Module Ecaml.Command

(Info-goto-node "(elisp)Command Loop")

A Command.t is an Elisp value satsifying commandp. (describe-function 'commandp)

include Ecaml__.Import0.Value.Subtype
type value
type t = private value

We expose private value for free identity conversions when the value is nested in some covariant type, e.g. (symbols : Symbol.t list :> Value.t list) rather than symbols ~f:Symbol.to_value.

val sexp_of_t : t -> Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t
val eq : t -> t -> bool

eq t1 t2 = Value.eq (to_value t1) (to_value t2), i.e. eq checks whether the Emacs values underlying t1 and t2 are physically equal. This is different than phys_equal t1 t2, because we don't always wrap eq Emacs values in phys_equal OCaml values. I.e. phys_equal t1 t2 implies eq t1 t2, but not the converse.

val is_in_subtype : value -> bool
include Ecaml_value__.Valueable0.S with type t := t
type t
type 'a type_
val of_value_exn : Ecaml_value__.Value0.t -> t
val to_value : t -> Ecaml_value__.Value0.t
val type_ : t type_
val t : t type_
module Raw_prefix_argument : sig ... end

(Info-goto-node "(elisp)Prefix Command Arguments")

val history : unit -> Ecaml__.Import0.Form.t list

(describe-variable 'command-history) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Command History")

val call_interactively : ?⁠raw_prefix_argument:Raw_prefix_argument.t -> ?⁠record:bool -> Ecaml__.Import0.Value.t -> unit Async_kernel.Deferred.t

(describe-function 'call-interactively) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Interactive Call")

val inhibit_quit : bool Var.t

(describe-variable 'inhibit-quit) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Quitting")

val quit_flag : bool Var.t

(describe-variable 'quit-flag) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Quitting")

val quit_requested : unit -> bool
val request_quit : unit -> unit