
Module Container_intf

This file has generic signatures for container data structures, with standard functions (iter, fold, exists, for_all, ...) that one would expect to find in any container. The idea is to include Container.S0 or Container.S1 in the signature for every container-like data structure (Array, List, String, ...) to ensure a consistent interface.


module type S0 = sig .. end
module type S0_phantom = sig .. end
module type S1 = sig .. end
module type S1_phantom_invariant = sig .. end
module type S1_phantom = sig .. end
module type S1_permissions = sig .. end
module type Generic = sig .. end
module type Generic_phantom = sig .. end
module type Make_gen_arg = sig .. end
module type Make_arg = Make_gen_arg with type 'a elt := 'a Monad.Ident.t
module type Make0_arg = sig .. end
module type Container = sig .. end