module Writer: Writer
module Id:Core.Std.Unique_id
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
val io_stats : Io_stats.t
Overall IO statistics for all writersval to_string : t -> string
val stdout : t Lazy.t
and stderr
are writers for file descriptors 1 and 2. They are lazy because
we don't want to create them in all programs that happen to link with async.val stderr : t Lazy.t
val create : ?buf_len:int ->
?syscall:[ `Per_cycle | `Periodic of Core.Std.Time.Span.t ] ->
?buffer_age_limit:[ `At_most of Core.Std.Time.Span.t | `Unlimited ] ->
?raise_epipe:bool -> Fd.t -> t
create ?buf_len ?syscall ?buffer_age_limit fd
creates a new writer. The file
descriptor fd should not be in use for writing by anything else.
By default, a write system call occurs at the end of a cycle in which bytes were written. One can supply ~syscall:(`Periodic span) to get better performance. This batches writes together, doing the write system call periodically according to the supplied span.
A writer can asynchronously fail if the underlying write syscall returns an error, e.g. EBADF, EPIPE, ....
specifies how backed up you can get before raising an exception.
Default is 2 minutes. You can supply None
to turn off buffer-age checks.
specifies whether the writer should raise an exception when it receives
an EPIPE or silently drop all further writes. In the case of the latter, the writer
will eventually fail with Writer_buffer_older_than if the application remains open
long enough.
val set_raise_epipe : t -> bool -> unit
set_raise_epipe t bool
sets the raise_epipe
flag of t
, which determies how
responds to a write system call raising EPIPE (see create
).val got_epipe : t -> unit Import.Deferred.t
got_epipe t
returns a deferred that becomes determined when t
attempts to write
to a broken pipe.val of_out_channel : Pervasives.out_channel -> Fd.Kind.t -> t
val open_file : ?append:bool -> string -> t Import.Deferred.t
open_file ?append file
opens file
for writing and returns a writer for it. It
uses Unix_syscalls.open_write
to open the file.val with_file : ?append:bool ->
?exclusive:bool ->
string -> f:(t -> 'a Import.Deferred.t) -> 'a Import.Deferred.t
with_file ~file f
opens file
for writing, creates a writer t
, and runs f t
obtain a deferred d
. When d
becomes determined, the writer is closed. When the
close completes, the result of with_file
becomes determined with the value of d
There is no need to call Writer.flushed
to ensure that with_file
waits for the
writer to be flushed before closing it. Writer.close
will already wait for the
val id : t -> Id.t
id t
val fd : t -> Fd.t
fd t
val set_fd : t -> Fd.t -> unit Import.Deferred.t
set_fd t fd
sets the fd used by t
for its underlying system calls. It first waits
until everything being sent to the current fd is flushed. Of course, one must
understand how the writer works and what one is doing to use this.val write : ?pos:int -> ?len:int -> t -> string -> unit
write ?pos ?len t s
adds a job to the writer's queue of pending writes. The
contents of the string are copied to an internal buffer before write returns, so
clients can do whatever they want with s
after that.val writef : t -> ('a, unit, string, unit) Pervasives.format4 -> 'a
val to_formatter : t -> Format.formatter
to_formatter t
. Note that flushing the formatter will only submit all buffered
data to the writer, but does _not_ guarantee flushing to the operating system.val write_substring : t -> Core.Std.Substring.t -> unit
val write_bigsubstring : t -> Core.Std.Bigsubstring.t -> unit
val write_char : t -> char -> unit
write_char t c
writes the characterval newline : t -> unit
val write_byte : t -> int -> unit
write_byte t i
writes one 8-bit integer (as the single character with that code).
The given integer is taken modulo 256.val write_sexp : ?hum:bool -> t -> Core.Std.Sexp.t -> unit
val write_bin_prot : t -> 'a Bin_prot.Type_class.writer -> 'a -> unit
writes out a value using its bin_prot sizer/writer pair. The format
is the "size-prefixed binary protocol", in which the length of the data is written
before the data itself. This is the format that Reader.read_bin_prot reads.val write_marshal : t -> flags:Marshal.extern_flags list -> 'a -> unit
functions, all functions starting with schedule_
flushing or closing of the writer after returning before it is safe to modify the
bigstrings which were directly or indirectly passed to these functions. The reason is
that these bigstrings will be read from directly when writing, their contents is not
copied to internal buffers.
This is important if users need to send the same large data string to a huge number of
clients simultaneously (e.g. on a cluster), because these functions then avoid
needlessly exhausting memory by sharing the data.
val schedule_bigstring : t -> ?pos:int -> ?len:int -> Core.Std.Bigstring.t -> unit
schedule_bigstring t bstr
schedules a write of bigstring bstr
It is not safe to change the bigstring until the writer has been
successfully flushed or closed after this operation.val schedule_iovec : t -> Core.Std.Bigstring.t Core.Unix.IOVec.t -> unit
schedule_iovec t iovec
schedules a write of I/O-vector iovec
. It is not safe to
change the bigstrings underlying the I/O-vector until the writer has been successfully
flushed or closed after this operation.val schedule_iovecs : t ->
Core.Std.Bigstring.t Core.Unix.IOVec.t Core.Std.Queue.t -> unit
schedule_iovecs t iovecs
like Writer.schedule_iovec
, but takes a whole queue iovecs
I/O-vectors as argument. The queue is guaranteed to be empty when this function
returns and can be modified. It is not safe to change the bigstrings underlying the
I/O-vectors until the writer has been successfully flushed or closed after this
operation.val flushed : t -> unit Import.Deferred.t
flushed t
returns a deferred that will become determined when all prior writes
complete (i.e. the write() system call returns). If a prior write fails, then the
deferred will never become determined.val flushed_time : t -> Core.Std.Time.t Import.Deferred.t
val fsync : t -> unit Import.Deferred.t
val fdatasync : t -> unit Import.Deferred.t
val send : t -> string -> unit
send t s
writes a string to the channel that can be read back
using Reader.recvval monitor : t -> Import.Monitor.t
monitor t
returns the writer's monitor.val close : ?force_close:unit Import.Deferred.t -> t -> unit Import.Deferred.t
close ?force_close t
waits for the writer to be flushed, and then calls Unix.close
on the underlying file descriptor. force_close
causes the Unix.close
to happen
even if the flush hangs. By default force_close
is Deferred.never ()
for files
and after (sec 5)
for other types of file descriptors (e.g. sockets). If the close
is forced, data in the writer's buffer may not be written to the file descriptor. You
can check this by calling bytes_to_write
after close
will raise an exception if the Unix.close
on the underlying file descriptor
It is required to call close
on a writer in order to close the underlying file
descriptor. Not doing so will cause a file descriptor leak. It also will cause a
space leak, because until the writer is closed, it is held on to in order to flush the
writer on shutdown.
It is an error to call other writer operations after close
has been called, except
that subsequent calls to close
will return the same deferred.
val close_finished : t -> unit Import.Deferred.t
val close_was_started : t -> bool
val is_open : t -> bool
val bytes_to_write : t -> int
bytes_to_write t
returns how many bytes have been requested to write but have not
yet been written.val bytes_written : t -> Core.Std.Int63.t
bytes_written t
returns how many bytes have been written.val save : ?temp_prefix:string ->
?perm:Core.Unix.file_perm ->
?fsync:bool -> string -> contents:string -> unit Import.Deferred.t
save ?temp_prefix ?perm ?fsync file ~contents
atomically replaces contents of file
with contents
. The intermediate temporary file will be prefixed by temp_prefix
(prefix may refer to a different directory!) if given, and suffixed by a unique random
sequence of six characters. It may need to be removed in case of a crash so it may be
prudent to choose a temp_prefix
that can be easily found by cleanup tools.
If fsync
is true
, the temporary file will be flushed to disk before it takes the
place of the target file, thus guaranteeing that the target file will always be in a
sound state, even after a machine crash. Since synchronization is extremely slow,
this is not the default. Think carefully about the event of machine crashes and
whether you may need this option!
We intend for save
to preserve the behavior of the open
system call, so if file
does not exist, we will apply the umask to perm
. If it does exist, perm
default to the file's current permissions rather than 0o666.
: default = no prefixperm
: default = 0o666
: default = false
val save_sexp : ?temp_prefix:string ->
?perm:Core.Unix.file_perm ->
?fsync:bool ->
?hum:bool -> string -> Core.Std.Sexp.t -> unit Import.Deferred.t
val pipe : t -> string Import.Pipe.Writer.t
pipe t
returns the writing end of a pipe attached to t
that pushes back when t
cannot keep up with the data being pushed in. Closing the pipe will close t
.val attach_pipe : ?close_on_eof:bool ->
t -> 'a Import.Pipe.Reader.t -> ('a -> unit) -> unit
attach_pipe t pipe_r f
repeatedly pulls values from pipe_r
, and feeds them to f
which should in turn write them to t
. It provides pushback to pipe_r
by not
reading when t
cannot keep up with the data being pushed in. Unless close_on_eof
is set to false, t
will be closed when pipe_r
reaches its Eof.