Module Base__Sexp

type t = Sexplib0.Sexp.t =
| Atom of string
| List of t list
val hash_fold_t : Base__.Ppx_hash_lib.Std.Hash.state ‑> t ‑> Base__.Ppx_hash_lib.Std.Hash.state
val hash : t ‑> Base__.Ppx_hash_lib.Std.Hash.hash_value
val compare : t ‑> t ‑> int
include module type of sig ... end with type t := t
type t = Sexplib0__Sexp.t =
| Atom of string
| List of t list
val t_of_sexp : t ‑> t
val sexp_of_t : t ‑> t
val equal : t ‑> t ‑> bool
exception Of_sexp_error of exn * t
val message : string ‑> (string * t) list ‑> t
val default_indent : int Pervasives.ref
val pp_hum : Format.formatter ‑> t ‑> unit
val pp_hum_indent : int ‑> Format.formatter ‑> t ‑> unit
val pp_mach : Format.formatter ‑> t ‑> unit
val pp : Format.formatter ‑> t ‑> unit
val to_string_hum : ?indent:int ‑> t ‑> string
val to_string_mach : t ‑> string
val to_string : t ‑> string
val of_float_style : [ `No_underscores | `Underscores ] Pervasives.ref
val of_int_style : [ `No_underscores | `Underscores ] Pervasives.ref