Module Ecaml__Window0.Tree

module Direction : sig ... end
type t =
| Combination of {
children : t list;
direction : Direction.t;
edges : Edges.t;
| Window of window
val sexp_of_t : t -> Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t
include Ecaml__.Import0.Valueable.S with type t := t
type t
type 'a type_
val of_value_exn : Ecaml_value__.Value0.t -> t
val to_value : t -> Ecaml_value__.Value0.t
val type_ : t type_
val t : t type_
val parent_exn : t -> window -> t

parent_exn t window returns the Combination node that is the parent of Window window in t. If t = Window window, it returns t. Raises if window is not in t.