Module Bin_prot__Write
Writing values to the binary protocol using (mostly) OCaml.
type 'a writer
= Bin_prot.Common.buf -> pos:Bin_prot.Common.pos -> 'a -> Bin_prot.Common.pos
Type of writer functions for the binary protocol. They take a buffer, a write position and a value, and return the next position after writing out the value.
type ('a, 'b) writer1
= 'a writer -> 'b writer
type ('a, 'b, 'c) writer2
= 'a writer -> ('b, 'c) writer1
type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) writer3
= 'a writer -> ('b, 'c, 'd) writer2
val bin_write_unit : unit writer
val bin_write_bool : bool writer
val bin_write_string : string writer
val bin_write_bytes : bytes writer
val bin_write_char : char writer
val bin_write_int : int writer
val bin_write_nat0 : Bin_prot.Nat0.t writer
val bin_write_float : float writer
val bin_write_int32 : int32 writer
val bin_write_int64 : int64 writer
val bin_write_nativeint : nativeint writer
val bin_write_ref : ('a, 'a Stdlib.ref) writer1
val bin_write_lazy : ('a, 'a lazy_t) writer1
val bin_write_option : ('a, 'a option) writer1
val bin_write_pair : ('a, 'b, 'a * 'b) writer2
val bin_write_triple : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'a * 'b * 'c) writer3
val bin_write_list : ('a, 'a list) writer1
val bin_write_array : ('a, 'a array) writer1
val bin_write_hashtbl : ('a, 'b, ('a, 'b) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t) writer2
val bin_write_float32_vec : Bin_prot.Common.vec32 writer
val bin_write_float64_vec : Bin_prot.Common.vec64 writer
val bin_write_vec : Bin_prot.Common.vec writer
val bin_write_float32_mat : Bin_prot.Common.mat32 writer
val bin_write_float64_mat : Bin_prot.Common.mat64 writer
val bin_write_mat : Bin_prot.Common.mat writer
val bin_write_bigstring : Bin_prot.Common.buf writer
val bin_write_float_array : float array writer
val bin_write_md5 : Md5_lib.t writer
val bin_write_variant_int : int writer
writes out the exact little-endian bit representation of the variant tag of the given value (= 32 bits).
val bin_write_int_8bit : int writer
writes out the exact little-endian bit representation of the givenint
value using the lower 8 bits.
val bin_write_int_16bit : int writer
writes out the exact little-endian bit representation of the givenint
value using the lower 16 bits.
val bin_write_int_32bit : int writer
writes out the exact little-endian bit representation of the givenint
value using the lower 32 bits.
val bin_write_int_64bit : int writer
writes out the exact little-endian bit representation of the givenint
value using all 64 bits. On 32bit platforms negative numbers will be sign-extended in the 64bit representation.
val bin_write_int64_bits : int64 writer
writes out the exact little-endian bit representation of the givenint64
val bin_write_network16_int : int writer
writes out an integer in 16bit network byte order (= big-endian).
val bin_write_network32_int : int writer
writes out an integer in 32bit network byte order (= big-endian).
val bin_write_network32_int32 : int32 writer
writes out a 32bit integer in 32bit network byte order (= big-endian).
val bin_write_network64_int : int writer
writes out an integer in 64bit network byte order (= big-endian).
val bin_write_network64_int64 : int64 writer
writes out a 64bit integer in 64bit network byte order (= big-endian).
val bin_write_array_no_length : ('a, 'a array) writer1
writes out all values in the given array without writing out its length.