Module Keyboard_event_handler.Condition

type t = Keyboard_event.t -> bool
val true_ : t
val false_ : t
val not_ : t -> t
val and_ : t -> t -> t
val or_ : t -> t -> t
val has_input_target : t

has_input_target returns true if the event target is an input

val has_text_input_target : t

has_text_input_target returns true if the event target is a text input or textarea element

val has_number_input_target : t

has_number_input_target returns true if the event target is a number input

val has_form_element_target : t

has_form_element_target returns true if the event target is part of a form

val has_target_id : id:string -> t

has_target_id returns true if the event target has the given id

val has_target_class : class_:string -> t

has_target_class returns true if the event target has the given class