Module Tabulated_list.Column

type 'record t

A column of data to be displayed on screen.

val create : ?⁠align_right:bool -> ?⁠max_width:int -> ?⁠min_width:int -> ?⁠pad_right:int -> ?⁠sortable:bool -> header:string -> ('record -> string) -> 'record t

Each time we draw the buffer, the column is resized to fit the widest value (or the header), within the range min_width, max_width inclusive.

val first_line : ?⁠align_right:bool -> ?⁠max_width:int -> ?⁠min_width:int -> ?⁠pad_right:int -> ?⁠sortable:bool -> header:string -> ('record -> string) -> 'record t

Shows only stripped first line of possibly multiline string

val text : ?⁠align_right:bool -> ?⁠max_width:int -> ?⁠min_width:int -> ?⁠pad_right:int -> ?⁠sortable:bool -> header:string -> ('record -> Text.t) -> 'record t
val time_ns : ?⁠align_right:bool -> ?⁠pad_right:int -> ?⁠sortable:bool -> header:string -> zone:Core_kernel.Time.Zone.t -> ('record -> Core_kernel.Time_ns.t) -> 'record t

YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.mmm