Functor Debug.Make

module Make: 
functor (M : sig
end) -> sig .. end
Debug.Make produces a debug function used to wrap a function to display arguments before calling and display results after returning. Intended usage is:

      module Foo = struct
        type t = ...
        let invariant = ...
        let bar t x y : Result.t = ...
      module Foo_debug = struct
        open Foo
        include Debug.Make ()
        let debug x = debug invariant ~module_name:"Foo" x
        let bar t x y =
          debug "bar" [t] (t, x, y) <:sexp_of< t * X.t * Y.t >> <:sexp_of< Result.t >>
            (fun () -> bar t x y)

M : sig end

val check_invariant : bool Pervasives.ref
val show_messages : bool Pervasives.ref
val debug : 't Invariant.t ->
module_name:string ->
string ->
't list ->
'args ->
('args -> Sexplib.Sexp.t) ->
('result -> Sexplib.Sexp.t) -> (unit -> 'result) -> 'result