Span.t represents a span of time (e.g. 7 minutes, 3 hours, 12.8 days). The span may be positive or negative.
include sig ... end
val t_of_sexp : Sexplib.Sexp.t ‑> t
val sexp_of_t : t ‑> Sexplib.Sexp.t
val bin_t : t Bin_prot.Type_class.t
val bin_read_t : t Bin_prot.Read.reader
val __bin_read_t__ : ( ‑> t) Bin_prot.Read.reader
val bin_reader_t : t Bin_prot.Type_class.reader
val bin_size_t : t Bin_prot.Size.sizer
val bin_write_t : t Bin_prot.Write.writer
val bin_writer_t : t Bin_prot.Type_class.writer
val bin_shape_t : Bin_prot.Shape.t
module Parts : sig ... end
Parts represents the individual parts of a Span as if it were written out (it is the counterpart to create). For example, (sec 90.) is represented by = 0; min = 1; sec = 30; ms = 0. The fields will always be positive.
include Core_kernel__.Std_internal.Comparable_binable with type t := t
include Core_kernel__.Comparable_intf.S_common
include Base.Comparable_intf.S
include Base.Comparable_intf.Polymorphic_compare
is identical to compare
. descending x y = ascending y x
. These are
intended to be mnemonic when used like List.sort ~cmp:ascending
and List.sort
, since they cause the list to be sorted in ascending or descending
order, respectively.
clamp_exn t ~min ~max
returns t'
, the closest value to t
such that
between t' ~low:min ~high:max
is true.
Raises if not (min <= max)
val clamp : t ‑> min:t ‑> max:t ‑> t Base.Or_error.t
include Base.Comparator.S with type t := t
val comparator : (t, comparator_witness) Base.Comparator.comparator
include Base.Comparable_intf.Validate with type t := t
val validate_lbound : min:t Base.Maybe_bound.t ‑> t Base.Validate.check
val validate_ubound : max:t Base.Maybe_bound.t ‑> t Base.Validate.check
val validate_bound : min:t Base.Maybe_bound.t ‑> max:t Base.Maybe_bound.t ‑> t Base.Validate.check
module Replace_polymorphic_compare : Core_kernel__.Comparable_intf.Polymorphic_compare with type t := t
include Core_kernel__.Comparable_intf.Map_and_set_binable with type t := t with type comparator_witness := comparator_witness
include Core_kernel.Comparator.S with type t := t
val comparator : (t, comparator_witness) Core_kernel.Comparator.comparator
module Map : Core_kernel__.Core_map.S_binable with type Key.t = t with type Key.comparator_witness = comparator_witness
module Set : Core_kernel__.Core_set.S_binable with type Elt.t = t with type Elt.comparator_witness = comparator_witness
include Core_kernel.Comparable.With_zero with type t := t
val validate_positive : t Base.Validate.check
val validate_non_negative : t Base.Validate.check
val validate_negative : t Base.Validate.check
val validate_non_positive : t Base.Validate.check
val is_positive : t ‑> bool
val is_non_negative : t ‑> bool
val is_negative : t ‑> bool
val is_non_positive : t ‑> bool
val sign : t ‑> Base__.Sign0.t
Returns Neg
, Zero
, or Pos
in a way consistent with the above functions.
include Core_kernel__.Std_internal.Hashable_binable with type t := t
val hash : t ‑>
val hashable : t Core_kernel.Hashable.Hashtbl.Hashable.t
module Table : Core_kernel.Hashable.Hashtbl.S_binable with type key = t
module Hash_set : Core_kernel.Hash_set.S_binable with type elt = t
module Hash_queue : Core_kernel.Hash_queue.S with type Key.t = t
include Core_kernel__.Import.Pretty_printer.S with type t := t
val pp : Caml.Format.formatter ‑> t ‑> unit
val to_string : t ‑> Core_kernel__.Import.string
String converters and sexp converters allow for specifying of time spans in various units after a leading float (e.g. 45s, 3h, or 1d):
ms - milliseconds s - seconds m - minutes h - hours d - days
The outgoing conversion functions use these units as well, choosing the largest available type. For instance, if it's a bit greater than or equal to 1 hour, the span will be rendered in hours, (Time.to_string (Time.of_string "66m") = "1.1h").
As of Stable.V2
, of_string
and t_of_sexp
also accept "us"=microseconds and
"ns"=nanoseconds suffixes. Stable.V2
will produce these suffixes, but for
compatibility with Stable.V1
, ordinary to_string
and sexp_of_t
will not, for now.
Once use of the new of_
family is more widespread, we will switch the to_
family to
the more expressive format. In the meantime, you can get ns
and us
suffixes by
using to_string_hum
val of_string : Core_kernel__.Import.string ‑> t
val nanosecond : t
val microsecond : t
val millisecond : t
val second : t
val minute : t
val hour : t
val day : t
val robust_comparison_tolerance : t
10^-6 seconds, used in robustly comparable operators (<., >., =., ...) to determine equality
val zero : t
val create : ?sign:Core_kernel.Sign.t ‑> ? ‑> ? ‑> ? ‑> ? ‑> ? ‑> ? ‑> Core_kernel__.Import.unit ‑> t
create ?sign ?day ?hr ?min ?sec ?ms ?us ()
Create a span from the given parts. All
parts are assumed to be positive (no checking is done by the function) and the sign of
the final span is given by sign
which is positive by default.
val of_ns : Core_kernel__.Import.float ‑> t
val of_us : Core_kernel__.Import.float ‑> t
val of_ms : Core_kernel__.Import.float ‑> t
val of_sec : Core_kernel__.Import.float ‑> t
val of_int_sec : ‑> t
val of_int32_seconds : Core_kernel__.Std_internal.Int32.t ‑> t
val of_int63_seconds : Core_kernel__.Std_internal.Int63.t ‑> t
val of_min : Core_kernel__.Import.float ‑> t
val of_hr : Core_kernel__.Import.float ‑> t
val of_day : Core_kernel__.Import.float ‑> t
val to_ns : t ‑> Core_kernel__.Import.float
val to_us : t ‑> Core_kernel__.Import.float
val to_ms : t ‑> Core_kernel__.Import.float
val to_sec : t ‑> Core_kernel__.Import.float
val to_min : t ‑> Core_kernel__.Import.float
val to_hr : t ‑> Core_kernel__.Import.float
val to_day : t ‑> Core_kernel__.Import.float
val to_proportional_float : t ‑> Core_kernel__.Import.float
The only condition to_proportional_float
is supposed to satisfy is that for all
t1, t2 : t
: to_proportional_float t1 /. to_proportional_float t2 = t1 // t2
val scale : t ‑> Core_kernel__.Import.float ‑> t
val (/) : t ‑> Core_kernel__.Import.float ‑> t
val (//) : t ‑> t ‑> Core_kernel__.Import.float
val to_short_string : t ‑> Core_kernel__.Import.string
to_short_string t
pretty-prints approximate time span using no more than
five characters if the span is positive, and six if the span is negative.
= 4 hours"5m"
= 5 minutes"4s"
= 4 seconds"10ms"
= 10 millisecondsonly the most significant denomination is shown.
val to_unit_of_time : t ‑> Core_kernel.Unit_of_time.t
to_unit_of_time t
= Day
if abs t >= day
, Hour
if abs t >= hour
, and so on
down to Microsecond
if abs t >= microsecond
, and Nanosecond
val of_unit_of_time : Core_kernel.Unit_of_time.t ‑> t
of_unit_of_time unit_of_time
produces a t
representing the corresponding span.
val to_string_hum : ?delimiter:Core_kernel__.Import.char ‑> ? ‑> ?align_decimal:Core_kernel__.Import.bool ‑> ?unit_of_time:Core_kernel.Unit_of_time.t ‑> t ‑> Core_kernel__.Import.string
to_string_hum t ~delimiter ~decimals ~align_decimal ~unit_of_time
formats t
the given unit of time, or the largest appropriate units if none is specified, among
"d"=day, "h"=hour, "m"=minute, "s"=second, "ms"=millisecond, "us"=microsecond, or
"ns"=nanosecond. The magnitude of the time span in the chosen unit is formatted by:
Float.to_string_hum ~delimiter ~decimals ~strip_zero:(not align_decimal)
If align_decimal
is true, the single-character suffixes are padded with an extra
space character. In combination with not stripping zeroes, this means that the
decimal point will occur a fixed number of characters from the end of the string.
val randomize : t ‑> percent:Core_kernel__.Import.float ‑> t
randomize t ~percent
returns a span +/- percent * original span. Percent must be
between 0 and 1, and must be positive.
module Stable : sig ... end