Module Patdiff_lib.Configuration

val warn_if_no_trailing_newline_in_both_default : bool
type t = private {
output : Patdiff_core.Output.t;
rules : Patdiff_core.Format.Rules.t;
ext_cmp : string option;
float_tolerance : Core.Percent.t option;
produce_unified_lines : bool;
unrefined : bool;
keep_ws : bool;
split_long_lines : bool;
interleave : bool;
assume_text : bool;
context : int;
line_big_enough : int;
word_big_enough : int;
shallow : bool;
quiet : bool;
double_check : bool;
mask_uniques : bool;
old_alt : string option;
new_alt : string option;
location_style : Patdiff_core.Format.Location_style.t;
warn_if_no_trailing_newline_in_both : bool;
val warn_if_no_trailing_newline_in_both : t -> bool
val location_style : t -> Patdiff_core.Format.Location_style.t
val new_alt : t -> string option
val old_alt : t -> string option
val mask_uniques : t -> bool
val double_check : t -> bool
val quiet : t -> bool
val shallow : t -> bool
val word_big_enough : t -> int
val line_big_enough : t -> int
val context : t -> int
val assume_text : t -> bool
val interleave : t -> bool
val split_long_lines : t -> bool
val keep_ws : t -> bool
val unrefined : t -> bool
val produce_unified_lines : t -> bool
val float_tolerance : t -> Core.Percent.t option
val ext_cmp : t -> string option
val rules : t -> Patdiff_core.Format.Rules.t
val output : t -> Patdiff_core.Output.t
module Fields : sig ... end
include Core.Invariant.S with type t := t
type t
val invariant : t Base__.Invariant_intf.inv
val override : ?⁠output:Patdiff_core.Output.t -> ?⁠rules:Patdiff_core.Format.Rules.t -> ?⁠ext_cmp:string option -> ?⁠float_tolerance:Core.Percent.t option -> ?⁠produce_unified_lines:bool -> ?⁠unrefined:bool -> ?⁠keep_ws:bool -> ?⁠split_long_lines:bool -> ?⁠interleave:bool -> ?⁠assume_text:bool -> ?⁠context:int -> ?⁠line_big_enough:int -> ?⁠word_big_enough:int -> ?⁠shallow:bool -> ?⁠quiet:bool -> ?⁠double_check:bool -> ?⁠mask_uniques:bool -> ?⁠old_alt:string option -> ?⁠new_alt:string option -> ?⁠location_style:Patdiff_core.Format.Location_style.t -> ?⁠warn_if_no_trailing_newline_in_both:bool -> t -> t
val load : ?⁠quiet_errors:bool -> string -> t option
val dark_bg : t Core.Lazy.t
val light_bg : t Core.Lazy.t
module Config : sig ... end
module Old_config : sig ... end
val parse : Config.t -> t
val default : string

A default config, suitable for writing to ~/.patdiff or passing to

fun default -> parse ([%of_sexp: Config.t] (Sexp.of_string default))


val get_config : ?⁠filename:string -> unit -> t

Reads a config from filename, which by default is ~/.patdiff. If ~filename:"" is passed or filename cannot be read, returns default.