module Interval_subject : sig ... end
module Raw : sig ... end
A raw or "unfiltered" interest.
Specifically, an Event_generator.t
can produce events given a buffer and a list of
raw interests, which are typically then "filtered" by a Filter.t
(a filter
takes a list of actual interests / Interest.t
An event will only ever match one Interest.Raw.t
(indeed, events are keyed by
raw interests in Event_generator.t
) whereas it could match several distinct
s (e.g., overlapping intervals)
type 'a t
| All of 'a Raw.t |
| In_interval of 'a Raw.t * Interval_subject.t * Core_profiler_disabled.Profiler_units.t * Core.Interval.Int.t |
A t
specifies some subset of the core-profiler file that we're interested in.
include sig ... end
val t_of_sexp : (Sexplib.Sexp.t ‑> 'a) ‑> Sexplib.Sexp.t ‑> 'a t
val sexp_of_t : ('a ‑> Sexplib.Sexp.t) ‑> 'a t ‑> Sexplib.Sexp.t
If this is a filtered interest, this drills down to the 'raw'
unfiltered interest. Currently, this means it retrieves the
first argument of an In_interval
interest, and is the identity
function otherwise.
val string_t_of_sexp : Core.Sexp.t ‑> string t
In the presence of special characters,
Fn.compose string_t_of_string string_t_to_string
might not be the identify
function; indeed, it may even raise an error.
val sexp_of_string_t : string t ‑> Core.Sexp.t
val string_t_of_string : string ‑> string t
val string_t_to_string : string t ‑> string
val lookup_ids : string t ‑> Util.Name_map.t ‑> Core_profiler.Probe_id.t t
val lookup_names : Core_profiler.Probe_id.t t ‑> Reader.Header.t ‑> string t
val id_t_to_string : Core_profiler.Probe_id.t t ‑> Reader.Header.t ‑> string
val spec : Core_profiler.Probe_id.t t ‑> Reader.Header.t ‑> Core_profiler.Probe_type.t
Retrieve the Probe_type.t
associated with this interest, by drilling down to
the relevant Probe_id.t
of the group or single
val is_path : _ t ‑> bool
val coerce_interval_units : Core_profiler.Probe_id.t t ‑> Reader.Header.t ‑> Core_profiler.Probe_id.t t
If necessary, coerce the units of any values in this interest to those that the probe that the interest refers to is quoted in.
val readme : string Core.Lazy.t
val arg_type : string t Core.Command.Spec.Arg_type.t
val list_arg : string t list Core.Command.Spec.param
val default_interests : Reader.Header.t ‑> Core_profiler.Probe_id.t t list
Generate a (hopefully sane) set of default interests for the items in this header