Module Typerep.Named
module type T0 = sig ... end
module type T1 = sig ... end
module type T2 = sig ... end
module type T3 = sig ... end
module type T4 = sig ... end
module type T5 = sig ... end
type 'a t
T0 of (module T0 with type t = 'a)
T1 of (module T1 with type t = 'a)
T2 of (module T2 with type t = 'a)
T3 of (module T3 with type t = 'a)
T4 of (module T4 with type t = 'a)
T5 of (module T5 with type t = 'a)
val arity : _ t -> int
val typename_of_t : 'a t -> 'a Typename.t
val name : _ t -> string