Module type Parsexp__.Parsexp_intf.Parsexp

module Positions = Parsexp.Positions
module Cst = Parsexp.Cst
module Parse_error : sig ... end
module type Parser : Parser with module Error := Parse_error
module type Eager_parser = Eager_parser
exception Parse_error of Parse_error.t

Exception raised in case of a parsing error

module Single : Parser with type parsed_value = Base.Sexp.t
module Many : Parser with type parsed_value = Base.Sexp.t Base.list
module Eager : Eager_parser with type parsed_value = Base.Sexp.t
module Single_and_positions : Parser with type parsed_value = Base.Sexp.t * Positions.t
module Many_and_positions : Parser with type parsed_value = Base.Sexp.t Base.list * Positions.t
module Eager_and_positions : Eager_parser with type parsed_value = Base.Sexp.t * Positions.t
module Single_just_positions : Parser with type parsed_value = Positions.t
module Many_just_positions : Parser with type parsed_value = Positions.t
module Eager_just_positions : Eager_parser with type parsed_value = Positions.t
module Many_cst : Parser with type parsed_value = Cst.t_or_comment Base.list
module Eager_cst : Eager_parser with type parsed_value = Cst.t_or_comment
module Of_sexp_error : sig ... end
exception Of_sexp_error of Of_sexp_error.t

Exception raised in case of a conversion error

module Conv_error : sig ... end
module type Conv : Conv with module Parse_error := Parse_error with module Of_sexp_error := Of_sexp_error with module Conv_error := Conv_error
module Conv_single : Conv with type 'a single_or_many = 'a
module Conv_many : Conv with type 'a single_or_many = 'a Base.list