Module Parsexp.Eager_and_positions.State

include Parsexp__.Parsexp_intf.Parser_state
type t

State of the parser

val create : ?pos:Positions.pos ‑> Base.unit ‑> t

Create a new parser state. pos is the initial position, it defaults to {line=1;col=0;offset=0}.

val reset : ?pos:Positions.pos ‑> t ‑> Base.unit

Reset the given parsing state. The following always succeed:

        reset t ?pos;
        assert (t = create ?pos ())
val offset : t ‑>

Number of characters fed to the parser

val line : t ‑>

Position in the text

val column : t ‑>
val position : t ‑> Positions.pos
val stop : t ‑> Base.unit

Prevent the state from receiving any more characters. Trying to feed more characters will result in an exception, unless the state is reset.

module Read_only : sig ... end
val create : ?pos:Positions.pos ‑> ?no_sexp_is_error:Base.bool ‑> (Read_only.t ‑> parsed_value ‑> Base.unit) ‑> t

create ~f create a new eager parser state. f will be called on each s-expression found. If f raises, then the parser is made unusable (stop t is invoked).

no_sexp_is_error controls the behavior of the parse when the end of input is reached and no s-expression has been found. When no_sexp_is_error is false (the default) feed_eoi just returns (), when it is falsefeed_eoi raises. In any case, if the end of input is reached while parsing an incomplete s-expression such as (abc, error is raised.

f must not save the read-only parser state it receives to access it after returning. It is unspecified what values it will read if it does so.