Module Core_kernel__.Memo
val general : ?hashable:'a Core_kernel.Hashtbl.Hashable.t -> ? -> ('a -> 'b) -> ('a, 'b) fn
Returns a memoized version of any function with a single argument. The default caching policy is to remember everything for the lifetime of the returned closure, but one may specify an upper bound on cache size. Whenever a cache entry must be forgotten in order to obey this bound, we pick the least-recently-used one.
Raises an exception if
is negative or zero.Note: the input function must take _only_ one argument; to memoize a function with multiple arguments, pack them up in a tuple. See ../test/src/memo_argument.mlt for some examples.
val unit : (Core_kernel__.Import.unit -> 'a) -> (Core_kernel__.Import.unit, 'a) fn
efficient special case for argument type
val of_comparable : (module Core_kernel.Comparable.S_plain with type t = 'a) -> ('a -> 'b) -> ('a, 'b) fn
Use a comparable instead of hashable type