Module Pool_intf

module Pool_intf: sig .. end
A manual memory manager for a set of mutable tuples.

A pool stores a bounded-size set of tuples, where client code is responsible for explicitly controlling when the pool allocates and frees tuples. One creates a pool of a certain capacity, which returns an empty pool that can hold that many tuples. One then uses new to allocate a tuple, which returns a Pointer.t to the tuple. One then uses get and set along with the pointer to get and set slots of the tuple. Finally, one free's a pointer to the pool's memory for a tuple, making the memory available for subsequent reuse.

The point of Pool is to allocate a single long-lived block of memory (the pool) that lives in the OCaml major heap, and then to reuse the block, rather than continually allocating blocks on the minor heap.

In typical usage, one wraps up a pool with an abstract interface, giving nice names to the tuple slots, and only exposing mutation where desired.

All the usual problems with manual memory allocation are present with pools:

There is a debugging functor, Pool.Error_check, that is useful for building pools to help debug incorrect pointer usage.

A manual memory manager for a set of mutable tuples.

A pool stores a bounded-size set of tuples, where client code is responsible for explicitly controlling when the pool allocates and frees tuples. One creates a pool of a certain capacity, which returns an empty pool that can hold that many tuples. One then uses new to allocate a tuple, which returns a Pointer.t to the tuple. One then uses get and set along with the pointer to get and set slots of the tuple. Finally, one free's a pointer to the pool's memory for a tuple, making the memory available for subsequent reuse.

The point of Pool is to allocate a single long-lived block of memory (the pool) that lives in the OCaml major heap, and then to reuse the block, rather than continually allocating blocks on the minor heap.

In typical usage, one wraps up a pool with an abstract interface, giving nice names to the tuple slots, and only exposing mutation where desired.

All the usual problems with manual memory allocation are present with pools:

There is a debugging functor, Pool.Error_check, that is useful for building pools to help debug incorrect pointer usage.
module type S = sig .. end
S is the module type for a pool.
module type Pool = sig .. end

A manual memory manager for a set of mutable tuples.

A pool stores a bounded-size set of tuples, where client code is responsible for explicitly controlling when the pool allocates and frees tuples. One creates a pool of a certain capacity, which returns an empty pool that can hold that many tuples. One then uses new to allocate a tuple, which returns a Pointer.t to the tuple. One then uses get and set along with the pointer to get and set slots of the tuple. Finally, one free's a pointer to the pool's memory for a tuple, making the memory available for subsequent reuse.

The point of Pool is to allocate a single long-lived block of memory (the pool) that lives in the OCaml major heap, and then to reuse the block, rather than continually allocating blocks on the minor heap.

In typical usage, one wraps up a pool with an abstract interface, giving nice names to the tuple slots, and only exposing mutation where desired.

All the usual problems with manual memory allocation are present with pools:

There is a debugging functor, Pool.Error_check, that is useful for building pools to help debug incorrect pointer usage.

S is the module type for a pool.

A pointer to a tuple in a pool. 'slots will look like ('a1, ..., 'an), and the tuples have type 'a1 * ... * 'an.

The null pointer is a distinct pointer that does not correspond to a tuple in the pool. It is a function to prevent problems due to the value restriction.

Pointer ids are serializable, but have no other operations.

A pool. 'slots will look like ('a1, ..., 'an), and the pool holds tuples of type 'a1 * ... * 'an.

pointer_is_valid t pointer returns true iff pointer points to a live tuple in t, i.e. pointer is not null, not free, and is in the range of t.

A pointer might not be in the range of a pool if it comes from another pool for example. In this case unsafe_get/set functions would cause a segfault.

id_of_pointer t pointer returns an id that is unique for the lifetime of pointer's tuple. When the tuple is freed, the id is no longer valid, and pointer_of_id_exn will fail on it. Pointer.null () has a distinct id from all non-null pointers.

pointer_of_id_exn t id returns the pointer corresponding to id. It fails if the tuple corresponding to id was already freed.

pointer_of_id_exn_is_supported says whether the implementation supports pointer_of_id_exn; if not, it will always raise. We can not use the usual idiom of making pointer_of_id_exn be an Or_error.t due to problems with the value restriction.

create slots ~capacity ~dummy creates an empty pool that can hold up to capacity N-tuples. The slots of dummy are stored in free tuples. create raises if capacity < 0.

capacity returns the maximum number of tuples that the pool can hold.

length returns the number of tuples currently in the pool.

        0 <= length t <= capacity t

grow t ~capacity returns a new pool t' with the supplied capacity. The new pool is to be used as a replacement for t. All live tuples in t are now live in t', and valid pointers to tuples in t are now valid pointers to the identical tuple in t'. It is an error to use t after calling grow t.

grow raises if the supplied capacity isn't larger than capacity t.

default is 2 * capacity t

is_full t returns true if no more tuples can be allocated in t.

free t pointer frees the tuple pointed to by pointer from t.

unsafe_free t pointer frees the tuple pointed to by pointer without checking pointer_is_valid

new<N> t a0 ... a<N-1> returns a new tuple from the pool, with the tuple's slots initialized to a0 ... a<N-1>. new raises if is_full t.

get_tuple t pointer allocates an OCaml tuple isomorphic to the pool t's tuple pointed to by pointer. The tuple gets copied, but its slots do not.

get t pointer slot gets slot of the tuple pointed to by pointer in pool t.

set t pointer slot a sets to a the slot of the tuple pointed to by pointer in pool t.

In get and set, it is an error to refer to a pointer that has been freed. It is also an error to use a pointer with any pool other than the one the pointer was new'd from or grown to. These errors will lead to undefined behavior, but will not segfault.

unsafe_get is comparable in speed to get for immediate values, and 5%-10% faster for pointers.

unsafe_get and unsafe_set skip bounds checking, and can thus segfault.

This uses an Obj_array.t to implement the pool. We expose that Pointer.t is an int so that OCaml can avoid the write barrier, due to knowing that Pointer.t isn't an OCaml pointer.

An Unsafe pool is like an ordinary pool, except that the create function does not require an initial element. The pool stores Obj.magic () as the dummy value for each slot. Such a pool is only safe if one never accesses a slot from a freed tuple.

It makes sense to use Unsafe if one has a small constrained chunk of code where one can prove that one never accesses a freed tuple, and one needs a pool where it is difficult to construct a dummy value.

create slots ~capacity creates an empty pool that can hold up to capacity N-tuples. The elements of a free tuple may contain stale and/or invalid values for their types, and as such any access to a free tuple from this pool is unsafe.

Debug builds a pool in which every function can run invariant on its pool argument(s) and/or print a debug message to stderr, as determined by !check_invariant and !show_messages, which are initially both true.

The performance of the pool resulting from Debug is much worse than that of the input Pool, even with all the controls set to false.

Error_check builds a pool that has additional error checking for pointers, in particular to detect using a freed pointer or multiply freeing a pointer.

Error_check has a significant performance cost, but less than that of Debug.

One can compose Debug and Error_check, e.g:

        module M = Debug (Error_check (Obj_array))