Module Ppx_expect.Lifter

type filename = Expect_test_common.Std.File.Name.t
class virtual 'a lift_filename : object ... end
type location = Expect_test_common.Std.File.Location.t = {
filename : filename;
line_number : int;
line_start : int;
start_pos : int;
end_pos : int;
type 'a body = 'a Expect_test_common.Std.Expectation.Body.t =
| Exact of string
| Pretty of 'a
type 'a expectation = 'a Expect_test_common.Std.Expectation.t = {
tag : string option;
body : 'a body;
extid_location : location;
body_location : location;
type raw = string expectation
class virtual +'b lift : object ... end