Module Accessor.Of_functor
, Of_functor2
, and Of_functor3
generate map-like functions that work under some "functor", which is like a monad or applicative, except that it only supports map
F : sig ... end
include Accessor__.Applicative_signatures_intf.Functor_s2 with type ('a, _) t := 'a t
include Accessor__.Applicative_signatures_intf.Functor_s3 with type ('a, 'd, _) t := ('a, 'd) t
val map : (Base.unit -> 'a -> 'b, Base.unit -> 'at -> 'bt, [> Subtyping.field ]) accessor -> 'at -> f:('a -> ('b, 'd, 'e) t) -> ('bt, 'd, 'e) t
val mapi : ('i -> 'a -> 'b, Base.unit -> 'at -> 'bt, [> Subtyping.field ]) accessor -> 'at -> f:('i Index.t -> 'a -> ('b, 'd, 'e) t) -> ('bt, 'd, 'e) t
val all : (Base.unit -> ('a, 'd, 'e) t -> 'a, Base.unit -> 'at -> 'bt, [> Subtyping.field ]) accessor -> 'at -> ('bt, 'd, 'e) t