module Flags_ext: sig .. end
module Helpers: sig .. end
val of_core_command : Core_command.t -> t