Module Ecaml__.Current_buffer0
include Ecaml__.Current_buffer0_intf.Current_buffer0
include Ecaml__.Current_buffer0_intf.Current_buffer0_public
val get : unit -> Ecaml__.Buffer0.t
(describe-function 'current-buffer)
val set : Ecaml__.Buffer0.t -> unit
(describe-function 'set-buffer)
val set_temporarily : Ecaml__.Buffer0.t -> f:(unit -> 'a) -> 'a
set_temporarily t ~f
with the current buffer set tot
.(describe-function 'with-current-buffer)
val symbol_value : Ecaml.Symbol.t -> Ecaml__.Import0.Value.t
(describe-function 'symbol-value)
val value : 'a Ecaml.Var.t -> 'a option
(describe-function 'symbol-value)
val value_exn : 'a Ecaml.Var.t -> 'a
(describe-function 'symbol-value)
val value_opt_exn : 'a option Ecaml.Var.t -> 'a
is likevalue_exn
, except that it raises if the variable is defined butNone
. This is useful for buffer-local variables of type'a option
, with a default value of nil.
val set_value : 'a Ecaml.Var.t -> 'a -> unit
(describe-function 'set)
val set_values : Ecaml.Var.And_value.t list -> unit
val clear_value : 'a Ecaml.Var.t -> unit
(describe-function 'makunbound)
val set_value_temporarily : 'a Ecaml.Var.t -> 'a -> f:(unit -> 'b) -> 'b
val set_values_temporarily : Ecaml.Var.And_value.t list -> f:(unit -> 'a) -> 'a
val has_non_null_value : _ Ecaml.Var.t -> bool
(describe-function 'bound-and-true-p
module Q : sig ... end