Module Core_kernel__.Core_arg

INRIA's original command-line parsing library.

The Command module is generally recommended over direct use of this library..

include module type of Caml.Arg
type spec = Arg.spec =
| Unit of unit ‑> unit
| Bool of bool ‑> unit
| Set of bool Pervasives.ref
| Clear of bool Pervasives.ref
| String of string ‑> unit
| Set_string of string Pervasives.ref
| Int of int ‑> unit
| Set_int of int Pervasives.ref
| Float of float ‑> unit
| Set_float of float Pervasives.ref
| Tuple of spec list
| Symbol of string list * string ‑> unit
| Rest of string ‑> unit
type key = string
type doc = string
type usage_msg = string
type anon_fun = string ‑> unit
val parse : (key * spec * doc) list ‑> anon_fun ‑> usage_msg ‑> unit
val parse_dynamic : (key * spec * doc) list Pervasives.ref ‑> anon_fun ‑> usage_msg ‑> unit
val parse_argv : ?current:int Pervasives.ref ‑> string array ‑> (key * spec * doc) list ‑> anon_fun ‑> usage_msg ‑> unit
val parse_argv_dynamic : ?current:int Pervasives.ref ‑> string array ‑> (key * spec * doc) list Pervasives.ref ‑> anon_fun ‑> string ‑> unit
exception Help of string
exception Bad of string
val usage : (key * spec * doc) list ‑> usage_msg ‑> unit
val usage_string : (key * spec * doc) list ‑> usage_msg ‑> string
val align : ?limit:int ‑> (key * spec * doc) list ‑> (key * spec * doc) list
val current : int Pervasives.ref
type t = key * spec * doc
val sort_and_align : (key * spec * doc) Core_kernel__.Import.list ‑> (key * spec * doc) Core_kernel__.Import.list

Like align, except that the specification list is also sorted by key