Module Time.Span

module Span: Span

type t = private float 
module Parts: sig .. end
include Binable
include Comparable_binable
include Floatable
include Hashable_binable
include Robustly_comparable
include Sexpable
val to_string : t -> string
val of_string : string -> t
val nanosecond : t
val microsecond : t
val millisecond : t
val second : t
val minute : t
val hour : t
val day : t
val epsilon : t
val zero : t
val create : ?sign:Float.Sign.t ->
?day:int ->
?hr:int -> ?min:int -> ?sec:int -> ?ms:int -> ?us:int -> unit -> t
val to_parts : t -> Parts.t
val of_ns : float -> t
val of_us : float -> t
val of_ms : float -> t
val of_sec : float -> t
val of_int_sec : int -> t
val of_min : float -> t
val of_hr : float -> t
val of_day : float -> t
val to_ns : t -> float
val to_us : t -> float
val to_ms : t -> float
val to_sec : t -> float
val to_min : t -> float
val to_hr : t -> float
val to_day : t -> float
val (+) : t -> t -> t
Basic operations on spans

val (-) : t -> t -> t
val abs : t -> t
absolute value
val neg : t -> t
val scale : t -> float -> t
val (/) : t -> float -> t
val (//) : t -> t -> float
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val to_short_string : t -> string
to_short_string t pretty-prints approximate time span using no more than five characters if the span is positive, and six if the span is negative. Examples

only the most significant denomination is shown.

val randomize : t -> percent:float -> t
randomize t ~percent returns a span +/- percent * original span. Percent must be between 0 and 1, and must be positive.