Module Email_message__.Boundary
val sexp_of_t : t -> Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t
type boundary
= t
include Core.Stringable.S with type t := t
module Generator : sig ... end
val generate_non_conflicting_boundary : ?prologue:Email_message.Bigstring_shared.t -> parts:Email_message.String_monoid.t list -> ?epilogue:Email_message.Bigstring_shared.t -> Generator.t -> t
Use the generator to find a boundary that doesn't conflict.
val join_without_checking_for_conflicts : ?prologue:Email_message.Bigstring_shared.t -> parts:Email_message.String_monoid.t list -> ?epilogue:Email_message.Bigstring_shared.t -> t -> Email_message.String_monoid.t
Combine parts using the given boundary. This assumes that the boundary doesn't conflict.
val split : t -> Email_message.Bigstring_shared.t -> Email_message.Bigstring_shared.t option * Email_message.Bigstring_shared.t list * Email_message.Bigstring_shared.t option
Splits a multipart body into a list of messages, and, if there are, an optional prologue and epilogue.
module Stable : sig ... end