Module Virtual_dom__Vdom.Event

type t = Virtual_dom__.Event.t
type t += Ignore | Viewport_changed | Stop_propagation | Prevent_default | Many of t list
module type Handler = Virtual_dom__.Event_intf.Handler
module type Visibility_handler = Virtual_dom__.Event_intf.Visibility_handler
module type S = Virtual_dom__.Event_intf.S
module Define : functor (Handler : Handler) -> S with type action := Handler.Action.t and type t := t

For registering a new handler and a corresponding new constructor of the Event.t type

module Define_visibility : functor (VH : Visibility_handler) -> sig ... end

For registering a handler for Viewport_changed events. Note that if this functor is called multiple times, each handler will see all of the events.

module Expert : sig ... end