Module Hardcaml.Cyclesim
include Hardcaml__.Cyclesim_intf.Cyclesim
module Port_list : sig ... end
type t_port_list
= (Port_list.t, Port_list.t) t
val scheduling_deps : Signal.t -> Signal.t Hardcaml__.Import.list
Specialised signal dependencies that define a graph that breaks cycles through sequential elements. This is done by removing the input edges of registers and memories (excluding the read address, since hardcaml memories are read asynchronously).
Instantiations do not allow cycles from output to input ports, which is a valid assumption for the simulator, but not in general.
Note that all signals in the graph cannot be reached from just the outputs of a circuit using these dependencies. The (discarded) inputs to all registers and memories must also be included.
val cycle : (_, _) t -> Hardcaml__.Import.unit
advance by 1 clock cycle (check->comb->seq->comb)
val cycle_check : (_, _) t -> Hardcaml__.Import.unit
check inputs are valid before a simulation cycle
val cycle_comb0 : (_, _) t -> Hardcaml__.Import.unit
update combinatorial logic before sequential logic
val cycle_seq : (_, _) t -> Hardcaml__.Import.unit
update sequential logic
val cycle_comb1 : (_, _) t -> Hardcaml__.Import.unit
update combinatorial logic after sequential logic
val reset : (_, _) t -> Hardcaml__.Import.unit
reset simulator
val in_port : (_, _) t -> Hardcaml__.Import.string -> Bits.t Hardcaml__.Import.ref
get input port given a name
val out_port : ?clock_edge:Side.t -> (_, _) t -> Hardcaml__.Import.string -> Bits.t Hardcaml__.Import.ref
Get output port given a name. If
the outputs are computed prior to the clock edge -After
means the outputs are computed after the clock edge.
val inputs : ('i, _) t -> 'i
val outputs : ?clock_edge:Side.t -> (_, 'o) t -> 'o
val in_ports : (_, _) t -> Port_list.t
val out_ports : ?clock_edge:Side.t -> (_, _) t -> Port_list.t
val internal_ports : (_, _) t -> Port_list.t
get list of internal nodes
val lookup_signal : (_, _) t -> Signal.Uid.t -> Bits.t Hardcaml__.Import.ref
val lookup_reg : (_, _) t -> Signal.Uid.t -> Bits.t Hardcaml__.Import.ref
type 'a with_create_options
= ?is_internal_port:(Signal.t -> Hardcaml__.Import.bool) -> ?combinational_ops_database:Combinational_ops_database.t -> 'a
val create : (Circuit.t -> t_port_list) with_create_options
construct a simulator from a circuit
module Combine_error : sig ... end
val combine : ?port_sets_may_differ:Hardcaml__.Import.bool -> ?on_error:(Combine_error.t -> Hardcaml__.Import.unit) -> ('i, 'o) t -> ('i, 'o) t -> ('i, 'o) t
Combine 2 simulators. The inputs are set on the 1st simulator and copied to the 2nd. Outputs are checked and
is called if a difference is found. By default,on_error
raises.The simulators should have the same input and output port sets, unless
, in which case only ports which exist on both simulators are checked.
module With_interface : functor (I : Interface.S) -> functor (O : Interface.S) -> sig ... end
module Private : sig ... end