Module Write.By_row

type row = string list
val output_lines : ?⁠quote:char -> ?⁠sep:char -> ?⁠eol:[ `Dos | `Unix ] -> Core_kernel.Out_channel.t -> row list -> unit

Prints a valid csv file to a given channel. The eol arg can be used to override the default line ending of "\r\n" (DOS line endings). Example ~eol:`Unix to get *nix line endings

val line_to_string : ?⁠quote:char -> ?⁠sep:char -> row -> string

Convert one CSV line to a string.

val of_writer : ?⁠sep:char -> ?⁠line_breaks:[ `Unix | `Windows ] -> Async.Writer.t -> string list Async.Pipe.Writer.t
val create_writer : ?⁠sep:char -> ?⁠line_breaks:[ `Unix | `Windows ] -> string -> string list Async.Pipe.Writer.t Async.Deferred.t