Module Hashtbl.Creators



type ('a, 'b) t_ = ('a Key.t'b) t
val t_of_sexp : (Base.Sexp.t -> 'a Key.t) -> (Base.Sexp.t -> 'b) -> Base.Sexp.t -> ('a'b) t_
include Creators_generic with type ('a, 'b) t := ('a'b) t_ with type 'a key := 'a Key.t with type ('key, 'data, 'a) create_options := ('key'data'a) create_options_without_first_class_module
type ('a, 'b) t
type 'a key
type ('key, 'data, 'z) create_options
val create : ('a key'b, unit -> ('a'b) t) create_options
val of_alist : ('a key'b('a key * 'b) list -> [ `Ok of ('a'b) t | `Duplicate_key of 'a key ]) create_options
val of_alist_report_all_dups : ('a key'b('a key * 'b) list -> [ `Ok of ('a'b) t | `Duplicate_keys of 'a key list ]) create_options
val of_alist_or_error : ('a key'b('a key * 'b) list -> ('a'b) t Base.Or_error.t) create_options
val of_alist_exn : ('a key'b('a key * 'b) list -> ('a'b) t) create_options
val of_alist_multi : ('a key'b list('a key * 'b) list -> ('a'b list) t) create_options
val create_mapped : ('a key'bget_key:('r -> 'a key) -> get_data:('r -> 'b) -> 'r list -> [ `Ok of ('a'b) t | `Duplicate_keys of 'a key list ]) create_options
create_mapped get_key get_data [x1,...,xn]
= of_alist [get_key x1, get_data x1; ...; get_key xn, get_data xn] 
val create_with_key : ('a key'rget_key:('r -> 'a key) -> 'r list -> [ `Ok of ('a'r) t | `Duplicate_keys of 'a key list ]) create_options
create_with_key ~get_key [x1,...,xn]
= of_alist [get_key x1, x1; ...; get_key xn, xn] 
val create_with_key_or_error : ('a key'rget_key:('r -> 'a key) -> 'r list -> ('a'r) t Base.Or_error.t) create_options
val create_with_key_exn : ('a key'rget_key:('r -> 'a key) -> 'r list -> ('a'r) t) create_options
val group : ('a key'bget_key:('r -> 'a key) -> get_data:('r -> 'b) -> combine:('b -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'r list -> ('a'b) t) create_options