Module Ecaml__Customization.Type

(Info-goto-node "(elisp)Customization Types")

type t =
| Alist of t * t
| Boolean
| Character
| Choice of t list
| Coding_system
| Color
| Cons of t * t
| Const of Ecaml__.Import.Value.t
| Directory
| Existing_file
| Face
| File
| Float
| Function
| Group of t
| Hook
| Integer
| List of t list
| Number
| Option of string * t
| Plist
| Radio of t list
| Regexp
| Repeat of t
| Set of t list
| Sexp
| String
| Symbol
| Tagged_string of string
| Variable
| Vector of t list
val sexp_of_t : t -> Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t
val enum : 'a list -> ('a -> Ecaml__.Import.Value.t) -> t