Module Netsnmp_raw.Session

Session handling including sending and receiving PDUs from remote peers. See the snmp_sess_open(3) manual page for details

type t
type netsnmp_session
module Snmp_version : sig ... end

Supported SNMP versions

module Snmp_sec_auth_proto : sig ... end

Supported SNMP authentication protocols for V3

val snmp_sess_init : unit -> netsnmp_session

snmp_sess_init - create a netsnmp session ready to open. This function is not thread safe as it loads and parses mibs especially on the first call. The value returned can be discarded once used to open the session with snmp_sess_open.

val snmp_sess_open : netsnmp_session:netsnmp_session -> version:Snmp_version.t -> retries:int -> timeout:int -> peername:string -> localname:string -> local_port:int -> community:string -> securityName:string -> securityAuthProto:Snmp_sec_auth_proto.t -> securityAuthPassword:string -> unit -> t

snmp_sess_open creates a session between the client and host and returns a handle. Raises Failure if the C API fails. The parameters are as follows:

  • netsnmp_session - the value returned from snmp_sess_init - [version - snmp version - [retries] - Number of retries before timeout. - [timeout] - Number of uS until first timeout, then exponential backoff - [peername] - name or address of default peer (may include transport specifier and/or port number) - [localname] - My Domain name or dotted IP address, "" for default - [local_port] - My UDP port number, 0 for default, picked randomly - [community] - V1/V2c community for outgoing requests - ignore by v3. - [securityName] - V3 user name - [securityAuthProto] - V3 auth protocol, this will be converted to the correct oid - [securityAuthPassword] - V3 password, will be converted to securityAuthKey
val snmp_sess_close : t -> unit

snmp_sess_close shuts down the connection and frees resources.

val snmp_sess_synch_response : t -> Pdu.t -> (Oid.t * ASN1_value.t) list

snmp_sess_synch_response t pdu] sends a pdu and returns the response. Note that this is completely synchronous. Raises the following exceptions

  • Netsnmp_exceptions.Response_error (err, msg) for general connection issues, err is the error (Netsnmp_pdu_error.t) and msg the associated error string
  • Netsnmp_exceptions.Request_timeout
  • Netsnmp_exceptions.General_error (syserr, snmperr, errmsg) for general errors. syserr is the system error, snmperr is the SNMP error (Netsnmp_error.t) and errmsg is the error message based on the error codes. Note that the PDU will be freed in all cases