Module Rx_intf.T

type t =
| Any_char
| Any_in of Char_class.t list

Exactly s matches exactly the string s (e.g., '.' only matches '.')

| Exactly of string
| Line of Start_or_end.t
| None_in of Char_class.t list
| One_or_more of t
| Or of t list

Pattern s interprets s as a regexp (e.g., '.' matches any character)

| Pattern of string

Matches zero characters, but only where the point is.

| Point
| Repeat of {
min : int;
max : int option;
t : t;
| Seq of t list

Text matched by Submatch can be retrieved using Regexp.Last_match.text_exn ~subexp:index.

index is the number of parentheses to the left of this submatch in the regexp pattern.

| Submatch of t

Text matched by Submatch_n can be retrieved using Regexp.Last_match.text_exn ~subexp:index.

index must be at least the number of parentheses left of this submatch in the regexp pattern. If index is greater, it will shadow the submatch that would have been assigned that index. If index is less, then it is an error to use the resulting regexp.

| Submatch_n of {
index : int;
t : t;
| Zero_or_more of t
| Zero_or_one of t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t