Module Async_extra__Rpc.Connection

include module type of sig ... end
val sexp_of_t : t ‑> Sexplib.Sexp.t
val create : ?implementations:'s Async_rpc_kernel.Implementations.t ‑> connection_state:(t ‑> 's) ‑> ?handshake_timeout:Core_kernel.Time_ns.Span.t ‑> ?heartbeat_config:Heartbeat_config.t ‑> ?description:Core_kernel.Info.t ‑> Async_rpc_kernel.Transport.t ‑> (tCore_kernel.Exn.tCore_kernel.Result.t Async_kernel.Deferred.t
val contains_magic_prefix : bool Bin_prot.Type_class.reader
val description : t ‑> Core_kernel.Info.t
val add_heartbeat_callback : t ‑> (unit ‑> unit) ‑> unit
val close : ?streaming_responses_flush_timeout:Core_kernel.Time_ns.Span.t ‑> ?reason:Core_kernel.Info.t ‑> t ‑> unit Async_kernel.Deferred.t
val close_finished : t ‑> unit Async_kernel.Deferred.t
val close_reason : t ‑> on_close:[ `finished | `started ] ‑> Core_kernel.Info.t Async_kernel.Deferred.t
val is_closed : t ‑> bool
val bytes_to_write : t ‑> int
val flushed : t ‑> unit Async_kernel.Deferred.t
val with_close : ?implementations:'s Async_rpc_kernel.Implementations.t ‑> ?handshake_timeout:Core_kernel.Time_ns.Span.t ‑> ?heartbeat_config:Heartbeat_config.t ‑> connection_state:(t ‑> 's) ‑> Async_rpc_kernel.Transport.t ‑> dispatch_queries:(t ‑> 'a Async_kernel.Deferred.t) ‑> on_handshake_error:[ `Call of Core_kernel.Exn.t ‑> 'a Async_kernel.Deferred.t | `Raise ] ‑> 'a Async_kernel.Deferred.t
val server_with_close : ?handshake_timeout:Core_kernel.Time_ns.Span.t ‑> ?heartbeat_config:Heartbeat_config.t ‑> Async_rpc_kernel.Transport.t ‑> implementations:'s Async_rpc_kernel.Implementations.t ‑> connection_state:(t ‑> 's) ‑> on_handshake_error:[ `Call of Core_kernel.Exn.t ‑> unit Async_kernel.Deferred.t | `Ignore | `Raise ] ‑> unit Async_kernel.Deferred.t
val create : ?implementations:'s Implementations.t ‑> connection_state:(t ‑> 's) ‑> ?max_message_size:int ‑> ?handshake_timeout:Core.Time.Span.t ‑> ?heartbeat_config:Heartbeat_config.t ‑> ?description:Core.Info.t ‑> Async_extra.Import.Reader.t ‑> Async_extra.Import.Writer.t ‑> (tCore.Exn.tCore.Result.t Async_extra.Import.Deferred.t

These functions are mostly the same as the ones with the same names in Async_rpc_kernel.Std.Rpc.Connection; see Connection_intf in that library for documentation. The differences are that:

val contains_magic_prefix : Async_extra.Import.Reader.t ‑> bool Async_extra.Import.Deferred.t

As of Feb 2017, the RPC protocol started to contain a magic number so that one can identify RPC communication. The bool returned by contains_magic_prefix says whether this magic number was observed.

This operation is a "peek" that does not advanced any pointers associated with the reader. In particular, it makes sense to call create on a reader after calling this function.

val with_close : ?implementations:'s Implementations.t ‑> ?max_message_size:int ‑> ?handshake_timeout:Core.Time.Span.t ‑> ?heartbeat_config:Heartbeat_config.t ‑> connection_state:(t ‑> 's) ‑> Async_extra.Import.Reader.t ‑> Async_extra.Import.Writer.t ‑> dispatch_queries:(t ‑> 'a Async_extra.Import.Deferred.t) ‑> on_handshake_error:[ `Raise | `Call of Core.Exn.t ‑> 'a Async_extra.Import.Deferred.t ] ‑> 'a Async_extra.Import.Deferred.t
val server_with_close : ?max_message_size:int ‑> ?handshake_timeout:Core.Time.Span.t ‑> ?heartbeat_config:Heartbeat_config.t ‑> Async_extra.Import.Reader.t ‑> Async_extra.Import.Writer.t ‑> implementations:'s Implementations.t ‑> connection_state:(t ‑> 's) ‑> on_handshake_error:[ `Raise | `Ignore | `Call of Core.Exn.t ‑> unit Async_extra.Import.Deferred.t ] ‑> unit Async_extra.Import.Deferred.t
type transport_maker = Async_extra.Import.Fd.t ‑> max_message_size:int ‑> Transport.t

A function creating a transport from a file descriptor. It is responsible for setting the low-level parameters of the underlying transport.

For instance to setup a transport using Async.{Reader,Writer} and set a buffer age limit on the writer, you can pass this to the functions of this module:

        ~make_transport:(fun fd ~max_message_size ->
          Rpc.Transport.of_fd fd ~max_message_size ~buffer_age_limit:`Unlimited)
type on_handshake_error = [
| `Raise
| `Ignore
| `Call of Core.Exn.t ‑> unit
val serve : implementations:'s Implementations.t ‑> initial_connection_state:('address ‑> t ‑> 's) ‑> where_to_listen:('address'listening_onAsync_extra.Tcp.Where_to_listen.t ‑> ?max_connections:int ‑> ?backlog:int ‑> ?max_message_size:int ‑> ?make_transport:transport_maker ‑> ?handshake_timeout:Core.Time.Span.t ‑> ?heartbeat_config:Heartbeat_config.t ‑> ?auth:('address ‑> bool) ‑> ?on_handshake_error:on_handshake_error ‑> unit ‑> ('address'listening_onAsync_extra.Tcp.Server.t Async_extra.Import.Deferred.t

serve implementations ~port ?on_handshake_error () starts a server with the given implementation on port. The optional auth function will be called on all incoming connections with the address info of the client and will disconnect the client immediately if it returns false. This auth mechanism is generic and does nothing other than disconnect the client - any logging or record of the reasons is the responsibility of the auth function itself.

val serve_with_transport : handshake_timeout:Core.Time.Span.t option ‑> heartbeat_config:Heartbeat_config.t option ‑> implementations:'s Implementations.t ‑> description:Core.Info.t ‑> connection_state:(t ‑> 's) ‑> on_handshake_error:on_handshake_error ‑> Transport.t ‑> unit Async_extra.Import.Deferred.t
val client : host:string ‑> port:int ‑> ?via_local_interface:Async_extra.Import.Unix.Inet_addr.t ‑> ?implementations:_ Client_implementations.t ‑> ?max_message_size:int ‑> ?make_transport:transport_maker ‑> ?handshake_timeout:Core.Time.Span.t ‑> ?heartbeat_config:Heartbeat_config.t ‑> ?description:Core.Info.t ‑> unit ‑> (tCore.Exn.tCore.Result.t Async_extra.Import.Deferred.t

client ~host ~port () connects to the server at (host,port) and returns the connection or an Error if a connection could not be made. It is the responsibility of the caller to eventually call close.

In client and with_client, the handshake_timeout encompasses both the TCP connection timeout and the timeout for this module's own handshake.

val with_client : host:string ‑> port:int ‑> ?via_local_interface:Async_extra.Import.Unix.Inet_addr.t ‑> ?implementations:_ Client_implementations.t ‑> ?max_message_size:int ‑> ?make_transport:transport_maker ‑> ?handshake_timeout:Core.Time.Span.t ‑> ?heartbeat_config:Heartbeat_config.t ‑> (t ‑> 'a Async_extra.Import.Deferred.t) ‑> ('aCore.Exn.tCore.Result.t Async_extra.Import.Deferred.t

with_client ~host ~port f connects to the server at (host,port) and runs f until an exception is thrown or until the returned Deferred is fulfilled.

NOTE: As with with_close, you should be careful when using this with Pipe_rpc. See with_close for more information.