Module Hashtbl.Poly

type ('a, 'b) t = ('a'b) t
include Sexpable.S2 with type ('a, 'b) t := ('a'b) t
type ('a, 'b) t
val t_of_sexp : (Sexp.t -> 'a) -> (Sexp.t -> 'b) -> Sexp.t -> ('a'b) t
val sexp_of_t : ('a -> Sexp.t) -> ('b -> Sexp.t) -> ('a'b) t -> Sexp.t
val hashable : 'a Hashable.t
include Invariant.S2 with type ('a, 'b) t := ('a'b) t
type ('a, 'b) t
val invariant : 'a Base__.Invariant_intf.inv -> 'b Base__.Invariant_intf.inv -> ('a'b) t Base__.Invariant_intf.inv
include Base__.Hashtbl_intf.Creators_generic with type ('a, 'b) t := ('a'b) t with type 'a key = 'a with type ('key, 'data, 'z) create_options := ('key'data'z) Base__.Hashtbl_intf.create_options_without_first_class_module
type ('a, 'b) t
type 'a key = 'a
type ('key, 'data, 'z) create_options
val create : ('a key'b, unit -> ('a'b) t) create_options
val of_alist : ('a key'b('a key * 'b) list -> [ `Ok of ('a'b) t | `Duplicate_key of 'a key ]) create_options
val of_alist_report_all_dups : ('a key'b('a key * 'b) list -> [ `Ok of ('a'b) t | `Duplicate_keys of 'a key list ]) create_options
val of_alist_or_error : ('a key'b('a key * 'b) list -> ('a'b) t Or_error.t) create_options
val of_alist_exn : ('a key'b('a key * 'b) list -> ('a'b) t) create_options
val of_alist_multi : ('a key'b list('a key * 'b) list -> ('a'b list) t) create_options
val create_mapped : ('a key'bget_key:('r -> 'a key) -> get_data:('r -> 'b) -> 'r list -> [ `Ok of ('a'b) t | `Duplicate_keys of 'a key list ]) create_options
create_mapped get_key get_data [x1,...,xn]
= of_alist [get_key x1, get_data x1; ...; get_key xn, get_data xn] 
val create_with_key : ('a key'rget_key:('r -> 'a key) -> 'r list -> [ `Ok of ('a'r) t | `Duplicate_keys of 'a key list ]) create_options
create_with_key ~get_key [x1,...,xn]
= of_alist [get_key x1, x1; ...; get_key xn, xn] 
val create_with_key_or_error : ('a key'rget_key:('r -> 'a key) -> 'r list -> ('a'r) t Or_error.t) create_options
val create_with_key_exn : ('a key'rget_key:('r -> 'a key) -> 'r list -> ('a'r) t) create_options
val group : ('a key'bget_key:('r -> 'a key) -> get_data:('r -> 'b) -> combine:('b -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'r list -> ('a'b) t) create_options
include Base__.Hashtbl_intf.Accessors with type ('a, 'b) t := ('a'b) t with type 'a key := 'a key
type ('a, 'b) t
type 'a key
val sexp_of_key : ('a_) t -> 'a key -> Sexp.t
val clear : (__) t -> unit
val copy : ('a'b) t -> ('a'b) t
val fold : ('a'b) t -> init:'c -> f:(key:'a key -> data:'b -> 'c -> 'c) -> 'c

Attempting to modify (set, remove, etc.) the hashtable during iteration (fold, iter, iter_keys, iteri) will raise an exception.

val iter_keys : ('a_) t -> f:('a key -> unit) -> unit
val iter : (_'b) t -> f:('b -> unit) -> unit
val iteri : ('a'b) t -> f:(key:'a key -> data:'b -> unit) -> unit

Iterates over both keys and values.


      let h = Hashtbl.of_alist_exn (module Int) [(1, 4); (5, 6)] in
      Hashtbl.iteri h ~f:(fun ~key ~data ->
        print_endline (Printf.sprintf "%d-%d" key data));;
      - : unit = ()
val existsi : ('a'b) t -> f:(key:'a key -> data:'b -> bool) -> bool
val exists : (_'b) t -> f:('b -> bool) -> bool
val for_alli : ('a'b) t -> f:(key:'a key -> data:'b -> bool) -> bool
val for_all : (_'b) t -> f:('b -> bool) -> bool
val counti : ('a'b) t -> f:(key:'a key -> data:'b -> bool) -> int
val count : (_'b) t -> f:('b -> bool) -> int
val length : (__) t -> int
val is_empty : (__) t -> bool
val mem : ('a_) t -> 'a key -> bool
val remove : ('a_) t -> 'a key -> unit
val choose : ('a'b) t -> ('a key * 'b) option
val choose_exn : ('a'b) t -> 'a key * 'b
val set : ('a'b) t -> key:'a key -> data:'b -> unit

Sets the given key to data.

val add : ('a'b) t -> key:'a key -> data:'b -> [ `Ok | `Duplicate ]

add and add_exn leave the table unchanged if the key was already present.

val add_exn : ('a'b) t -> key:'a key -> data:'b -> unit
val change : ('a'b) t -> 'a key -> f:('b option -> 'b option) -> unit

change t key ~f changes t's value for key to be f (find t key).

val update : ('a'b) t -> 'a key -> f:('b option -> 'b) -> unit

update t key ~f is change t key ~f:(fun o -> Some (f o)).

val map : ('a'b) t -> f:('b -> 'c) -> ('a'c) t

map t f returns a new table with values replaced by the result of applying f to the current values.


      let h = Hashtbl.of_alist_exn (module Int) [(1, 4); (5, 6)] in
      let h' = h ~f:(fun x -> x * 2) in
      Hashtbl.to_alist h';;
      - : (int * int) list = [(5, 12); (1, 8)]
val mapi : ('a'b) t -> f:(key:'a key -> data:'b -> 'c) -> ('a'c) t

Like map, but the function f takes both key and data as arguments.

val filter_map : ('a'b) t -> f:('b -> 'c option) -> ('a'c) t

Returns a new table by filtering the given table's values by f: the keys for which f applied to the current value returns Some are kept, and those for which it returns None are discarded.


      let h = Hashtbl.of_alist_exn (module Int) [(1, 4); (5, 6)] in
      Hashtbl.filter_map h ~f:(fun x -> if x > 5 then Some x else None)
      |> Hashtbl.to_alist;;
      - : (int * int) list = [(5, 6)]
val filter_mapi : ('a'b) t -> f:(key:'a key -> data:'b -> 'c option) -> ('a'c) t

Like filter_map, but the function f takes both key and data as arguments.

val filter_keys : ('a'b) t -> f:('a key -> bool) -> ('a'b) t
val filter : ('a'b) t -> f:('b -> bool) -> ('a'b) t
val filteri : ('a'b) t -> f:(key:'a key -> data:'b -> bool) -> ('a'b) t
val partition_map : ('a'b) t -> f:('b -> [ `Fst of 'c | `Snd of 'd ]) -> ('a'c) t * ('a'd) t

Returns new tables with bound values partitioned by f applied to the bound values.

val partition_mapi : ('a'b) t -> f:(key:'a key -> data:'b -> [ `Fst of 'c | `Snd of 'd ]) -> ('a'c) t * ('a'd) t

Like partition_map, but the function f takes both key and data as arguments.

val partition_tf : ('a'b) t -> f:('b -> bool) -> ('a'b) t * ('a'b) t

Returns a pair of tables (t1, t2), where t1 contains all the elements of the initial table which satisfy the predicate f, and t2 contains the rest.

val partitioni_tf : ('a'b) t -> f:(key:'a key -> data:'b -> bool) -> ('a'b) t * ('a'b) t

Like partition_tf, but the function f takes both key and data as arguments.

val find_or_add : ('a'b) t -> 'a key -> default:(unit -> 'b) -> 'b

find_or_add t k ~default returns the data associated with key k if it is in the table t, and otherwise assigns k the value returned by default ().

val findi_or_add : ('a'b) t -> 'a key -> default:('a key -> 'b) -> 'b

Like find_or_add but default takes the key as an argument.

val find : ('a'b) t -> 'a key -> 'b option

find t k returns Some (the current binding) of k in t, or None if no such binding exists.

val find_exn : ('a'b) t -> 'a key -> 'b

find_exn t k returns the current binding of k in t, or raises Caml.Not_found or Not_found_s if no such binding exists.

val find_and_call : ('a'b) t -> 'a key -> if_found:('b -> 'c) -> if_not_found:('a key -> 'c) -> 'c

find_and_call t k ~if_found ~if_not_found

is equivalent to:

match find t k with Some v -> if_found v | None -> if_not_found k

except that it doesn't allocate the option.

val findi_and_call : ('a'b) t -> 'a key -> if_found:(key:'a key -> data:'b -> 'c) -> if_not_found:('a key -> 'c) -> 'c
val find_and_remove : ('a'b) t -> 'a key -> 'b option

find_and_remove t k returns Some (the current binding) of k in t and removes it, or None is no such binding exists.

val merge : ('k'a) t -> ('k'b) t -> f:(key:'k key -> [ `Left of 'a | `Right of 'b | `Both of 'a * 'b ] -> 'c option) -> ('k'c) t

Merges two hashtables.

The result of merge f h1 h2 has as keys the set of all k in the union of the sets of keys of h1 and h2 for which d(k) is not None, where:

d(k) =

  • f ~key:k (`Left d1) if k in h1 maps to d1, and h2 does not have data for k;
  • f ~key:k (`Right d2) if k in h2 maps to d2, and h1 does not have data for k;
  • f ~key:k (`Both (d1, d2)) otherwise, where k in h1 maps to d1 and k in h2 maps to d2.

Each key k is mapped to a single piece of data x, where d(k) = Some x.


      let h1 = Hashtbl.of_alist_exn (module Int) [(1, 5); (2, 3232)] in
      let h2 = Hashtbl.of_alist_exn (module Int) [(1, 3)] in
      Hashtbl.merge h1 h2 ~f:(fun ~key:_ -> function
        | `Left x -> Some (`Left x)
        | `Right x -> Some (`Right x)
        | `Both (x, y) -> if x=y then None else Some (`Both (x,y))
      ) |> Hashtbl.to_alist;;
      - : (int * [> `Both of int * int | `Left of int | `Right of int ]) list =
      [(2, `Left 3232); (1, `Both (5, 3))]
val merge_into : src:('k'a) t -> dst:('k'b) t -> f:(key:'k key -> 'a -> 'b option -> 'b Base__.Hashtbl_intf.Merge_into_action.t) -> unit

Every key in src will be removed or set in dst according to the return value of f.

val keys : ('a_) t -> 'a key list

Returns the list of all keys for given hashtable.

val data : (_'b) t -> 'b list

Returns the list of all data for given hashtable.

val filter_keys_inplace : ('a_) t -> f:('a key -> bool) -> unit

filter_inplace t ~f removes all the elements from t that don't satisfy f.

val filter_inplace : (_'b) t -> f:('b -> bool) -> unit
val filteri_inplace : ('a'b) t -> f:(key:'a key -> data:'b -> bool) -> unit
val map_inplace : (_'b) t -> f:('b -> 'b) -> unit

map_inplace t ~f applies f to all elements in t, transforming them in place.

val mapi_inplace : ('a'b) t -> f:(key:'a key -> data:'b -> 'b) -> unit
val filter_map_inplace : (_'b) t -> f:('b -> 'b option) -> unit

filter_map_inplace combines the effects of map_inplace and filter_inplace.

val filter_mapi_inplace : ('a'b) t -> f:(key:'a key -> data:'b -> 'b option) -> unit
val equal : ('b -> 'b -> bool) -> ('a'b) t -> ('a'b) t -> bool

equal f t1 t2 and similar f t1 t2 both return true iff t1 and t2 have the same keys and for all keys k, f (find_exn t1 k) (find_exn t2 k). equal and similar only differ in their types.

val similar : ('b1 -> 'b2 -> bool) -> ('a'b1) t -> ('a'b2) t -> bool
val to_alist : ('a'b) t -> ('a key * 'b) list

Returns the list of all (key, data) pairs for given hashtable.

val validate : name:('a key -> string) -> 'b Validate.check -> ('a'b) t Validate.check
val incr : ?⁠by:int -> ?⁠remove_if_zero:bool -> ('a, int) t -> 'a key -> unit

remove_if_zero's default is false.

val decr : ?⁠by:int -> ?⁠remove_if_zero:bool -> ('a, int) t -> 'a key -> unit
include Base__.Hashtbl_intf.Multi with type ('a, 'b) t := ('a'b) t with type 'a key := 'a key
type ('a, 'b) t
type 'a key
val add_multi : ('a'b list) t -> key:'a key -> data:'b -> unit

add_multi t ~key ~data if key is present in the table then cons data on the list, otherwise add key with a single element list.

val remove_multi : ('a_ list) t -> 'a key -> unit

remove_multi t key updates the table, removing the head of the list bound to key. If the list has only one element (or is empty) then the binding is removed.

val find_multi : ('a'b list) t -> 'a key -> 'b list

find_multi t key returns the empty list if key is not present in the table, returns t's values for key otherwise.