Module Ascii_table

module Color : sig ... end
module Attr : sig ... end
module Align : sig ... end
module Display : sig ... end
module Column : sig ... end
type ('row, 'rest) renderer = ?⁠display:Display.t -> ?⁠spacing:int -> ?⁠limit_width_to:int -> ?⁠header_attr:Attr.t list -> ?⁠bars:[ `Ascii | `Unicode ] -> ?⁠display_empty_rows:bool -> 'row Column.t list -> 'row list -> 'rest
val output : (_, oc:Core.Out_channel.t -> unit) renderer

The idea is that you have a Column.t list and a list of rows, where each row contains the data for each column. So e.g. 'a could be a record type col_1 : int; col_2 : string, where the first column pulls out col_1 and the second column pulls out col_2. *

val to_string_noattr : (_, string) renderer
val to_string : (_, string) renderer
val simple_list_table : ?⁠index:bool -> ?⁠limit_width_to:int -> ?⁠oc:Core.Out_channel.t -> ?⁠display:Display.t -> string list -> string list list -> unit
module Table_char : sig ... end