Module Ppx_conv_func

val raise_unsupported : loc:Ppx_core.Location.t ‑> Ppx_core.string ‑> 'a
type simple_processor = Ppx_core.Location.t ‑> field_name:Ppx_core.string ‑> Ppx_core.expression

A simple processor that takes a field name and generates an expression for the contents of that field

type recursive_processor = Ppx_core.Location.t ‑> field_name:Ppx_core.string ‑> type_name:Ppx_core.string ‑> path:Ppx_core.Longident.t Ppx_core.option ‑> Ppx_core.expression

The recursive counter-part to the previous. Additional arguments are the type name and the a path to make recursive calls

Module types to specify an extension that does something with a record type

module type Simple : sig ... end
module type Complete : sig ... end
module type Complete_list : sig ... end
module type Matcher : sig ... end
module Of_simple : functor (S : Simple) -> Matcher

Three basic functors to generate the Matcher from a simple extension specification

module Of_complete : functor (S : Complete) -> Matcher
module Of_list : functor (S : Complete_list) -> Matcher
val lambda : Ppx_core.Location.t ‑> Ppx_core.pattern Ppx_core.list ‑> Ppx_core.expression ‑> Ppx_core.expression
module Gen_sig : sig ... end
module Gen_struct : sig ... end