
Module Binary_searchable_intf

Module types for a binary_search function for a sequence, and functors for building binary_search functions.


module type Indexable_without_tests = sig .. end
An Indexable type is a finite sequence of elements indexed by consecutive integers 0 ...
module type Indexable = sig .. end
module type Indexable1_without_tests = sig .. end
module type Indexable1 = sig .. end
type ('t, 'elt) binary_search = ?pos:int -> ?len:int -> 't -> compare:('elt -> 'elt -> int) -> [
| `Last_strictly_less_than
| `Last_less_than_or_equal_to
| `Last_equal_to
| `First_equal_to
| `First_greater_than_or_equal_to
| `First_strictly_greater_than
] -> 'elt -> int option
type ('t, 'elt) binary_search_segmented = ?pos:int -> ?len:int -> 't -> segment_of:('elt -> [
| `Left
| `Right
]) -> [
| `Last_on_left
| `First_on_right
] -> int option
module type S = sig .. end
module type S1 = sig .. end
module type S1_permissions = sig .. end
module type Binary_searchable = sig .. end