
Module Iobuf_intf


type no_seek

no_seek and seek are phantom types used in a similar manner to read and read_write.

like read

val sexp_of_no_seek : no_seek -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
type seek = private no_seek

like read

like read_write

val sexp_of_seek : seek -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
module type Accessors = sig .. end
A collection of iobuf access functions.
module type Bound = sig .. end
An iobuf window bound, either upper or lower.
type ('src, 'dst) consuming_blit = src:'src -> dst:'dst -> dst_pos:int -> len:int -> unit
type ('src, 'dst) consuming_blito = src:'src -> ?src_len:int -> dst:'dst -> ?dst_pos:int -> unit -> unit
module type Consuming_blit = sig .. end
module Unix = Core_unix