Module Ecaml.Tabulated_list

Tabulated lists display table data, one line per record and one column per field.

Note that we attempt to improve upon the elisp interface of tabulated-list-mode.

module Tabulated_list_mode : Major_mode.S
module Column : sig ... end
type ('record, 'id) t
val create : Major_mode.t -> 'record Column.t list -> id_equal:('id -> 'id -> bool) -> id_type:'id Ecaml__.Import.Value.Type.t -> id_of_record:('record -> 'id) -> ('record'id) t

Raises unless the major mode derives from Tabulated_list_mode.major_mode.

val keymap : (__) t -> Keymap.t
val major_mode : (__) t -> Major_mode.t
val draw : ?⁠sort_by:(string * [ `Ascending | `Descending ]) -> ('record'id) t -> 'record list -> unit
val get_id_at_point_exn : ('record'id) t -> 'id option

get_id_at_point_exn returns None if there is no id at point, and raises if the id at point cannot be of_value_exn'ed.

val move_point_to_id : ('record'id) t -> 'id -> unit
val current_buffer_has_entries : unit -> bool
val revert_hook : Hook.normal Hook.t

(describe-variable 'tabulated-list-revert-hook)