Same as Parser
but gives back a s-expression as soon as they are found in the
For instance you can use this function to parse a stream and stop at the first s-expression:
exception Got_sexp of Sexp.t
let fetch_sexp stream =
let module P = Parsexp.Sexp_parsing.Eager in
let rec hot_loop state stream stack =
match Stream.peek stream with
| None -> P.feed_eoi state stack
| Some char ->
let stack = P.feed state char stack in
Stream.junk stream;
hot_loop state stream stack
let got_sexp state sexp =
raise_notrace (Got_sexp sexp)
let count = Stream.count stream in
let state = P.State.create ~f:got_sexp ~no_sexp_is_error:true in
match hot_loop state stream P.Stack.empty with
| () -> assert false
| exception (Got_sexp sexp) ->
(* This test is true if the s-expression includes the last character passed to
the parser *)
if P.State.offset state > Stream.count stream - count then Stream.junk stream;
module State : sig ... end
module Stack : Parsexp__.Parsexp_intf.Parser_stack
val feed_string : State.t ‑> Base.string ‑> Stack.t ‑> Stack.t
module Lexbuf_consumer : sig ... end