Module Core.Command.Arg_type.Export

values to include in other namespaces

val string : string t
val int : int t

Beware that an anonymous argument of type int cannot be specified as negative, as it is ambiguous whether -1 is a negative number or a flag. (The same applies to float, time_span, etc.) You can use the special built-in "-anon" flag to force a string starting with a hyphen to be interpreted as an anonymous argument rather than as a flag, or you can just make it a parameter to a flag to avoid the issue.

val char : char t
val float : float t
val bool : bool t
val date : Core__.Import.Date.t t
val percent : Core__.Import.Percent.t t
val time : Core__.Import_time.Time.t t
val time_ofday : Core__.Import_time.Time.Ofday.Zoned.t t

requires a time zone

val time_ofday_unzoned : Core__.Import_time.Time.Ofday.t t

for when zone is implied

val time_zone : Core__.Import_time.Time.Zone.t t
val time_span : Core__.Import_time.Time.Span.t t
val file : string t

uses bash autocompletion

val host_and_port : Core__.Import.Host_and_port.t t
val ip_address : Unix.inet_addr t
val sexp : Core__.Import.Sexp.t t
val sexp_conv : (Core__.Import.Sexp.t ‑> 'a) ‑> 'a t