Module type Blit_intf.Blit
type nonrec ('src, 'dst) blit
= ('src, 'dst) blit
type nonrec ('src, 'dst) blito
= ('src, 'dst) blito
type nonrec ('src, 'dst) sub
= ('src, 'dst) sub
type nonrec ('src, 'dst) subo
= ('src, 'dst) subo
module Make : functor (Sequence : sig ... end) -> S with type t := Sequence.t
is for blitting between two values of the same monomorphic type.
module Make_distinct : functor (Src : Sequence) -> functor (Dst : sig ... end) -> S_distinct with type src := Src.t with type dst := Dst.t
is for blitting between values of distinct monomorphic types.
module Make1 : functor (Sequence : Sequence1) -> S1 with type 'a t := 'a Sequence.t
is for blitting between two values of the same polymorphic type.
module Make1_generic : functor (Sequence : Sequence1) -> S1 with type 'a t := 'a Sequence.t
is for blitting between two values of the same container type that's not fully polymorphic (in the sense of Container.Generic).