module Core_string:sig
typet =
include Identifiable.S
include Container.S0
val max_length : int
val length : t -> int
val get : t -> int -> char
val set : t -> int -> char -> unit
val create : int -> t
val make : int -> char -> t
val copy : t -> t
val init : int -> f:(int -> char) -> t
val sub : t -> pos:int -> len:int -> t
val fill : t -> pos:int -> len:int -> char -> unit
val blit : src:t ->
src_pos:int -> dst:t -> dst_pos:int -> len:int -> unit
val concat : ?sep:t -> t list -> t
(default sep "")val escaped : t -> t
val contains : ?pos:int -> ?len:int -> t -> char -> bool
val uppercase : t -> t
val lowercase : t -> t
val capitalize : t -> t
val uncapitalize : t -> t
val index : t -> char -> int option
val index_exn : t -> char -> int
val rindex : t -> char -> int option
val rindex_exn : t -> char -> int
val index_from : t -> int -> char -> int option
val index_from_exn : t -> int -> char -> int
val rindex_from : t -> int -> char -> int option
val rindex_from_exn : t -> int -> char -> int
val slice : t -> int -> int -> t
slice s start stop
gets a slice of s
between start
and stop
and stop
will be normalized before the access.
(viz. Core_array.normalize).val to_list_rev : t -> char list
val nget : t -> int -> char
nget s i
Gets the char at normalized position i
in s
.val nset : t -> int -> char -> unit
nset s i c
Sets the char at normalized position i
to c
.val is_suffix : t -> suffix:t -> bool
is_suffix s ~suffix
returns true
if s
ends with suffix
.val is_prefix : t -> prefix:t -> bool
is_prefix s ~prefix
returns true
if s
starts with prefix
.val lsplit2_exn : t -> on:char -> t * t
contains the character on
, then lsplit2_exn
s ~on
returns a pair containing s
split around the first
appearance of on
(from the left).Not_found
When on
cannot be found in s
val rsplit2_exn : t -> on:char -> t * t
contains the character on
, then rsplit2_exn
s ~on
returns a pair containing s
split around the first
appearance of on
(from the right).Not_found
When on
cannot be found in s
val lsplit2 : t -> on:char -> (t * t) option
lsplit2 line ~on
optionally returns line
split into two strings around the
* first appearance of on
from the leftval rsplit2 : t -> on:char -> (t * t) option
rsplit2 line ~on
optionally returns line
split into two strings around the
* first appearance of on
from the rightval split : t -> on:char -> t list
split s ~on
that are separated by
. Consecutive on
characters will cause multiple empty strings
in the result. Splitting the empty string returns a list of the empty
string, not the empty list.val split_on_chars : t -> on:char list -> t list
split_on_chars s ~on
that are separated by one of the chars from on
. on
are not grouped. So a grouping of on
in the source string will
produce multiple empty string splits in the result.val lfindi : ?pos:int -> t -> f:(int -> char -> bool) -> int option
lfindi ?pos t ~f
returns the smallest i >= pos
such that f i t.[i]
, if there is
such an i
. By default, pos = 0
.val rfindi : ?pos:int -> t -> f:(int -> char -> bool) -> int option
rfindi ?pos t ~f
returns the largest i <= pos
such that f i t.[i]
, if there is
such an i
. By default pos = length t - 1
.val lstrip : ?drop:(char -> bool) -> t -> t
lstrip ?drop s
returns a string with consecutive chars satisfying drop
(by default
white space, e.g. tabs, spaces, newlines, and carriage returns) stripped from the
beginning of s
.val rstrip : ?drop:(char -> bool) -> t -> t
rstrip ?drop s
returns a string with consecutive chars satisfying drop
(by default
white space, e.g. tabs, spaces, newlines, and carriage returns) stripped from the end
of s
.val strip : ?drop:(char -> bool) -> t -> t
strip ?drop s
returns a string with consecutive chars satisfying drop
(by default
white space, e.g. tabs, spaces, newlines, and carriage returns) stripped from the
begining and end of s
.val map : t -> f:(char -> char) -> t
map f s
applies f
to each character in s
, and returns the
resulting string.val mapi : t -> f:(int -> char -> char) -> t
mapi f s
applies f
to each character in s
and its index, and returns the
resulting string.val foldi : t -> init:'a -> f:(int -> 'a -> char -> 'a) -> 'a
works similarly to fold
, but also pass in index of each character to f
val concat_map : ?sep:t ->
t -> f:(char -> t) -> t
, but allows replacement of a single character with zero or two or more
characters.val filter : t -> f:(char -> bool) -> t
filter s ~f:predicate
discards characters not satisfying predicate
val tr : target:char -> replacement:char -> t -> t
tr target replacement s
replaces every instance of target
in s
.val tr_inplace : target:char -> replacement:char -> t -> unit
tr_inplace target replacement s
destructively modifies s (in place!)
replacing every instance of target
in s
with replacement
.val chop_suffix_exn : t -> suffix:t -> t
chop_suffix s ~suf
returns a copy s
without the trailing suff
is suff
is not a suffix of s
val chop_prefix_exn : t -> prefix:t -> t
chop_prefix s ~pref
returns a copy s
without the leading pref
is pref
is not a prefix of s
val chop_suffix : t -> suffix:t -> t option
val chop_prefix : t -> prefix:t -> t option
val suffix : t -> int -> t
suffix s n
returns the longest suffix of s
of length less than or equal to n
val prefix : t -> int -> t
prefix s n
returns the longest prefix of s
of length less than or equal to n
val drop_suffix : t -> int -> t
drop_suffix s n
drops the longest suffix of s
of length less than or equal to n
val drop_prefix : t -> int -> t
drop_prefix s n
drops the longest prefix of s
of length less than or equal to n
val concat_array : ?sep:t -> t array -> t
concat_array sep ar
like String.concat
, but operates on arraysval hash : t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val is_empty : t -> bool
is_empty s
returns true
iff s
is empty (i.e. its length is 0).module Infix:sig
val of_char : char -> t
val of_char_list : char list -> t
module Escaping:sig
val t_of_sexp : Sexplib.Sexp.t -> t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
val bin_t : t Bin_prot.Type_class.t
val bin_read_t : t Bin_prot.Read_ml.reader
val bin_read_t_ : t Bin_prot.Unsafe_read_c.reader
val bin_read_t__ : (int -> t) Bin_prot.Unsafe_read_c.reader
val bin_reader_t : t Bin_prot.Type_class.reader
val bin_size_t : t Bin_prot.Size.sizer
val bin_write_t : t Bin_prot.Write_ml.writer
val bin_write_t_ : t Bin_prot.Unsafe_write_c.writer
val bin_writer_t : t Bin_prot.Type_class.writer
(default sep "")slice s start stop
gets a slice of s
between start
and stop
and stop
will be normalized before the access.
(viz. Core_array.normalize).nget s i
Gets the char at normalized position i
in s
.nset s i c
Sets the char at normalized position i
to c
.is_suffix s ~suffix
returns true
if s
ends with suffix
.is_prefix s ~prefix
returns true
if s
starts with prefix
contains the character on
, then lsplit2_exn
s ~on
returns a pair containing s
split around the first
appearance of on
(from the left).s
contains the character on
, then rsplit2_exn
s ~on
returns a pair containing s
split around the first
appearance of on
(from the right).lsplit2 line ~on
optionally returns line
split into two strings around the
* first appearance of on
from the leftrsplit2 line ~on
optionally returns line
split into two strings around the
* first appearance of on
from the rightsplit s ~on
split_on_chars s ~on
lfindi ?pos t ~f
returns the smallest i >= pos
such that f i t.[i]
, if there is
such an i
. By default, pos = 0
.rfindi ?pos t ~f
returns the largest i <= pos
such that f i t.[i]
, if there is
such an i
. By default pos = length t - 1
.lstrip ?drop s
returns a string with consecutive chars satisfying drop
(by default
white space, e.g. tabs, spaces, newlines, and carriage returns) stripped from the
beginning of s
.rstrip ?drop s
returns a string with consecutive chars satisfying drop
(by default
white space, e.g. tabs, spaces, newlines, and carriage returns) stripped from the end
of s
.strip ?drop s
returns a string with consecutive chars satisfying drop
(by default
white space, e.g. tabs, spaces, newlines, and carriage returns) stripped from the
begining and end of s
.map f s
applies f
to each character in s
, and returns the
resulting string.mapi f s
applies f
to each character in s
and its index, and returns the
resulting string.foldi
works similarly to fold
, but also pass in index of each character to f
, but allows replacement of a single character with zero or two or more
characters.filter s ~f:predicate
discards characters not satisfying predicate
tr target replacement s
replaces every instance of target
in s
.tr_inplace target replacement s
destructively modifies s (in place!)
replacing every instance of target
in s
with replacement
.chop_suffix s ~suf
returns a copy s
without the trailing suff
chop_prefix s ~pref
returns a copy s
without the leading pref
suffix s n
returns the longest suffix of s
of length less than or equal to n
prefix s n
returns the longest prefix of s
of length less than or equal to n
drop_suffix s n
drops the longest suffix of s
of length less than or equal to n
drop_prefix s n
drops the longest prefix of s
of length less than or equal to n
concat_array sep ar
like String.concat
, but operates on arraysis_empty s
returns true
iff s
is empty (i.e. its length is 0).escape_gen_exn escapeworthy_map escape_char
returns a function that will escape a
string s
as follows: if (c1,c2)
is in escapeworthy_map
, then all occurences of
are replaced by escape_char
concatenated to c2
Raises an exception if escapeworthy_map
is not one-to-one. If escape_char
not in escapeworthy_map
, then it will be escaped to itself.
escape ~escapeworthy ~escape_char s
escape_gen_exn ~escapeworthy_map:(List.zip_exn escapeworthy escapeworthy)
Duplicates and escape_char
will be removed from escapeworthy
. So, no
exception will be raisedunescape_gen_exn
is the inverse operation of escape_gen_exn
. That is,
let escape = Staged.unstage (escape_gen_exn ~escapeworthy_map ~escape_char) in
let unescape = Staged.unstage (unescape_gen_exn ~escapeworthy_map ~escape_char) in
assert (s = unescape (escape s))
always succeed when ~escapeworthy_map is not causing exceptions.unescape ~escape_char
is defined as unescape_gen_exn ~map:[] ~escape_char
is_char_escaping s ~escape_char pos
return true if the char at pos
is escaping,
false otherwise.
is_char_escaped s ~escape_char pos
return true if the char at pos
is escaped,
false otherwise.
is_literal s ~escape_char pos
return true if the char at pos
is not escaped or
index s ~escape_char char
find the first literal (not escaped) instance of
char in s starting from 0.
rindex s ~escape_char char
find the first literal (not escaped) instance of
char in s starting from the end of s and proceeding towards 0.
index_from s ~escape_char pos char
find the first literal (not escaped)
instance of char in s starting from pos and proceeding towards the end of s.
rindex_from s ~escape_char pos char
find the first literal (not escaped)
instance of char in s starting from pos and towards 0.
split s ~escape_char ~on
split_on_chars s ~on