Module Debug.Slot

type ('variant, 'a) t

A Slot.t represents a slot in a tuple type.

val sexp_of_t : ('variant -> Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t) -> ('a -> Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t) -> ('variant'a) t -> Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t
val equal : ('v'a) t -> ('v'a) t -> bool
val t0 : ([> `S0 of 'a ]'a) t
val t1 : ([> `S1 of 'a ]'a) t
val t2 : ([> `S2 of 'a ]'a) t
val t3 : ([> `S3 of 'a ]'a) t
val t4 : ([> `S4 of 'a ]'a) t
val t5 : ([> `S5 of 'a ]'a) t
val t6 : ([> `S6 of 'a ]'a) t
val t7 : ([> `S7 of 'a ]'a) t
val t8 : ([> `S8 of 'a ]'a) t
val t9 : ([> `S9 of 'a ]'a) t
val t10 : ([> `S10 of 'a ]'a) t
val t11 : ([> `S11 of 'a ]'a) t
val t12 : ([> `S12 of 'a ]'a) t
val t13 : ([> `S13 of 'a ]'a) t